JJ Maybank Imagines

By msjjmaybank612

506K 5.1K 785

JJ maybank stories that will make you smile. and maybe cry, who knows..... these are mostly JJxreader More

Your Introduction
Sick Days
Fights and Secrets
Hard Days, Harder Nights
Panic Mode
"please don't go"
Today is the day
Lazy days
The Day After
The Druthers
The Visit
Blow Up
The Text
No doubt
Pogue Princess
The Warrant
No more hiding
Finding Out
Finally Here
"Because I know you"
Snowed In
they don't know about us
No Pogue left behind
Playlist - 1
Instagram 2
Escape Room
The carnival
Shock Factor
Stay Stay Stay
"we need a win"
Call it what you want
Back to you
instagram 2 (christmas)
It's love?
Our deal
Christmas Morning
Christmas Love
Hold On
My Girl
Storm Drain
Crain House
The Ex
The Question
Shoot Me
Break up with him
Hell of a Dream
Baby Girl
Everything to Me
See Me
The Crash
Headcannons Pt. 1
Anger Issues
Shark Week
Home Life
Lose You Too
Single Dad
The List
Hockey Game
Mary's Song
I know a place
Hot Tub
Voicemails: Part One
Voicemails: Part Two
Day Trip
Girl Fight
"No Dying Today"
Breaking News
Helpful Friend
happy birthday, my love
Diver Down
How He Got the Girl
Our Song?
the chase
Paper Rings
king of my heart
Invisible String


3.3K 37 4
By msjjmaybank612

Y/n POV:

I have been playing basketball for the majority of my life, mostly because my dad played and he raised me in it.

I have a game tonight, it is the biggest of the season. There are scouts coming to watch and tonight Kildare High is playing our arch-rival "Kook Academy". I have been looking forward to this game all week, but today being game day I can only be a little nervous.

The only thing keeping me kind of sane is knowing that JJ and the rest of the crew are going to be at the game. They all managed to get off of work, and for JJ especially that was amazing. He has only seen me play a couple of times because of work, everytime he watches me play it makes me feel like I can do anything.

I walk into the locker room and get changed into my gear and slip on my warm up set before heading out to practice before the game.

As soon as we walked onto the court I could feel the tension in the gym. Pouge and Kooks alike gathered to watch us play. I could feel the panic start to rise back up when I spotted a couple of college scouts, but I was pulled out of my thoughts by a familiar voice.

"Y/N!!" JJ yelled from the other side of the gym. I turned around to see him with a huge grin on his face. He was standing on the sideline with the rest of my friends behind him.

I could feel the smile crawl onto my face as I made my way over to them. I walked straight to JJ and he wrapped his arms around me pulling me into a hug.

"Hi hot stuff" I said as we pulled away, leaning my head to the side so I could also have a view of my friends "Pogues" I say with a smile.

They all returned hi's and wished me luck on the game before going to get seats in the stands.

"You're gonna do great tonight babe" JJ smiled as we finally pulled apart our hug. He placed a kiss on the side of my head, and I looked up and smiled back.

"I'm glad you're here" I said, placing a kiss on his lips. Just as we both tried to deepen the kiss I heard my coach yell "L/n, get your ass over here"

We pulled apart slightly laughing, "Duty calls" I turned and made my way back on the court only to hear JJ whistle from behind me. I kept laughing as I warmed up, now completely ready for this game.


It was half way through the second half of the game and y/n was on fire. She had 18 points, 6 rebounds, and 5 assists. Kildare is up 56-52 and the girls have been playing great.

I am in awe of how badass my girl is, everytime she scores she finds my eyes in the stands and sends me a wink.

She was coming up the court and she passed the ball to her teammate, faking out her defender, and she round the court and got the ball back. Just as she went for the 3-pointer the girl defending her rammed into her and sent her flying to the ground.

I shot up in worry that she was hurt, she was laying on the floor not really moving.

"Y/n!" I yelled as she was still not getting up. "Is she okay?" I yelled at her teammate that was trying to help her to her feet. I felt an arm tug on my side to see Kie telling me to calm down that she was fine, but until I heard that from my girlfriend I wasn't backing down.

I turned my attention back to the court and saw y/n getting up and searching for me in the crowd, she caught my eye and sent me a wink letting me know that she was okay.

I let out a sigh of content and sat back down watching her walk to the free throw line.

She effortlessly made her shots and the game was back on.

There were 5 seconds left in the game and y/n had the ball running down the court. She managed to get open, all of us on our feet as she stepped behind the 3-point line. The ball left her hands and you could feel the tension in the air, finally the ball dropped through the net and sent us all into a cheering rage.

My girl had made the game winning shot and I couldn't be more proud. We stormed the court and I made a b-line for my girl. I could see her searching for me too. Soon enough she jumped into my arms.

I spun her around as soon as I set her down. She grabbed my face in her hands and pulled me into a passionate kiss.

We pulled away both giggling.

"You did it babe, you were so fucking awesome" I told her as she looked into my eyes.

"You really think so?" she questioned

"I know so" I told her, she had a habit of doubting how talented she was, so I always made sure to remind her.

Suddenly the rest of our friends and her teammates were surrounding us, sending her congrats. I stepped away and let her enjoy her moment, because she really did deserve it.


I made my way back out of the locker room after going to get showered and changed. I slipped on a black crop top and some plain jeans, throwing JJ's hoodie over my body to keep me warm.

As I walked out back into the gym I saw JJ waiting for me with the rest of our friends. John B spotted me first and waved, as I ran and jumped onto JJ's back.

"Hey superstar" John B said as JJ caught my legs as I wrapped them around his waist.

"Hi" I giggled at the name her called me

"So what does Kildare high's best basketball player want to do now?" Pope asked, sending me a smile as I hopped back off of JJ backs.

"Ummm, let me think" I said placing my hand on my chin "Ice cream" I landed on

"Ice cream it is," Kiara said, guiding everyone toward the door so we could head out.

JJ pulled me into his side and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm proud of you baby" He whispered into my ear.

I just looked up at him and kissed his cheek. I then ran after Kiara trying to catch up with the rest of our friends.

"Hey where are you going?" I heard JJ yell from behind me

"Ice Cream slowpoke, now come on!"

(1130 words)

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