Hollow (Harry Styles) #Wattys...

Od Krystal_Grace

138K 3.1K 238

I cupped her face in my hands, rubbing my thumbs in circles over her cheeks. She was having trouble finding w... Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100

Chapter 11

2.2K 45 3
Od Krystal_Grace


Fun (Damaged Goods Remix): Pitbull Ft. Chris Brown

Cupid: Sam Cooke

Beneath Your Beautiful: Labrinth 

Illusion: One Direction

A.J.'s POV

The day dragged on for what seemed like an eternity. Most of my day was spent distracted, staring at my phone, contemplating if I should call, Harry back or not. I had sent him a text around noon, offering an apology for not being able to hang out, which he still hadn't responded to. It was already seven in the evening, Samara had successfully got me to agree on every clothing and makeup decision she made for me, not that I had really paid any attention to what she was saying. She enjoyed playing dress up with me, usually I would fight her on everything, but I wasn't in the mood for it tonight. When she was done, I didn't even bother to look at myself in the mirror, I trusted her enough to know she had done nothing but her best, she'd die before letting me walk out of the house looking anything less that her vision of perfection. The only thing I noticed, was the I was wearing a sparkly dress and silver heels.

It was nearly ten, when we finally arrived at the seemingly packed, nightclub. We had gone to dinner with some of Samara's friends that she had invited; Nathan, Stephen, Chloe and Madison. Most of the dinner went smoothly, aside from Nathan's vulgar jokes and Chloe's apparent clinginess to, Chris. Maybe I was being overprotective, but I really wanted to slap her across her perfect little face and get her away from him, he was clearly not interested. In that moment I was grateful that he was still in love and ever so faithful to, Natalie. I would kill him if he ever dated someone like, Chloe.

We quickly bypassed the long line, entering with no problem. The room had a sleek design, contrasting between black and white furniture, at one end was a section of sofas for what I guessed was the VIP section since they were blocked off from the rest of the floor with white velvet rope, which we were ushered to by some slutty looking girl who was also all over, Chris. Tonight was just his lucky night. Samara was just as annoyed by this as I was, she pulled me along towards him, both of us taking each of his arms causing the new girl to make a disgusted face at us, I fought the urge to stick out my tongue out her, like a small child that just won a battle. We were very possessive of, Chris, he was like our older brother, and we only wanted the best for him.

The lounge area that we were led to was lit up with bright LED lights, the already had two people, an unfamiliar woman, and an all too familiar with, John Nelson, my brother's childhood friend. "Hi, Johnny." I spoke loud enough so he could hear me over the music, smiling widely at him.

His eyes went wide as he stood to his feet, striding over to me. "Well, as I live and breath." He said in my ear as he hugged me tightly. "It's the nun herself, hi, Kitty Kat." I narrowed my eyes at him, punching him in his chest. "Ow, dammit you hit harder than before." He rubbed his chest, looking me up and down with a look of disbelief. "If your brother saw you now, he'd be turning in his grave." I laughed and shook my head. Normally, I'd be upset if anyone talked about, Robbie this way, but not, John. He was, Robby's version of, Samara. They were like brothers, he had every right to joke around, that was who he was, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I quickly realized what I was wearing, the silver, sparkly dress, was way too short, barely reaching my thighs, my back was bare with only a thin string of material going across my shoulders, holding up the sleeves that reached to my elbow from falling. God, how the hell did I let, Samara dress me in this. Was I that out of it? And had she done to my hair and face?

"Well, good thing he can't see." I half smiled, tugging my dress down. I narrowed my eyes at, Samara, which she returned with the sweetest smile she could fake, as if she did nothing wrong.

We all sat in the lounge area with, John and his date I [resumed, whose name I didn't catch over the music. Stephen and I sat on the opposite side of, John's nameless date, I preferred the seat on the edge, it would be easier to get up and leave. Chris sat on the opposite side, right in between, Samara and Chloe with Nathan next to her, directly across from me and Madison right next to him being handsy. After about half an hour of annoyance, mostly caused by, Nathan, and declining, Stephen's offers to dance, I needed to get away.

I gestured to, Sammy that I was going to the restroom. She stood up to come along, but I shook my head, I needed to be alone. I made my way up to, John's office, thankful that he had offered it to me when we first got there, I wasn't in the mood to stand in a long line.

Standing in front of the mirror, I was finally able to see exactly what, Samara had done to me. My hair was curled and swept to the side, my makeup was on the more natural side, considering her style, except for my dark red lips, which I didn't mind. But, I did hate the dress, it was too flashy, for my liking, too short and too revealing. I made a mental note to get, Samara back for this, she knew I was out of it and she took complete advantage of it. I pulled out my phone from my clutch to check the time, instead I was greeted by notifications of  twenty five missed calls, a few voicemail's and texts, all from Harry. The last text was him asking me where I was.

I was about to answer him, but decided against it shoving my phone back in my clutch. I didn't want to talk to him tonight. I adjusted myself and headed back into the packed nightclub.

As the lounge area where we were seated at came into my sight, I noticed an extra person sitting on the sofa, where I had been sitting before I left. His back was towards me, but I could tell it was, Harry. His figure was unmistakable and no one else I knew had hair that long. As I got closer, Samara's eyes darted towards me than at Harry, causing him to turn around, his unmistakable green eyes burning into mine. Why was he here?

He stood up facing me, his hands on my hips as he kissed my cheek, near my ear, sending an electric current through my body. "What are you doing here?" I asked, loud enough to be heard over the loud music and people, but low enough so only he could hear me.

"You didn't answer me." Was all he said before his hands came in contact with my hips, guiding me to sit down following right behind me, sitting on my right where I had been sitting before I had left. Which I found irritating, I needed to be on the edge otherwise I felt like I was being suffocated.

The rest of the next half hour or so was spent uncomfortably between Harry and Stephen. Harry didn't speak much, but I could feel his gaze on me. Not being able to handle the tension, I stood up, making my way to the bar and ordered a drink, since I didn't know what to get I left that up to the bartender. The first time I drank was at my seventeenth birthday party, which was the first and only time I had ever drank. It was cheep beer my friends were able to obtain, which was disgusting. Later on Chris had supplied the "good stuff", but I had already had enough with the beer. And the last time I had drank was a few weeks ago when Louis had supplied me with whisky, which hadn't turned out quite great.

"I thought you weren't going to drink again?" A husky voice whispered, loud enough for me to hear, his hand placed on the small of my back. I didn't have to look at him to know it was Harry. Just his presence sent a thrilling chill down my spine.

I spun around to face him, with my drink in hand, "I wasn't, but I'm finding it difficult to have a good time." I answered him before leaving him to go back to our seats.

I sat back in my spot, next to, Stephen. I could feel the sofa dip as Harry sat right next to me. I sat my drink down on the small table in front of us, leaning over to Stephen, "Do you want to dance?" I asked, suddenly filled with courage.

Without hesitation or an answer, he stood up holding his hand out for mine. I took it as I stood up following him to the dance floor. I ignored the feeling that I was being watched, I wanted, I didn't know what I wanted. I made a rash decision out of the blue. I wanted nothing more than to disappear now. What was I thinking?

Ignoring my thoughts, I moved my body with the song, I couldn't just leave Stephen like this. Throughout the song, his hands roamed along my hips and back, I tried to stop him by holding his hands instead, which only worked for a few seconds before his hands found their way back to my hips. As soon as the song was over, I forced our way back to our table before he could ask to dance another song.

I sat in my same spot, a little closer to, Harry than before, Stephen still hadn't made his way back. I wondered where I had lost him. "Was that little number for my sake?" Harry's lips moved against my ear, causing me to shiver. His body was pressed against mine, not letting me breath normally.

Before I could respond, a dark blond man with piercing blue eyes stood in front of us, "I don't think she wants you here." Stephen's voice interrupted us, his hand coming in contact with his shoulder. The whole table looked up in their direction as, Harry stood quickly getting in his face.

He said something that I couldn't make out, but from, Stephen's face it wasn't good. In a blur, the both started to shove each other. Within seconds, Chris and John were pulling them apart, Nathan just sat there laughing. I stood up standing between Stephen and Harry. "Harry, please stop." I pleaded with him, facing him. His gazed was fixed on Stephen's, who was struggling against, John's grip. "HARRY!" I yelled, placing both hands on his face. His head snapped down to meet my face. "Let's go." I pleaded.

Harry's POV

"HARRY!" I heard my name being called, I felt a tug on my face, as I looked down in the direction I was being pulled from, Katarina's eyes flickered back and forth between mine. "Let's go." She pleaded, her hands had gone from my face to pushing on my shoulders.

Without thinking, I freed myself from whoever was holding me back and grabbed, Katarina's arm, tugging her along through the crowd. As we made our way out of the club and the cold, unforgiving weather hit me, I remembered what, Katarina was fucking wearing, or rather the lack of clothing. I reluctantly pulled my hand from her, shrugging off my jacket and placing it over her shoulders. I avoided her eyes, turning back to make our way to my car, which was already waiting for us. The flashing from cameras and the annoying questions started flying at us as the paparazzi crowded around us, making it impossible to get my Aston Martin.

Luckily, we were escorted, making it a little easier. I walked her over to the passenger side, after I made sure she was secure, I quickly made my way around the front of the car, getting in the driver's seat. As soon as the way was cleared, I took off, not knowing where I was going, I just wanted to be alone with her.

After a few minutes of silent, aimless driving, she finally spoke up, "Take me home Harry." Her voice was low and sad?

"No," I answered, simply. I wanted to be with her, to talk to her, but I could feel I was still angry. Memories of her dancing with someone else played in my head, instead of calming myself, I was angering myself even further. It wasn't just anyone, it was Stephen of all people.

"Harry, take me home now!" She spoke a little louder, her voice shaky, but still holding conviction.

Before I knew what I was doing, I drove over to the park that I had taken her on the first night we met. I pulled into the lot, parking the car before getting out and walking over to the passenger side. I opened the door, holding out my hand for her to take, but she ignored me keeping her eyes fixed forward, her hands folding over her chest.

I squatted down on the side of her, taking in her expression, she was hard to read, but I could tell that she was on the verge of crying. "What's wrong?" I asked, as softly as I could, not wanting to upset her even more. If anything, I was the one that should be upset here, she didn't have to watch as she danced with someone else's hands all over her body.

She turned to face me momentarily, opening her mouth to speak before shutting it and turning back to stare out the windshield. "Tell me what's wrong, love." I begged her, placing my hand on her thigh, leaning forward to kiss her cheek.

She moved her head trying to avoid me, but my lips landed on her neck instead. "Harry, please take me home." Her voice cracked.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong." I grabbed her legs, swinging them out of the car so she would face me. "Please." I begged once more.

Her face hardened as she tried to keep her composure. "Why didn't you call me last night?" I had a feeling she already knew the answer.

"Why did you dance with, Stephen?" I asked back, not wanting to answer her.

"I don't know." Her voice softened. "Harry, I don't know what's wrong with me." She said, her voice barely a whisper.

"There is nothing wrong with you, sweetheart," I assured her. She was perfect in fact, in every way. Not only was she beautiful, she was kind, funny, so many things that should be impossible to be in one person. "You're perfect."

"Look, we both know why you didn't call me last night," She said as she stood up, walking past me towards the bench we had sat at the first time we were here. I followed her. "I don't know why, but when, Samara told me about it, I saw the picture and I don't know, Harry, it made me feel weird."

"Weird?" I questioned. "Were you jealous?" The thought of her being jealous, seemed amusing to me. She didn't seem like the type, but it would explain her behavior tonight.

"What? No, of course not. I- I don't know." She stuttered, folding her arms over her chest. "I'm scared." She tightened her grip around herself, as though she was protecting herself.

"Of what? Me?"

"Yes." She said, quietly. "I'm afraid, of what I am feeling for you." She clarified. Her hands reached up to the side of her head. "I don't want to feel this way, Harry. I don't want to feel anything for you or anyone for that matter. Seeing you with someone else, holding her hand, I felt like someone was crushing my heart."

"That's how I felt when I saw, Stephen's hands all over your body." I retorted. "About last night..."

"You don't have to explain, you can do whatever you want." She interrupted.

I laughed and shook my head, she was totally jealous. Which meant, she liked me. "That girl I was with last night is my friend, who happens to be gay," I informed her. She looked at me, a little more interested in what I had to say. "After I left your house, she called me because she was drunk and asked me to take her home. I was holding her hand so I could lead her through the crowd, just like I did with you tonight." I continued my explanation. "I didn't call you back because it was really late, that's why I called you very early this morning, so I could explain all of this to you face to face, but you apparently had plans already." I added the last part, a little irritation in my voice.

Her face was puzzled as she processed the information. "We could call her right now if you don't believe me." I said as I pulled out my phone, she just shook her head. "I like you, Katarina. A lot." I admitted. "Why won't you accept what we both feel and let it happen?"

"Harry," She began to protest. Her eyes met mine. She was giving in, but I wasn't sure if it was because she felt the same way or because she wanted me to shut up. I really didn't care for her reasoning, I was just glad that she had agreed. "Fine," she blinked a few times. 

I looked between her eyes, "What does that mean? Does that mean we're like... um... dating?" I asked.

"Did you ask?" She asked, with a hint of sarcasm.

I rolled my eyes wrapping my arms around her waist as I pulled her into my body. "Would you be so kind as to accept my offer to court you, my lady." I asked as serious as I could, but both of us lost it, laughing way too hard.

"You're so weird." She said as she caught her breath as she wrapped herself in her arms further, shivering.

"Oh god, I'm such an idiot." I pulled her too me more, leading her back to my car. "You're freezing and I have you out here in the cold."

"Actually, I'm the one that got out of the car." She said as she slid into the passenger seat.

I shut the door and made my way to the driver's side. "I love your dress by the way." I casually mentioned as I turned on the car and turned on the heater to the highest setting. She looked spectacular, actually. I just hated that someone else had his eyes and hands all over her.

"It's not my style." She shrugged, pulling down the dress down over her thighs, as much as she could anyway. "I gave Sammy full control and this happened." Her hands waved over her entire body

"Well, you look stunning in anything or nothing for that matter."

She rolled her eyes at my suggestive comment. "I just want some sweatpants, this dress is ridiculously short and my legs are freezing. Wait where are we going?" She asked as she noticed the surroundings through the window. "This isn't the way back to my house."

"I know." I answered simply. "We aren't going to your place."

"Why not? Where are we going?" She whipped her head to face me.

"Somewhere where we can't be interrupted."

"You know, just because we are dating now, doesn't mean you're going to get sex whenever you want." She looked at me seriously, but I could tell she was joking around.

I laughed, she looked at me puzzled. "I don't want to have sex, well I mean I do, but that's not why I want to be alone. I- um- I don't think I'm explaining myself properly." I ran my hand through my hair as we were stopped at a red light. "You are a tough one, you don't open up easy and I don't want you to feel like you need to be an open book with me..."

"But, I am Harry." She interrupted. "The things I've told you without really knowing you, I've never been able to do that with anyone. I mean I have, Chris and Samara, but they're like my siblings and even then I keep things to myself. With you, it's like I speak before I can filter my thoughts. With you, I can be honest and it freaks me out a bit."

I couldn't help the smile, "I'm glad, you can't filter yourself. Anyway, I want to take you somewhere far, far away."

