Taming the Alpha

By rentreyes

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A warm, spicy aroma suddenly assaulted his nose as he turned a corner just a few steps from the store. Gulf g... More

Author's Note
Prologue: Intoxicating
Chapter 1: Beginning
Chapter 2: Knowing
Chapter 3: Belong
Chapter 4: Negotiating
Chapter 5: Allowing
Chapter 6: Living
Chapter 7: Earning
Chapter 8: Presenting
Chapter 9: Hiding
Chapter 10: Checking
Chapter 11: Schooling
Chapter 12: Meeting
Chapter 13: Liking
Chapter 14: Wolfing
Chapter 15: Not Skipping
Chapter 16: Carrying
Chapter 17: Confirming
Chapter 18: Having
Chapter 19: Agreeing
Chapter 20: Uncle-ing
Chapter 21: Cravings
Chapter 22: Talking
Chapter 23: Staying
Chapter 24: Introducing
Chapter 25: Changing
Chapter 26: Feeling
Chapter 27: Contacting
Chapter 28: Apologizing
Chapter 29: Morning
Chapter 30: Looking
Chapter 31: Marking
Chapter 32: Claiming
Chapter 33: Registering
Chapter 34: Dating
Chapter 35: Enjoying
Chapter 36: Honoring
Special Chapter: Joss/Toptap
Chapter 37: Trusting
Chapter 38: Focusing
Chapter 39: Protecting
Chapter 40: Worshipping
Chapter 41: Smelling
Chapter 42: Marking
Chapter 43: Scenting
Chapter 44: Understanding
Chapter 45: Playing
Chapter 46: Supporting
Chapter 47: Hearing
Chapter 48: Allowing
Chapter 49: Introducing
Chapter 50: Defecting
Chapter 52: Gazing
Chapter 53: Visiting
Chapter 54: Clarifying
Chapter 55: Relaxing
Chapter 56: Fulfilling
Chapter 57: Lazing
Chapter 58: Keeping
Chapter 59: Taking
Chapter 60: Dreaming
Chapter 61: Comforting
Chapter 62: Revenging
Chapter 63: Radiating
Chapter 64: Welcoming
Chapter 65: Loving
Chapter 66: Guarding
Chapter 67: Working
Chapter 68: Shivering
Chapter 69: Connecting
Chapter 70: Admiring
Chapter 71: Releasing
Chapter 72: Facing
Chapter 73: Saving
Chapter 74: Naming
Chapter 75: Babying
Chapter 76: King
Chapter 77: Envying
Chapter 78: Taming
Special Chapter: Encounter at the Countertop

Chapter 51: Turning

210 21 9
By rentreyes

A/N: Please read my end note because I have a tea to spill. Lol

This is why I have been MIA for four days because I need to process because of an overwhelming feeling that succumb my being.


"Can you turn somebody into a werewolf?" Gulf asked softly when Mew had finally found his lover with a sort of picnic. They were at the far end of their garden sitting in the gazebo with Singto, Namtarn, and Vadee in wolf forms patrolling the area. Mew didn't think that his parents would attack directly but it was better for them to be prepared and the more wolf scents in his garden the better in his opinion.

He was surprised by the question not completely sure why Gulf wanted to know though he had a shrewd idea that it would have something to do with his friend and Toptap. Mew fed his mate a cherry tomato and then leaned back in his chair drumming his fingers over the wood before answering slowly.

"Not a regular human. The person that you turn would have to have werewolf blood in them in the first place."

"But isn't that just an omega? I thought that's how."

"It's similar but not completely the same." Mew hummed wishing that he had chosen an easier subject to talk about over dinner. He understood enough to get the basic idea, but he wasn't a scientist and never pretended to be. Werewolf studies hadn't interested him either but now he wished that he could answer the questions of his probing mate "The most common belief now if that Omega are born when one human with werewolf ancestry produces a werewolf child. The blood is woken in the womb. While woken werewolves must have werewolf blood from both parents. but that blood doesn't come out in the womb. In those cases, a strong alpha can call the blood forth, sometimes, there's only a 20% success rate."

"And what happens in the other 80%?"

"Nothing. They just stay humans." The alpha answered knowing that the omega was probably expecting something bolder and dramatic but that was the truth. If the alpha failed to call out the wolf, they just stayed human with no ill effects. Gulf looked surprised and his voice was barely a whisper as he asked.

"So, it's not. Dangerous?"

"No more so than an omega. But it is painful. The older you are the more painful it is. It's like with you my love, your bones shatter and break each time you transform. A lot of the older called wolves find it deeply traumatic." Mew hummed knowing that he had only ever seen one called werewolf in person. His grandfather's second mate had been a called wolf and the screams that she had let out had been devastating for all of those that heard her.

"Why would Joss want Toptap to go through that?"

