My Light In The Dark

By winterkonijn1

61.5K 4.3K 467

When the world is most dark, the light will shine brighter. Words that Rosalie never truly understood in her... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48 - Epilogue

Chapter 18

1.2K 97 11
By winterkonijn1

Rosalie Hale

The humans were being hunted. While it would be a shame to have Bella's life ended, Rosalie could not care much for it. Her whole body was practically glued to Serena. Nothing was able to get past her. Constant vigilance. That summed up her current state. Not even Jasper or Emmet were as battle ready as Rosalie.

"It is best we send Bella and Serena far away. To protect them while we hunt James down," Jasper said as he paced around in the room like a battle commander.

"Where? I may have fooled Charlie for now, but I can't exactly go far," Bella said as she watched the vampires around her strategize.

"Phoenix? You said your mother is there. Perhaps it will suffice as a cover. Alice?"

"He does not know of Phoenix," she said as her eyes glazed over. Her mind constantly searching and seeing what James would do. Rosalie does not care as long as she's with Serena. The blond switched her gaze to the window, eyes narrowing to see what she heard among the scrubs. A rustle of leaves. Someone is watching.

"Emmet, Jasper," Rosalie growled as she stared at the border of the forest. The two vampires ran out to investigate. It caused the group to be silent yet very tense. Alice was the first to say something.

"He knows," Alice said. "He heard us."

"Great..." Rosalie mutters as she grounds her teeth from bubbling anger. "I will take Serena somewhere I decide. You do whatever you want with Bella. Only I will know where Serena and I are."

"Alice?" Carlisle asked as he let a breath leave him.

"Hard to tell, could work. I would still recommend someone going with her," Alice said in response.

"Very well. Be careful Rosalie. Who do you wish to have along?" Carlisle asked.

Rosalie was slightly irritated by having someone along. Even so, she could see why. Her eyes glanced around the group. She would have said, Jasper or Emmet. The strongest in the coven strength-wise. But then she thought of Serena and thought differently. It would be best to have her as calm as possible. Let there just be one person that would make Serena calm and have the trust of Rosalie.


"Of course," Esme replied practically immediately. It was the first time Serena perked up from her cocoon that was Rosalie. One must be an idiot to not see the human agreed to it.

"I'll pack some clothing for her," Esme said as she made her way upstairs, "You can get Serena ready in the car."

Rosalie gave Esme a rigid nod, standing up from the sofa with Serena wrapped in her arms. The coven continued with their strategies and plans. The two fighters returned not much after Rosalie stepped outside the living room. They confirmed he was there and made sure to scout the area yet nothing was found.

"Is... Is everything alright, Rose?"

"I will-"

"Just give me the truth this time, not the comforting stuff," Serena cuts in before Rosalie can say she will be fine. The blond let herself sigh deeply.

"I don't know. This is a hunter, Serena. They are rare and far in between. But they are absolutely dangerous and lethal. I will defend you to the best of my abilities. As will Esme. But I can't... I can't be sure it will be enough which is why we will go far away."

"Where exactly?" Serena said softly, slipping further into the protective arms of Rose. If she was scared before, Rosalie thinks she is now.

"I'll tell you later. When we're not anywhere near here. I promise I'll do my best to protect you," Rosalie promised as she opened the car's door. The blind girl sighed but nodded as she settled in the car.

"I've everything for a nice trip!" Esme said, hoping to cheer the two females up while being on edge herself. "Serena, here's a soda. The sugar will help."

"Thanks, mom..." Serena said with a tiny smile.

"It'll be alright, sweety," Esme said reassuringly, "The boys will stop this James. Until then, Rose and I will keep you safe."

Rosalie hoped it would be the case as she sped away in the car. Their first stop; the airport. After that, Rosalie is going home. One place that even the Cullens did not know about. Even Edward didn't know which was a pain to do.

It was the most tense drive Rosalie ever had to the airport. She was constantly on edge which didn't help the other two females that were with her. Serena was being distracted by Esme to the best of the Matriarch's abilities. It was enough to make Serena hold in her questions. Rosalie would do anything and would explain everything in time. But at this moment she was willing to hide things if it meant James would not find them.

"Rosalie?" Serena asked softly as if not to touch on anything touchy.

"Yes, love?" Rosalie asked as her eyes hardly remained still.

She peered into the dark forest around the road. The thick dark trees obscured too much for her liking. She knew it would be very hard to sneak up on her, even with Alice watching her. The pixie sister would be doing it, she would get in touch with her if something was about to happen. While it helped in not falling into utter proactive mode, it wasn't like Rosalie was anywhere close to being calm.