"Hmm, I've watched enough movies to know that I should just tuck and roll out of this car right now." I laughed. "It's not funny, I'm serious. Number one; smoking hot guy with amazing eyes and an amazing smile. Check. Number two; smoking hot guy is a creeper. Check. Number three; smoking hot guy wants to take you far, far away where no one can hear her scream while he murders her or something. I can keep going, but from where I stand, you are probably taking me to the middle of nowhere to murder me."

"You think, I'm smoking hot?" I asked with a smile.

"I just accused you for trying to murder me and that's what you take from that? Really?"

"No, in response to your whole theory; number one; I like that you think I'm smoking hot. Number two; I am not a creep, I have no idea where you got that ridiculous idea from. Number three; the only reason you'd be screaming while I'm around would be because I caused you to have a mind blowing orgasm." I looked over at her, her eyes rolling as she laughed, her laughter was infectious so I couldn't help but join in.

"Harold, pull over in here." She said as she gathered her breath, pointing the parking lot of a target store that was open twenty-four hours.


"You know, Harold, I may not know much about relationships, but I'm pretty sure when the girlfriend says do something, you should do it." She said, jokingly as I pulled into the parking lot. "Where are you taking me anyway?" She asked as I parked.

"A cabin for a few days." I answered as I got out.

"A few days?" She about yelled as she followed me out.

I just nodded as I took her hand, making our way into the store. We went through almost the entire store as she grabbed things she said we needed, I didn't argue with her. She seemed to be in her own world anyway. As we made our way to pay, I asked her to see her card to see what name was on it, which she had pulled it out to pay. I pretended to look closely before I held it up above my head while I paid instead. The cashier didn't seem too pleased with our back and forth banter, but I didn't care. I was happy to be here with her, no one else really mattered.

We made our way back to the parking lot, putting the things we bought into my car before getting in the car ourselves. I stretched out my hand for hers, which she took intertwining her fingers with mine as she looked up at me with a smile.

"I was thinking, since you want to go so far away, maybe I should call, Chris to let him know that you're kidnapping me" She tried to stay serious.

"Sure." I squeezed her hand before she pulled it from mine.

"Do you have any ransom demands?" She asked as she held the phone to her ear waiting for an answer.

"No, I'm pretty sure only you could meet any demands that I have." I winked at her as I threw the bags onto the car.

She rolled her eyes at me with a smile as she began her conversation over the phone. It took over five minutes for her to convince him that she was fine and that she would not be coming home, I wondered why she had to tell him anything at all. I was pretty sure she was old enough to make her own decisions without having to answer to anybody. By the time she hung up, we were already on our way to the cabin I had mentioned earlier. It wasn't too far, but far enough to not be interrupted.

"So, do you always have to ask for permission before you go out anywhere?" I teased. "Aren't you old enough to do whatever you want?" I asked.

"I wasn't asking for permission, I was just informing my roommates that I wasn't coming home so they wouldn't worry, like any normal person would." She stated with a hint of annoyance.

"It sounded more like asking permission from over here." I pointed out, I wasn't really sure why.

She shifted her body slightly so she was facing me. "Well, over there," I waved her hands in my general direction. "Seems to be a mess all on it's own, so over there," she waved her hands over my direction again. "Should keep their business on that side and leave this side alone." She pointed to herself.

I couldn't help but laugh. "I love when you get all sassy."

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Sorry, but I wasn't asking permission, Chris just happens to get a little over protective sometimes. You're a brother, you can't say you haven't acted like that before. You'd be lying if you did."

She was right. Even though my sister was older than I was, she was still my sister and I felt the need to protect her. I guess I saw the point in his need to know every detail of where we were going and when we would be getting back. I would have probably asked the same questions.

"You're right." I said.

She was about to say something, but decided against it. I wanted to ask her what was on her mind, but I didn't think she would answer me honestly anyway, so I let it go. I brought her hand up to meet my lips, kissing it lightly causing her to giggle. The rest of our ride was relatively silent except for her asking every once in awhile where we were going, but I insisted on it being a surprise.

When we finally got there, her eyes lit up as she took in the view of the cabin. It looked old, but well taken care of, there didn't seem to be any neighbors too close by, which was why I had liked it here so much. She pulled her hand from mine as she exited the car taking a few bags with her. The way she practically skipped to the front door seemed like she was almost excited to be here, which made me excited.

"Is this your place?" She asked as I made my way up the driveway with the rest of the bags before unlocking the door and letting her in.

"No. Well, it's my family's." I answered without going into too much detail. "We usually only come out during the holiday's."

She followed me in as I turned on the lights on our way to the kitchen to put away the food we had just bought at the store. "It's incredible." She smiled from ear to ear as she looked around.

"I'm sure you've stayed in better places before." I mentioned, after all she was a billionaire who grew up in a privileged lifestyle.

"I suppose, if you count the forts I used to make with my brother out of sheets when I was little. Nothing will ever beat out my forts." She said with her gigantic smile.

"Come on, you grew up a billionaire." I pointed out.

The smile faded from her face as her lips pressed into a hard line, her eyes drooping slightly, no longer carrying that same amusement as when she first walked in. "So you think I'm some spoiled brat?" She asked.

I suppose my words may have suggested I thought that. "No, of course not. I was just pointing out that this probably isn't the best place you've ever been to." I pointed out again. "Not that I'm complaining or I don't know, but most billionaires have fancy cars, houses, maids, cooks, drivers, bodyguards, shop at high end stores, and what not, but you don't." I watched her as she took in what I was saying. "I don't know, I guess what I'm asking is, why?"

"Dude, we just left a target," she rolled her eyes. "I don't know, I really didn't grow up that way. When I was younger, my dad gave us chores and we lived in a single story house. Even when my parents split up and my mom remarried and moved into a penthouse with her new husband, my dad made the move as well so he could stay close with us and he lived in a two bedroom apartment. My brother and I shared a room; he wasn't one to be extravagant. When he passed away and my mom shipped me off to live with my grandpa, my nanny also gave me chores and taught me how to cook. I was raised by my dad's side of the family that just because you have money doesn't mean you can act like it, even though my grandpa does live in a mansion." She shrugged with a small smile.

"So, you did have a nanny?"

She laughed. "And a bodyguard. My nanny was my dad's nanny first. She raised him when his mother passed away and she raised me when I moved back to L.A. with my grandpa. The bodyguard was the one rule my grandpa never budged on, but he doesn't know I am here without one so, that's a secret." She smiled as she threw a box of cereal at me. "Come on help me put these things away first."

"So, we're playing house while we're here?" I asked as I unloaded the shopping bags.

"I don't know, you brought me here, remember?" She said, glad that we had changed subjects.

As we playfully put away the things from the bags, I caught a glance of her hiding something behind her back. "What do you have there?" I asked as I got closer to her.

"Nothing." She said as she back away until her back hit the wall. I took advantage and grabbed what she had behind her back "What's this?" I asked as I inspected the box. It was a large box of condoms. I laughed and held it up at her as I backed away when she tried to snatch it back from me. "What happened to no sex?"

"I didn't say no sex, I just said no sex whenever you want." She smiled widely, but still a little shy.

"So you're going to take me up on the offer to make you scream?" I smiled back walking over to her pulling her into my body.

She placed her small hands on my chest, pressing her soft lips to mine before pulling away. "We'll see what happens." She smiled and pulled away from me. "I need to change out of these clothes."

I let her, taking her small hand in mine as I grabbed the box of condoms before we left the kitchen. Before we got to the stairs I wrapped my arms around her waist, kissing her neck softly as I guided her through the cabin into my room. I flickered on the light before fully entering, illuminating the medium sized room that I hadn't been in, in almost a year. I was glad that my mom had just sent it to get cleaned before the holiday's.

She turned to face me as I closed the door behind us, she looked nervous. "We don't have to do this if you don't want to." I assured her as I kissed her cold shaky hands. I loved how despite how strong she was, I still made her nervous.  

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