"I imagine that it's because they are falling in love." Mew hummed gently knowing that if he had met Gulf as a non-werewolf, he would have done everything that he could to try and be with him longer and if that had been impossible, he would have died only a minutes after his lover "And Toptap has already shown an interest in me waking his blood, even before he met your friend so the blame cannot solely rest on Joss' shoulders."

"So, his parents did have blood in them?"

"Yes. I can sense it in both him and the little one." Mew nodded remembering how Toptap and his brother had found their way into his life. Teh hadn't been any more than one month old at the time, Toptap had stolen him away from a druggy mother and an abusive father. He had run until his legs hadn't been able to support him anymore. Mew had almost tripped over them when leaving his house and they had been living here ever since. "Gulf. Neither of them has asked it of me yet but if they do, I will try to. So please don't hate me, okay?"

"I won't hate you. I just find it, uhmm strange, that anybody would want to be this way." Gulf grumbled after eating another cherry tomato and Mew gave a sigh licking the juices from his fingers. "I'm not trying to. I mean I love being your mate, alpha. But for me it's the only good thing that's come out of being a werewolf."

"And Toptap will have that with Joss." Mew pointed out gently and Gulf had to acknowledge that that was true. Even though he couldn't completely understand it yet there was something very special about the bond that he and Mew shared, and he knew that it wouldn't be fair if Toptap and Joss weren't able to share that bond and it would be impossible for them with Toptap being human.  "Though. I suppose that it would be different for Toptap as he would be the dominant in the relationship."

"So, it's different for you than it is for me?" Gulf asked inching forward across the table glad to be finally getting answers. Of course, the lessons at school would have probably covered it but he had never paid attention to that.

"It's very different." Mew hummed his fingers stroking over his face before he gave a smile and let out a huff of breath distorting his hair around his eyes which appeared to be longer even than it had been yesterday "I am an alpha. I am connected to every member of our pack and I can feel each one of them. But, you. My omega is my biggest connection. It's a beautiful thing. I can feel your emotions. Like you can feel mine. But as we grow, we should be able to read each other's thoughts."

"Thoughts? You will be able to hear what I'm thinking?" Gulf whispered not knowing how he should feel or react to that. On one hand he wanted Mew to know that he loved and respected him and that this wasn't just him being forced into something because of a difficult pregnancy but on the other hand he was genuinely concerned about his privacy. There wasn't much in this world that he could call his own, but he had always assumed that his thoughts were his own and he wasn't sure that he wanted anybody to be in that deep not even Mew. Mew smiled reassuringly reaching out and taking his hand in his own squeezing it tight as he whispered.

"Only if you want me too. I would never pry into your mind."

"Meaning that you could if you wanted to."

"Yes. The same way that you could look into my mind and read any of my thoughts." Gulf's eyes bulged out of his head at that not knowing what to say. Never in a million years would he imagine having that much power over an alpha and judging from the expression on Mew face he was conflicted by it "I'm an alpha. The thought that anybody has that power over me terrifies me but. As you already have all the power in the world over me, I will accept it. And I suggest that we have a barrier. Only when we are separated will we ever use that ability. And I will never probe further than you are ready to show. Deal?"

"Aren't you going to tell me that you don't want me probing in yours?"

"No. Because for you and you alone my life is an open book. I want you to be able to know everything about me. The good and the bad. I've never had that kind of connection with anybody before." Mew smiled causing Gulf to flinch wondering how the man could say that so easily and honestly.

"You can't tell me that alpha. And not make me say the same. It will be difficult, but I want you to know everything about me as well."

*** to be continued ***

So here's the tea.

Remember the acquaintance that I have told you on one of my end notes? The trouple, hear this, I mean read this. Haha, I cannot.

She has a sister and her sister is a classmate of mine way back in primary until secondary school. Let's call her sister Thea, and the trouple Kaila.

This is so Reddit worthy lol, the Am I the Asshole 😂 so Thea is getting married in four months, it is a summer wedding. Here in our country the summer starts on the last week of March and ends on the last week of May or first week of June.

So again Thea is getting married on April and her sister Kaila knows that because she's the MOH. So here's the exciting part, Thea have started this trouple five or six months ago. The other trouple let's call him John and Kaila's boyfriend Luke.

John had arranged a week long vacation at Japan on April 😂🤣 and get this, he, Luke and Kaila will be going. Kaila told John that she can't come since a part of that week long vacation will be the wedding day of Thea, but John told her it's okay since it is April and he could make some arrangements.

Thea's wedding has a plus one scheme so, Luke was like can John join? Kaila ask Thea to include John on the wedding reception which Thea told her no, because her plus one is Luke and she doesn't know this John guy. To cut the story short, a lot of things happened and offensive words has been told and Kaila won't be the MOH and she and her trouples will push through on April with their plan because Thea don't want John to attend. And now Thea is now searching for a replacement MOH and Kaila isn't sorry about it. Oh the toxicity.

That's all.

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