chapter 103

395 13 3

gabbys pov

~6 months later~

mine and hayes birthdays just passed, i'm now 6 1/2 months along, everyone's being so helpful and supportive.

zac had a baby boy and named him john.

we looked for a house for a little while and finally found one, 5 bedrooms. we love it, it feels like home and i'm ready for these 2 little babies to come into the world.

my belly is huge now considering i'm 6 1/2 months pregnant with 2 kids that are probably gonna be chubby and cute because of how much hayes makes me eat now.

I woke up to hayes' alarm going off, usually he wakes right up but he didn't.

"babe get up for work. i'll go make coffee" i said and kissed his cheek.

he didn't move or say anything, "hayes" i said

nothing. i started shaking him, nothing, he was limp.

"hayes if this is a joke stop i'm calling 911" i said and started freaking out.

nothing. he's breathing which is good but no movement and he won't wake up.

i called 911 and an ambulance is on the way.

i sprinted down stairs and opened the door and saw an ambulance pulling down the block.

i ran out and then realized i was in underwear and a tshirt but i don't care.

they followed me upstairs and put 2 iv's in him and took him on the stretcher.

"can i come?" i asked

"it's best if you meet us there" the paramedic said

they left.

i put on leggings and a put my hair up and grabbed my keys and ran to the car.

i drove as fast as i could, tears were streaming down my face. i was a mess.

i called nash.

n-nash g-gab
n-it's 5 in the morning, what is wrong with you
g-it's hayes, please just come to the hospital
n-oh my god you're serious. i'll be right there

i hung up and got to the hospital and ran in, "stop running love, if you fall on that belly you're gonna regret it" some man said

i ignored him and kept running.

i got to the ER and saw them rolling hayes back, he was still asleep.

"grier, hayes grier" i said at the front desk.

"he just came in, a doctor hasn't even seen him yet. it'll be a little while, do you need some water? don't stress too much." she said

"i'm okay thanks" i said and sat down.

i saw nash come in followed by all the guys.

i stood up and walked over to nash, "what happened?" he asked

"i don't know, he didn't wake up to his alarm but he always does. so i tried waking him up but he wouldn't move. he's breathing but that's it" i said

love of my life (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora