chapter 53

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gabbys POV

I woke up to kayla getting out of bed.

"good morning" I said

"morning" she said and sounded down.

"what's wrong?" I asked

"nothing" she said and got up and stormed out of the room.

I got up and felt much better, I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth then went downstairs and saw kayla siting at the counter on her phone.

"hey Kay" Hayes said and leaned over be and grabbed a banana.

"hey Hayes" she said

"hey Kay" I said

"bye" she said and got up and went out back.

"what did you do?" he asked

"not a clue" I said

"how are you feeling?" he asked

"much better, thank you for everything" I said and hugged him then gave him a kiss.

"you smell like shit, go shower" Hayes said

"I know" I said

"I have to deal with kayla first" I said

"good luck" Hayes said

I went outside and saw kayla sitting on the porch swing.

"can we talk?" I asked

"about what? about how we never talk anymore? about how I need my sister back? about how we haven't even hugged in weeks? about how you don't even notice I'm here anymore? about how I miss having you?" she yelled

"I'm sorry gab, everything's been so hectic, it's over now. I'm here from now on, not going anywhere. can you please drop this and give me one more chance starting right here?" I asked

"I guess" she said

"come give me a hug" I said and she got up and hugged me.

"I love you" I said

"I love you too" she said

we went back inside and Hayes was making breakfast.

"you girls want some pancakes?" he asked

"yes please" kayla said

"after I shower" I said

I went upstairs and got in the shower then put Hayes clothes on.

I went downstairs and remembered that today is my license test, I already got myself a car.

"Hayes can you drive me home after breakfast so I can get clothes and today's my license test is there any way you can take me?" I asked

"yeah of course then how about we go out to lunch?" Hayes asked

"yeah sounds good, kayla you coming?" I asked

love of my life (Hayes Grier)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora