Hollow (Harry Styles) #Wattys...

By Krystal_Grace

138K 3.1K 238

I cupped her face in my hands, rubbing my thumbs in circles over her cheeks. She was having trouble finding w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 39

952 25 0
By Krystal_Grace


What Do You Mean?: Justin Bieber

Complicated: Rihanna

When Love Hurts: Jo Jo

Broken-Hearted Girl: Beyonce

  Never Enough/Story Of My Life: One Direction  

A.J.'s POV

The table we were sat at was large enough for everyone to sit, along with my grandfather and two of his friends, or business partners, I wasn't sure. I sat down first, hoping that Harry would decide to sit next to me, which he did, after he pulled out the seat next to his for Madison to sit next to him. I let a small smile show, not wanting my anger to be so evident. I shifted slightly in my seat, giving Harry my back as I focused on Sam, Niall and Stephen who were sitting on the other side of me, in that particular order.

Small chatter was made around the table, but I was careful not to address Harry or Madison. Stephen was quick on asking me questions once he found out I was Max Sloan's "long lost granddaughter". I swear these people are going to drive me insane with all their nonsense. What the hell did it matter if I was alive or not. I mean, obviously it mattered to me, but it was nothing they should have been that concerned about. Niall just laughed and made crude jokes the entire time, which put me in a slighter mood.

Everyone at our table was entertained in conversations with each other while I sat there in silence, praying that this night would end quickly. As much as it pained me to admit it, Harry had a point about us making an engagement to be here, well, technically he made it, not me. Besides, I don't think my leaving would go over to well with my grandpa. He had a sort of prideful look on his face whenever he introduced me, this was the moment he had been waiting for, for years but he had respected my wishes for a somewhat normal life.

Bored out of my mind, I pulled out my phone from my clutch which was near enough to Harry that it caught his attention. I ignored the looks he was giving as I pulled up my messages. I had a few from my sister and Chris, which I responded to quickly. I knew Odie wouldn't answer till the morning, but I had hoped that Chris wasn't too busy and he would reply soon.

I switched my phone from silent to vibrate as I waited, taking a sip from my water. Though I could go for something with a little more kick to it. Seconds later my phone vibrated in my hand, alerting me of a new text. Thankfully it was from Chris.

Chris: I'm not busy. Well I'm with some friends, why what's up?

I smiled as I read the screen before typing a text of my own.

Me: Nothing, just bored and I miss you!

Me: Well, I'm at this thing with pops and Sam.

I waited for a reply, still ignoring Harry's gaze on me. Seconds later another text appeared.

Chris: Ditch em, come hang out with me, Ed and Louis.

Chris: I bet it'll be a lot more fun than whatever it is you guys are doing...

I momentarily contemplated his offer. I wasn't going to miss much here anyway. My grandfather was talking business, Sam was occupied with Niall and Harry was also too occupied with Madison. He probably wouldn't have even noticed if I left. There was Stephen, but I really didn't want to be around him, I'd just spend my time comparing and contrasting him and Harry. Besides, I missed Chris and Ed, and Louis was always a blast to be around. Before I could come to a full decision, my phone began to go crazy in my hand. When I checked it, I had received texts from both, Ed and Louis before becoming part of a group message.

Louis: Come child, have fun with us.

Ed: Please, don't leave me alone with these two.

Louis: Come!

Louis: Come! Now!

Louis: I won't take no for an answer!

Louis: Please?

Me: I'm busy...

Louis: You can bring Harold along...

Louis: If you must! It's not mandatory!

Ed: If you don't make an appearance he won't shut up...

Louis: I won't, so come!

Chris: Now you have to come...

Me: What are you guys doing anyway?

Chris: Just hanging out!

Louis: At your house!

Louis: Can't say you don't know where it's at ;)

Louis: Liam will be here soon...

Me: Are you guys writing?

Ed: Sorta

Louis: Whatever happens, happens, love!

Chris: Yeah, we're not into labeling!

Chris: Lol!

Me: You guys are weird, poor Ed!!

Ed: I know, come save me!

Me: I'll see what I can do! Not promising anything though...

Louis: Yay!

"Who are you talking to?" Harry asked, catching my attention.

I exited my messages before pushing the lock button, facing my phone screen towards me. "No one," I said, taking a sip of water.

Without fully thinking it through, I stood up from my seat and headed towards the exit. I wasn't leaving, not yet. I knew that much. But I needed space, away from Harry so I could think clearly. He was my intoxication and breath of fresh air all round in one.

I began to pace the floor, ignoring the pain my my leg. After a few turns, I came to a sudden stop when my body collided with a hard surface, the impact nearly making me fall over. Strong hands grabbed me, mid-air, preventing my fall.

I looked up to see who my obstruction and savior was. I half hoped it was Harry, but everything about this person was off. I didn't feel that electric current run through my body at his touch or presence. I shouldn't have been surprised that in the place of the person I had hoped was Stephen. I whimpered slightly as he got me vertical, surprising myself.

"Are you, okay?" His face was a little too close for my liking.

"I'm fine," I lied. I wasn't fine on so many levels.

"Get your fucking hands off her," a deep familiar voice echoed. There was the electric current I was missing just moments before.

"Just helping her up, calm down." Stephen's, hold on me got a little bit tighter.

I pushed him away, taking a step back from both of them. I wrapped my arms around myself as I walked further away from them. Once I felt I was far enough away, I leaned against a wall, needing the support. All I wanted to do was go home. I wasn't sure if that meant with Harry, or if I wanted to go back with Chris and Samara.

"Why are you leaving?" Harry's stupid voice appeared to be getting closer. "Louis just text me, asking me if I was coming."

"You should get back to Madison, Harry," I sneered, walking away from him.

I got about five steps before I stumbled, almost falling for the second time that night. And for that second time that night, I was caught by two strong arms before my face made contact with the ground. This time it was by the pair of arms I craved and expected. Instead of helping me up right, his arm locked behind my knees and tilted me back into his arm as he carried me to the nearest seat, settling me down gently.

I watched as he crouched down in front of my, sliding the dress slightly up my legs. "It's swelling, Katarina," he informed me. "Why didn't you say you were hurting?"

"You were busy," I intended for that to come out in a sarcastic manner, but instead it just sounded pathetic.

Moments passed as he examined my leg. I knew this was going to be ugly tomorrow. Feeling uncomfortable with his examination, I slid my dress back down, standing up from the chair. "I'm going to let my grandpa know I'm leaving. I'm going to meet up with the guys, I'll see you at your place," I informed him before trying to walk passed him, only to be stopped by his strong grip on my elbow.

"Ours," he spoke firmly, his hold on me getting stronger.


"Ours. It's our place. Our home."

"Oh." I hadn't realized I said his place instead of ours. I rubbed my hand over my forehead, confused by the entire night, or day, rather. "I need to go, Harry."

I freed myself from his firm grip and walked back to the room where we were supposed to be having dinner. I didn't know much about these events, but I knew there was still a long night ahead and I didn't have the strength or resolve to sit through the rest.

Once I explained to my grandfather that I wasn't feeling well and I was leaving, I kissed his cheek, cleaning the red stain I had left behind afterwards. Without skipping a beat, Samara followed me, tugging Niall behind her.

"Leaving without us?" Samara was clearly annoyed.

"Sorry, I just don't feel too good," which was true in a sense.

"Bullshit, I swear I'm going to kick Harry's ass."

"Me too," Niall said, making me smile.

"I'm fine in that area, it's my leg that's bothering me. And I'm going to the house, the guys are there."

"We should have just done that from the beginning, the food here sucks," Niall smiled slightly.

I couldn't help but let a laugh slip out. He was truly the most adorable human being ever, without even trying.

"I agree. Come on, let's get some burgers or something." I said, walking toward the exit.

The three of us waited for our car, putting on our coats and chatting. It was easy to forget about Harry around them. I texted the guys, which now included Liam if they wanted anything. Once I got everyone's order, I put my phone back on silent before putting it away again. Unlike when we had arrived, it was full of photographers snapping pictures. Since I wasn't used to it like Niall and Samara, I had to turn around, trying not avoid becoming blind by the bright flashing lights. I had experienced it once or twice with Harry, but this was just ridiculous.

As our car arrived and I was about to take my first step towards the car, I was stopped in my tracks, once again by a pair of strong hands. Now I was just annoyed. "You guys go one, we'll catch up," Harry informed our friends.

Samara was hesitant at first, but I gave her a small nod, letting her know I'd be fine. With that both her and Niall were off. As they left I sent Sam a text letting her know that I would pick up the food and meet them there. No matter what Harry had to say, I was still going.

Moments later our car pulled up, clearly he had called for it. I didn't protest when he wrapped his arm around my waist, practically carrying me down the steps. I didn't fight him, partly because of all the photographers around, but mostly because I was relieved I didn't have to go down the steps alone. I don't think I would have been able to handle it.

We both settled into the back seat of the car. Once I informed the driver where to go and my seat belt was secure, I sunk in my seat, leaning my forehead on the cool window.

The silent drive to the diner was quicker than I had expected. Before Harry could say anything, or the driver could open my door, I got out and headed towards the diner. I didn't bother to check if Harry had followed, but the sound of large steps trailing behind me, let me know that he had. I didn't bother to wait, I entered the small, almost empty restaurant, taking a seat on one of the stools. Harry occupied the seat next to me as I looked at the menu. I already knew what I was getting, but I didn't want to have to make small talk.

"What will you be having dear," the short woman asked from behind the counter. Her demeanor was warm and happy, she reminded me of my nanny, Alicia.

I smiled at her. "Harry what do you want?"

"Whatever you're having."

I placed the order, to go, making sure that I got my shake and apple juice first, while we waited. Once my shake got there, I sat happily taking sips from it. My mood instantly changing.

Harry's POV

I watched her as she drank her shake. It was odd how her sad mood instantly changed. A smile taking over her face. She was absolutely beautiful when she smiled like that. I felt my anger slowly slip away, I couldn't understand why or how I could ever get angry with her. Which frustrated me even more. I had just spent the past few hours treating her like crap and here she was smiling, happy with a shake and apple juice. Her happiness didn't make sense to me. The simplest things made her content.

"You better sing with me," she eyes scanned the semi empty diner before tapping the counter top.


She ignored my question, continuing to bang on the counter and making weird noises with her mouth, gaining some of the attention from the other people there. As soon as I recognized the beat, she began singing 'Never Enough', with a giant smile on her face. My eyes went wide at the realization of what she was doing. She continued singing until she cued me in, I followed her lead, her playful mood lifting some of the anger inside me. By the time we finished the song and the few people there clapped, I noticed someone had been recording us. Katarina was oblivious to the fact, if she had noticed, she really didn't care.

"That was adorable," the waitress that took our order previously, said.

Katarina smiled, thanking the woman. As she took another sip of her juice, I realized I was in love with the most incredible woman on this planet.

"What did you do that for?" I brushed away her hair to have a better view of her face.

"Your grumpy pants attitude was getting on my nerves so I made myself feel better," she stuck her tongue out at me.

I chuckled briefly, she was so childish sometimes. I leaned over, kissing her cheek lightly. She was so beautiful. Inside and out. It wasn't until her screen lit up and she checked her new text that I remembered that I was still angry. Probably even more so now that she was so happy, instead of being angry like I was.   

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