The unexpected Luna

By its_that_girl_rhyan

48.1K 1K 52

Rhyan thought going to the club for her 15th birthday would be just a normal night. Well everything changes w... More

The unexpected luna
Ch. 1 - The club
Ch. 2 - we meet again
Ch. 3 - a cookout
Ch. 4 - a birthday dinner
Ch. 5 - a new schedule
Ch. 6 - the river & a new friend
Ch. 7 - youre a what?!
Ch. 8 - meeting the pack
Chapter 9 - apologies & facts
Ch. 10 - a new roommate
Ch. 11 - crossing boundaries
Ch. 12 - breakfast & a surprise
Ch. 13 - The substitute
Ch. 14 - a special invite.
Ch. 15 - Fights and cupcakes
Ch. 17 - you date who?!
Ch. 16 - all about Cheyenne
Ch. 18 - guest house?
Ch. 19 - an old friend.
Ch. 20 - nightmares & singing
Ch. 21 - boardwalk and surprises
Ch. 22 - unwanted guests
Ch. 23 - getting closer
Ch 24 - many surprises pt. l
Ch 25 - many surprises pt. 2
Ch. 26 - game on!!
Ch. 27 - i dont care
Ch. 28 - new tattoos?!
Ch. 29 - home sweet home
Ch. 31 - club drama
Ch. 32 - new room and facts
Ch. 33 - splatter clubing
Ch. 34 - returning & introductions
Ch. 35 - explanations
Ch. 36 - moving in & rogues
Ch. 37 - the festival
Ch. 38 - fancy dresses
Ch. 39 - back to hell and shocks
Ch. 40 - but....he can't be!
Ch. 41 - agreements
Ch. 42 - tryouts and callbacks
Ch. 43 - callbacks and flashbacks
Ch. 44 - secrets revealed
Ch. 45 - mousey & explanations
Ch. 46 - shocker!!
Ch. 47 - finally
Ch. 48 - crying gets old
Ch. 49 - climbing
Ch. 50 - why?
Ch. 51 - face off
Ch. 52 - family
Ch. 53 - dinners
Ch. 57 - Sam and Kayla
Ch. 58 - Taylor Swift
Ch. 59 - scared for my life
Ch. 60 - very unexpected
Ch. 61 - departcher day
Ch. 62 - sad news
Ch. 63 - kids & horses
Ch. 64 - early
MUST READ!!!!!!!
Ch. 65 - seriously?
Ch. 66 - why? I dont understand
Ch. 67 - please forgive me!!
Ch. 68 - Ghandi?
Ch. 69 - surprising myself
Ch. 70 - Darkness. Silence. Fear
Ch. 71 - i can and i will!
Ch. 72 - Loud and Proud
Ch. 73 - pups?
Ch. 75 - Lynn
Ch. 76 - my preciouses
Ch. 77 - Final Chappy!!!

Ch. 30 - a new life

554 12 2
By its_that_girl_rhyan

I just want to make a quick note on here and say thank you to ShaniceBaker for commenting and continuously reading.


As we pulled into the pack's parking lot, I looked back and saw how she kept getting more and more nervous the farther we drove.

"It'll be fine." I smiled, gently placing a hand on her knee. She gave me a nervous smile.

Chase parked the car and we all climbed out. We entered the house and I was literally tackled to the ground by none other then Lauren.

"I missed you so much! How could you leave me with theses people for a week?!" She hollered, tightening her grip on me with every word she spoke.

I looked up at Chase with pleading eyes.

"Alright, alright, alright. That's enough with the choking people." He said, helping us both of the floor.

"And who is this cutie?" She asked walking towards Katelyn.

"Lauren, this is my little sister Katelyn." I smiled.

"I was talking about the puppy. But it's nice to meet you Katelyn!" She state as she saw Katelyn's smile drop.

"It's nice to meet you too." She responded in a low voice.

"This, is Daisy. Apparently she's Chase and I's baby." I smiled. Lauren began to laugh, eventually her laugh started turning into a cackle.

"What is that sound?" Hunter asked, walking into the room with Cheyenne under his arm.

"Cheyenne!" I squealed, running up to her and engulfing her in a tight hug.

"Hey baby daddy." She smiled, earning strange looks from everyone else in the room.

"Back when we were in like 8th grade, my cousin's friend Ashley had a baby boy named Amariyay. Me and Cheyenne thought he was the cutest thing ever. I said he was my baby and she argued with me that he was her kid. So we settled that she's my baby momma an i'm we baby daddy and Amariyay is our baby." I explained.

"Ohh." They all said in unison. Cheyenne an I laughed as Hunter pulled Cheyenne away from me and clutched her protectively.

"Hey! Watch it buddy! She was mine before she was yours." I said dangerously. Cheyenne rolled her eye while everyone chuckle at us.

"I don't know about you girls, but I'm hungry. Considering some people wouldn't let us stop to eat!" Chase said, looking between Katelyn and I.

"I was about to rip Bianca's throat out. She's not a good of a singer a she thinks she is! That's why I kept turning up the radio.' I said as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Whatever." Was his response. He walked towards the kitchen. I ran up behind him and locked our fingers together., swinging our arms in the process.

"What so you want to eat?" He asked, picking me up and sitting me on the counter. He stood between m legs, not in a nasty way!

"Umm. Can we make home-made pizzas?" I asked. He gave me a curious look before he replied.

"I'll do what you do. I've never made home-made pizza before." He said, helping me off the counter. I gave him a dumb look and walked to the pantry/closet.

I pulled out a bag of bagels, 2 packs of pepperoni, and a jar of pizza sauce before walking back to the counter and sitting them down. I walked to the fridge and pulled out a block of Colby cheese.

Next I pulled out a cutting board, a baking sheet, and a grater. I handed Chase the block of cheese, the grater, and the cutting board.

"Grate HALF of the block of cheese." I said. He smirked and began to do as I said.

I cut 3 bagels in half for Katelyn, Chase, and I. I then spread the sauce on each bagel half and collected the grated cheese from Chase, sprinkling it on the bagels and lastly the pepperonis.

I shoved the baking sheet into the oven and allowed them to cook.

"Having fun?" I asked, walking into the living room. Lauren, Katelyn, Carly, Hunter, Cheyenne, Mark, Damon, and Anna were spread around the room laughing.

"Yeah. Katelyn was telling us about her life as a rogue." Mark smiled.

I nodded, smiling as two warm arms wrapped around my waist. I knew it was Chase as he nuzzled his face against his mark, sending a warmth throughout my body.

"OH MY GOSH! RHYAN!" Lauren squealed loudly, jumping off the couch and attacking me in a hug. Everyone ave me confused looks and I returned them.

"When did he complete the mating process?" She whispered in my ear. My eyes grew wide. How did she know? He couldn't have told her. Nobody knew. Nobody was there!

"H-how did you k-know?"I stuttered out loud. She pulled away and smirked at me and then Chase. She gripped my wrist and held it up knowingly.

I jerked it down to my side and his it behind my back as I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"I knew you would do it." She smiled widely. She turned to our group of friends before speaking again.

"Rhyan and Chase have an announcement to make." She smiled and then skipped back to her seat next to Katelyn and Cheyenne.

I groaned and felt my cheeks hear up at her statement. Chase chuckled when I spun around quickly buried t face in his chest.

"What?" Cheyenne asked after a few seconds of silence.

"Rhyan and I completed the mating process." Chase answered. His answer only led to cheers from everyone else while I buried my face deeper into his body.

"What does that mean?" Cheyenne asked. Hunter leaned over and her expression dropped. Her cheeks turned a dark shade of red and her eyes grey to the size of a saucer.

"Congratulations man!" Damon yelled.

I groaned out of embarrassment.

"Don't worry Rhyan, we've all done it before." Carly said in attempt to comfort me.

"I lost my innocence!" I yelled into Chase's chest, forcing everyone to laugh at me.

"Come here." Lauren said from behind me. I turned around an bolted over to her and flung myself into her arms, preying that nobody saw my blush.

"I feel so low." I whispered into her ear.

"Oh my goodness. Come with me. We'll be right back, Rhyan and I need to talk." She said, lifting me up and carrying me like a baby to the bathroom.

She sat me on the bathroom counter and got real close to my face.

"Don't be ashamed. We all did it. We were all your age. It's normal for a wf and their mate to do it so young." She said trying to calm my nerves.

"Then why do I feel so dirty? I feel like a nasty, dirty, piece of trash!" I said, a tear slipping down my face.

I'm not regretting it. I'm just regretting doing it so early, if that make any sense at all! I love Chase with all my heart, but I can't get over how dirty I feel.

"Shhh, it's okay babe. It might just be because you're human. You never know. I mean, Cheyenne's a human, but her and Hunter haven't finished the mating process." She said reassuringly.

"I guess. Thanks for talking to me." I smiled, pulling her into a bone-crushing hug.

"That's what best friends are for." She smiled.

We linked arms and walked out if the bathroom and down the hall. Once we stepped back into the living room two large hands ripped me from Lauren.

I looked up as soon as I smashed into something hard, an saw I was pressed righty against Chase's body. I looked over and Lauren was standing there smirking.

She might be one of my best friends, but that wouldn't stop me from slapping the smirk right of her face for embarrassing me in front of my friends. I just hope she remembers pay-back is a beotch!

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