chapter 26

651 18 7

gabbys POV

I woke up to my alarm blaring and I got changed into a plain black dress and converse and put my hair up and did my makeup.

I went downstairs and everyone was ready, none of us really talked, we're all scared.

we got in Zacs car and drove to court and I saw my uncle mark and aunt Jane and ignored them and went in and sat down.

"hi we are here to today for mark and Jane Funk to gain custody of Gabrilla efron, could Gabriella please Come to the stand and say her opinion" the judge said

I went up and started talking, "I want to live with my brothers zac and Dylan, we have been trough everything together. zac takes such good care of me and Dylan and I don't wanna be taken from my family. those 2 people sitting over there filing for my custody are complete strangers, they haven't been there for a single thing in my life and zac hasn't missed one. I don't wanna be taken from my family they mean too much to me" I said and sat down.

"now Jane funk" the judge said

she got up and started talking, "zac is a drug addict who should not be aloud to have the custody of a young girl. she needs a loving and safe home which I can provide. I will treat her as my own child and care for her. zac is too young and unresponsible for the care of a 14 year old girl" Jane said

"she's 15" zac said

"that's enough, now zac please tell your side" the judge said.

"Gabriella is my everything, I'm now clean and still going to checkups and drug tests every week. I care for that kid better than I've ever cared for anyone. I love her so much  and would never let her get hurt. she is my family and I don't want to lose her. she's stuck by my thought everything, we've faced problems together and I hope we still can. I love that kid to no end" zac said

"okay well zac you are a famous 23 year old boy. drugs are in your past recently and that is not safe for a young child. custody of Gabriella efron is given to me and Mrs funk, court is adjured" the judge said

"no" I started crying in Zacs arms.

"Gabriella come on, our flight leaves in an hour" Jane said

"no I'm not leaving no you can't do this" I cried and held onto zac as tight as I could.

mark tried pulling me off but I held onto zac for dear life.

he pulled me off and I kicked and hit him and hard as I could while he took me away and I looked over his shoulder and just saw zac crying and Dylan crying and dave crying and kayla crying, all just looking at me.


before I knew it I was in a taxi on my way to the airport.

"aren't you happy you can have a life now" my uncle mark said

I gave him a death glare, they kept trying to talk to me and I just ignored them, they are not gonna get 1 single word out of me until the day I leave and say, "bye you are 2 pieces of crap"

we got to the airport and went through security and got on the plane.

I put headphones in and blasted my music and texted Hayes.

h-Hayes g-gab
g-I love you forever, don't forget that
h-And I'm never gonna story loving you. can we hang out today after court?
g-I'm on a flight to New York
h-no gab please tell me you're lying, they didn't win.
g-yeah they did, they took me from my family.
h-oh my god, this isn't fair, you should be here
g-I know.

I texted zac. Z-zac g-gabby
g-I love you zac, ill be back on my 18th birthday, thanks for everything
z-this number is no longer available

what the hell, they're not gonna let me text him either.

the plane landed and we got to the house soon.

"here's you're new room" my uncle said and led me to a tiny, cold bedroom, this house was disgusting, and old and dirty.

I sat down on the bed, "can I get you anything?" he asked

"yeah maybe a family" I said, I decide I'll say stuff but all mean stuff.

"we are a family" he said

"no ill never consider you family, you're a piece of crap" I said

"oh now you don't mean that" he said

"yeah I do, you took me from my family, you ruined my life, i hate you" I said.

I felt a sharp burning pain, he slapped me across the face.

he beat me till I blacked out.

love of my life (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora