Taming the Alpha

By rentreyes

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A warm, spicy aroma suddenly assaulted his nose as he turned a corner just a few steps from the store. Gulf g... More

Author's Note
Prologue: Intoxicating
Chapter 1: Beginning
Chapter 2: Knowing
Chapter 3: Belong
Chapter 4: Negotiating
Chapter 5: Allowing
Chapter 6: Living
Chapter 7: Earning
Chapter 8: Presenting
Chapter 9: Hiding
Chapter 10: Checking
Chapter 11: Schooling
Chapter 12: Meeting
Chapter 13: Liking
Chapter 14: Wolfing
Chapter 15: Not Skipping
Chapter 16: Carrying
Chapter 17: Confirming
Chapter 18: Having
Chapter 19: Agreeing
Chapter 20: Uncle-ing
Chapter 21: Cravings
Chapter 22: Talking
Chapter 23: Staying
Chapter 24: Introducing
Chapter 25: Changing
Chapter 26: Feeling
Chapter 27: Contacting
Chapter 28: Apologizing
Chapter 29: Morning
Chapter 30: Looking
Chapter 31: Marking
Chapter 32: Claiming
Chapter 33: Registering
Chapter 34: Dating
Chapter 35: Enjoying
Chapter 36: Honoring
Special Chapter: Joss/Toptap
Chapter 37: Trusting
Chapter 38: Focusing
Chapter 39: Protecting
Chapter 40: Worshipping
Chapter 41: Smelling
Chapter 42: Marking
Chapter 43: Scenting
Chapter 44: Understanding
Chapter 45: Playing
Chapter 46: Supporting
Chapter 47: Hearing
Chapter 48: Allowing
Chapter 49: Introducing
Chapter 50: Defecting
Chapter 51: Turning
Chapter 52: Gazing
Chapter 53: Visiting
Chapter 54: Clarifying
Chapter 55: Relaxing
Chapter 56: Fulfilling
Chapter 57: Lazing
Chapter 58: Keeping
Chapter 59: Taking
Chapter 60: Dreaming
Chapter 61: Comforting
Chapter 62: Revenging
Chapter 63: Radiating
Chapter 64: Welcoming
Chapter 65: Loving
Chapter 66: Guarding
Chapter 67: Working
Chapter 68: Shivering
Chapter 69: Connecting
Chapter 70: Admiring
Chapter 71: Releasing
Chapter 72: Facing
Chapter 73: Saving
Chapter 75: Babying
Chapter 76: King
Chapter 77: Envying
Chapter 78: Taming
Special Chapter: Encounter at the Countertop

Chapter 74: Naming

162 22 6
By rentreyes

"So...That's what happened?" Gulf croaked as the story finished his eyes fixed on his baby. The little tiny baby that was the most incredibly beautiful thing he had ever seen. "You. You really thought he was ugly?" He growled remembering that part of his bonder's story and he poked him hard in the ribs. Or as hard as he could manage without hurting himself. "That's our baby!"

"That was two days ago, my love. He's changed a lot since then. His face was sort of squished and he looked more alien like." Mew mumbled and Gulf was almost disappointed that he hadn't seen that. He couldn't believe that he had been asleep for the first two days of his son's life, but he was glad to know that he had been placed on his chest. That his son had known him before being wired up and placed in the plastic tube. "I have a photo. Joss made sure of that."

"Have they touched him?" He asked trying to reign in his protective side, but it was difficult. There was a reason that most new parents went to a nest or stayed away from other people for as long as possible. It was the scent of another person or wolf that could sometimes drive the most primal instincts in a newly nursing wolf.

"Nobody but you and I has touched him..." Mew told him gently before stalling a little and adding quietly "And of course Nila but she made sure that she was carrying my scent. Don't worry."

"Nila. She's your friend. The one that is working on me."

"Yes and no. She is my friend and I did send the research to her, but it's Samara, her mate is the research scientist. She's the one that has been studying the after effects of what happened to you." Mew corrected him lightly and Gulf nodded again his eyes once more on the little bundle that was his son. He was so small and tiny. His heart was beating so quickly it was like the beating of a hummingbird's wing. He wanted to reach out and take him into his arms. The boy that he had dreamt of for so long was here within his grasp but out of it. "He's breath taking right? He looks just like you."

"Me? I thought he looked like you." Gulf mumbled his head tilting to one side as he looked at the face. It was true that he wasn't as round as Mew, but the nose was the same as his alpha and the chin was so tiny and barely noticeable that it screamed Mew more than Gulf. The eyes. The eyes were closed now, so it was impossible for them to see who he looked like the most.

"Nila warned me that his face would change a lot as he grows a little."

"He's healthy though?"

"Almost completely. There is a scar on his side. One of Fah's claws must have caught him. He healed but. Not perfectly." Mew whispered and Gulf gave a growl from the depths of his throat ignoring the pain that it caused in the wounds on his neck " and he needs the support of the machines now but he's growing stronger every day." Mew smiled proudly and Gulf relaxed again pushing the thought of Fah and all the things he would do to her if she was here right now to bask in the knowledge that his alpha and mate approved of their baby. He hadn't realized it, but h had been unconsciously worried that Mew might reject their son because he wasn't big and strong. It wasn't something that happened a lot these days, at least as far as he was aware, but he had read that there was a time when fathers would reject offspring. Logically he knew that Mew would be like that but there was still fear inside of him "...Gulf. There...there's also something else."

"What? I thought you said that he was going to be okay."

"He is. This is about you my love. The damage that was done to your body. Your womb...There is a chance that you may never be able to carry another baby."

"Gulf?" Mew breathed gently as he watched the varying emotions playing around on his mate's face. There was shock and then sadness before his eyes lit up with happiness when he heard a little snuffling sound coming from the cot. His eyes moved from his face to look at their baby who had just let out a whimpering noise which sounded like a mouse snuffling. It was such a cute little sound that it was almost impossible to stay sad when their little bundle was wiggling around and snuffling like that. This was going to have to be dealt with later but for now there was something a lot more enjoyable. "I think he's hungry. Nila, should be here soon." As he spoke the words the door opened, and Nila came in carrying a bottle. She did a double take when she saw Gulf awake but she was soon smiling at him and dipping her head in his direction as Mew murmured "Speak of the devil. Right on time."

"Of course, I have impeccable timing. I'm happy that you're awake." She said with a smile coming into the room.

"Baby." Gulf muttered not taking his eyes away from their baby which was still making the little noises with his face pressed into the sheets. "Can I feed him?"

"Of course, You just have to wear the gloves that are attached to the cot." Nila answered before launching into an explanation that Mew had heard before. There was already a tube in his stomach that helped to feed him but Nila wanted to encourage him to have as much bottled milk as possible to help him to adjust quickly and put on as much weight as he could." Are you ready?"

"Yes." Gulf whispered firmly but nervously, and Mew rearranged him in his arms, so his feet were on the floor, but he was still able to rest against him with his head on his chest. There was a moment of uncertainty, but Gulf nodded slowly slipping his hands into the gloves and Mew nuzzled into his neck his lips pressing against the pulse point as Gulf touched their baby for the first time while he was awake. He knew that the gloves weren't that thick just a thin layer of latex that allowed them to feel the shape and the warmth of their little bundle and he knew the moment that Gulf did when he let out a gasp and then jolt "He's so warm and tiny."

"He is." Mew again agreed softly remembering the way that their son was when he had first touched him. He could still remember the first rush of pleasure that came with it. "He's beautiful?"

"Yes. I wish that I could really hold him." Gulf breathed as he turned their son gently the way that Nila had told him to before taking the bottle and rubbing the nub against the tiny little lips. The snuffles continued for a little while longer and then he latched on. His mouth closed around the nipple. "He's doing it. He's drinking." Gulf's voice was filled with wonder and his whole face seemed to sparkle. Mew smiled kissing him again and letting Gulf enjoy this moment. With one hand holding the bottle his other moved upwards to lightly stroke at his cheek." How. How did you come out of me? You need a name? You need something as beautiful and precious as you are. What do you look like? What do you think? Mew. Have you thought of any?"

"Howard quite nice, it means brave and strong. Or Dillon for hope. He's our little survivor?" Mew suggested softly and Gulf gave a nod against him before humming.

"Kenzo, maybe, it means healthy?"

"Alexander?" Nila suggested happily from where she was standing "Hero prince. Sorry. I'll just stay here and be quiet. Don't mind me."


Gulf lay on his side staring at the cot and the baby within. He had dreamt about his son so often that he couldn't believe that he was here and that his arrival into the world had been such a terrifying one. He was too beautiful too delicate to have been jostled around so much and now. Now he would be his one and only baby. His hand moved down to his still painful stomach as his heart clenched painfully.

He hadn't wanted children, he had complained through most of his pregnancy with all the effects that had come with it and yet now. Being told that he would probably never be able to carry more children it cut worse than Fah's claws had. He kept thinking of all the things that he had enjoyed about being pregnant, the first flutters of life inside him, the feeling of awe that after all the shit he had been through in his life he had made something as miraculous as another life.

Before he realized what was happening a sob found its way out of his mouth and a tear rolled down his cheek. He didn't want to cry. he didn't want to be selfish. He knew that he should be grateful that his son was alive and well and so utterly perfect, but he had dreamt of another child. Of a little girl with wavy hair and a cherubic smile that held mischief. He would never have her now. He would never be able to have that experience again. He bit down on his lower lip his tears continuing to fall as he fought them and then the snuffling noise started, and Gulf was sure that he felt a rush of warmth spread out over him as though he had just stepped under the spray of a warm shower.

"Sorry, my angel." He breathed pulling himself over the bed so he was as close to the cot as he could be his hand reaching out to touch the plastic. "Daddy doesn't mean to cry. He is so lucky that he has you." The snuffles quietened down somewhat as he spoke, and his lips stretched into a smile as he saw the perfect little lips moving mimicking the suckling movements that he had made earlier his tiny little hands moving around in very small movements and Gulf felt a flutter inside his stomach as though he could still feel his son inside of him. It was an illusion he knew that, but it still made him smile. "You are so beautiful, my little angel. I still can't believe that you came from me. l. But you still need a name. I can't just keep calling you baby and angel." He chuckled as the snuffling noises continued for a few minutes and his hand moving over the mint green sheet towards his hand.

Gulf moved his hand down until his fingers were over the tiny little hand. He wanted so much to hold him in his arms and against his chest, but he knew that he that would have to wait. He was still far too fragile to be out of the safety of the cot. He was happy that he was allowed these moments alone though. Not because he didn't want Mew there with them because he did but he was also jealous that Mew had had two days longer with their son then he had. "I'm sorry my little one. I should have been more careful. I shouldn't have been stupid." He breathed the annoying tears coming back with full force "Daddy is going to make a lot of mistakes. I don't know how to be a parent. But. I promise that from now on. I will be the best daddy I can be for you. I promise."

"ONCE upon a time there were four little Rabbits, and their names were—Flopsy, Mopsy, Cotton-tail, and Peter. They lived with their Mother in a sand-bank, underneath the root of a very big fir-tree." Mew read softly to the little bundle in the cot. Logically he knew that his baby had no idea what was going on around him, but he had found the complete works of Beatrix Potter book when he had been out wandering, leaving Gulf to have some time alone with their baby, and he had always been curious about it. The art work was beautiful, and he already had ideas of how he wanted to decorate the nursery for his son. Gulf had already given him permission to be the one to do that and now he was thinking of a theme and he wanted it to be done before Gulf came home." 'NOW my dears,' said old Mrs. Rabbit one morning, 'you may go into the fields or down the lane, but don't go into Mr. McGregor's garden: your Father had an accident there. he was put in a pie by Mrs. McGregor.'..."

"Well. That was sinister." Gulf mumbled waking up and looking at him through the mop of hair and Mew had to nod in agreement. It was a little dark for a children's story, but he imagined that it was a product of the time.

"A little. How are you feeling?"

"Like I've had my guts ripped out and then sown back in." Gulf grunted and Mew flinched just a little bit remembering the way that Gulf had looked when Fah had finished with him. It had been just the way that Gulf had described and even now he was healing Mew could see the marks that Fah had made. Of course, it would all work in their favor for the trial against Fah, but he hated to see the sown-up wounds on Gulf's neck and on his stomach. "Sorry. Bad joke." The omega sighed shifting himself around on the bed his eyes and lips twitching with pain. "What are you reading."

"There's some pain relief. You just have to press the button." Mew said gently looking to the bag that Nila had put on the drip, but Gulf shook his head slowly muttering.

"I don't want it. I'm fine."

"Gulf." The alpha sighed knowing that Gulf was terrified that he would become drugged up and not be able to look after their son but there wasn't much that he could do now anyway, and he would rather him be free from pain and healing properly.

"I really don't need it." Gulf mumbled reaching out and placing a hand on his forearm "I promise that if I do I will. But now I'm just sore. What are you reading?"

"The Tale of Peter Rabbit." Mew answered holding up the little book that was a part of a set. It had been in the little gift shop along with balloons and cards. The soft colors had caught his eye first and then the cute little bunny on front had won him over completely. Gulf let out a little nose and then motioned for him to pick him up and Mew did so settle him carefully into the chair beside the bed near the cot. Gulf closed his eyes and rested his head against his chest motioning for him to continue and Mew did so.

That was how Nila and Samara found them around ten minutes later. Gulf had fallen back to sleep again his chest raising and falling against him while his head tucked under his chin and Mew gave the other couple a little smile. Samara was beaming at them as Nila went to check the machines.

"Hey, Alpha! Sorry I haven't come sooner." Samara said and Mew gave a shrug Nila had already told him that the woman was working well into the night on the file that he had given her, and he felt guilty to see that there were shadows under her eyes and her face was paler than it had been the last time that he had seen her. "But the thing is. I think I've cracked it! I think I know what they did! And I think I can reverse it. Or at least make it better."

*** to be continued ***

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