"Could you put on the radio? I'd like to, ehm, have something to distract my mind," she asked with Esme holding an arm around Serena.

"Sure, music?" Rosalie asked as one hand reached for the radio.

Serena nodded while muttering a yes. The car was soon filled with the music of a random station. No one really complained or said anything about the random music. The mix between old and new, between ugly rap and excellent jazz. Honestly, Rose could not stand modern music. Too bland and simple. But if Serena wished to hear it, so be it.

Their trip continued onward. The two vampires scanned the surroundings, trying to pick up anything dangerous while Rose drove to the airport. Rosalie didn't like it as she drove through the forest. It always felt like something was watching her but she never saw anything. Her ears never picked up on anything. While it sounds good, she never felt at ease. As if hearing and seeing nothing was wrong.

"Esme, do you hear or see anything?" Rosalie asked under human hearing. The other vampire looked up and scanned her surroundings. Not for the first time, but she had to split her attention between Serena and looking around. Rosalie didn't blame the woman. She was actually glad Serena was distracted from thoughts that could worry her even more.

"No, I don't-" Esme stopped talking and threw herself around Serena like a shield. It happened suddenly and too quickly. Even the message from Alice that popped onto the screen did not warn them fast enough. Rosalie saw a thick iron rod zoom through the air hitting the front wheels.

In an instant, the car swirled uncontrollably before skittering and eventually tumbling down the road. Rosalie held herself firmly in place by holding the sides. Her eyes locked on Serena who was held in place by Esme, being shielding from stray glass and harmful materials. For minutes they held on until it came to a stop by impacting a thick sturdy tree.

"Serena!? Tell me you're okay!" Rosalie said immediately, bending the metal frame of the car to get to her human.

"Y-yes! Some bruises, I think..." Serena answered as took a shaky deep breath, holding herself tightly like she going to retreat into her mind. "Tell me it's over..." Serena whimpered a little.

Rosalie wished she could say yes but that would be a lie. She could smell them. The two vampires from before. Rosalie kicked one of the doors out for them to crawl out of the car. It wasn't a happy sight they were met with.

Aside from the wrecked car, two immortal supernatural creatures watched with grins at them. It caused both Esme and Rosalie to jump to their feet within seconds with their attention to the front, having Serena behind them who folded into herself at the loss of touch.

"Having a ladies night?" The blond male vampire said. Rosalie now could match a face with the name. Despite being a Vampire, his appearance is rather ordinary and plain. Even so, Rosalie showed her teeth as venom started to pool in her mouth.

"Two more is not a problem I am sure," a red-headed bitch said.

Rosalie didn't catch her name during the meeting 'bitch' will do for her. Both of them should be feared as they have gifts of their own. This is a horrible situation yet Rosalie made sure to think of a decision Alice would pick up on. Like to call her after the fight, hoping it will cause Jasper and Emmet to rush toward them. Just a few minutes. That's how long she and Esme need to hold out.

"Why are you doing this? We've done nothing to you or your coven," Esme said.

Rosalie glanced at Esme to see something she had never seen before. Her voice was deep and dark, rough as if each word was growling and biting at them. What surprised Rosalie the most was how dark her face was. An expression that could match her own by the teeth she bore against them. The glaring and borderline angered eyes. Esme was barely Esme at this point. Rosalie wasn't sure but Esme looked ready to kill which certainly would be a first.

"Haha! This!" James laughed with delight at the reaction of the two opposing females. "You're interesting and so different from what I have seen throughout my decades! I want to change that. Those humans... I will kill them one way or another."

It brought the two females into defensive positions that fully shielded Serena. Their growling and hissing were evident which seemed to rile James up even more. It's almost as if he didn't see a threat in them. Rosalie will say Esme isn't the best fighter yet she shouldn't be underestimated either.

"Feisty aren't you? Well, we're watching..." James grins as he merges with the shadows of the forest. Even Victoria seemingly disappeared from sight like a chameleon.

Rosalie kept her senses sharp yet didn't notice anything. The forest made no unnatural sound, the wind didn't carry any smell of the vampires. Although their stink still hung around where they stood. While they may be gone, the two vampire females were anything but at ease. It is as was said, they'll be back.

After a minute or three of keeping still to check for any signs, she turns to Serena. The human who had crawled into a corner and folded in on herself. Rosalie took the gentle approach, hoping it would prevent her from going back to how she was not so long ago.

"Serena, you okay? They're gone for now," Rosalie said, crouching down next to Serena, her hand stroking the cheek with care. Esme followed after she took her time to scan the surroundings.

"Are you sure?"

"We'll know when they're back. Their smell and sounds would give them away. They're not here right now," Esme assured while glancing at Rosalie. "Rosalie, we should call Alice."

Rosalie gave a rigid nod as she took out her phone. It was filled with regular updates about Bella's status and the hunt. From the looks of it, they also went to another city by using a different airport than them. For them, all seems to be going well so far. Rosalie drew the short end of the stick it seems. When the blond read the last message, the one just before the attack, is when she felt like an idiot.

Do not call me! He will attack once you're focus is elsewhere. James will-

The message was blocked as a new one just popped in. Rosalie's eyes are wide while swiftly turns back to the forest to stop James.

Attack! From behind!

These three words caused a dreadful yet a wave of furious anger to course through Rosalie. Her fist moved like a deadly projectile at the grinning blond man who sped toward her. It gave way to a deadly duel between the two. Their movements are quick and effortless. While Rosalie was not trained like Jasper or as strong as Emmet, she never felt so motivated to kill someone.

James wasn't bothered by anything she did. The kicks and punches were easily dodged or blocked. Rosalie became frustrated by how effortlessly he was doing it. It was not like James had it any better as Rosalie was quick and graceful, nothing being able to land on her. They were evenly matched yet James was grinning like an idiot. It unnerved Rosalie more than anything.

She knew why soon enough. Esme didn't move away from Serena as she put herself between Serena and the world. A move Rosalie approves of yet when she caught the color of red in her vision, she knew she made a mistake. Her mind got distracted by the presence of the Red-Headed Bitch. James hit her square in the stomach, making the skin crack and causing her to buckle over. Next, she felt James's bite causing her to fall on the ground from paralysis.

"Haha, just you lady. And you're not as good as blondie here," James laughed. The matriarch didn't move. as her eyes watch them closely.

Rosalie pushed her will through her arms and legs. They moved yet barely. Helplessly she watched as the two moved toward the balling Serena, the growling Esme. James and Victoria were thoroughly enjoying themselves. Rosalie felt more like she was dying all over again. She knew she would be wishing for death the moment she saw the lifeless body of Serena.

Serena Platt

There are moments in your life when everything feels to be working against you.

Serena feels this is one of those days. Of course, Rosalie tried everything she could and Alice is probably looking constantly in the future. But it seems even now it wasn't enough. These two new vampires were toying with them. It is odd how much they are invested in their so-called "hunt".

For Serena, there never was such a sadistic duo in her life. That says something considering what she went through. One sniff of blood and they went after them. Crazy considering the coven consists of many vampires. It's like they don't care.

Well, they care about doing harm. Serena knew Rosalie fought and fell to the ground. Still alive from what she could tell. The shuffling and growling and snarling of Rosalie never stopped. But James said only Esme remained to defend her which made Serena push herself further into the corner of the car wreck.

Then once more she could hear the cracking of granite, punches, and kicks that caused loud bangs like stones hitting stones. This was quicker, and more definitive at how it went. Serena couldn't imagine the kind and loving Esme holding out in a fight without a partner for long. It took another second after a brief beat of silence to hear another body hit the ground.

"Now... what to do with you?" James's sadistic voice asked, making uncontrollable shivers run through Serena. Her body and mind felt like they were retreating into a confined and small space. She wished for Rose to wake her up from this nightmare.

"Don't crawl away little sweet thing," Victoria laughed, a cold hand firmly taking hold while dragging a protesting Serena out of her hiding hole.

Serena always felt at ease within the hold of the cold hands of Rosalie. The touches of gentleness, the care and love the blond beauty tried to convey through them. It was like night and day with the hand she felt now. The grip was strong like it didn't care the bones were bending. That the blood could not flow from her leg into her foot. This was like a predator playing with food.

"You do not smell as good as the other human..." James muttered, almost disappointed.

"She was mouth watering..." Victoria agreed.

"Perhaps... ugh, you're friends are coming. I heard them already," James said with a sigh, "Never have time for a snack these days."

Serena was relieved to hear them stand back up. The ground crunching under the boots and their stony weight. But then she heard the two agree on something else. Something that made the two paralyzed vampires protest; Serena could even hear Rosalie straining herself to stand again.

Serena didn't know. One strong kick to her chest brought total darkness...

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