Pokemon........ A Training St...

By Riahboo

268K 5.6K 2.3K

Ash and Pikachu along with Cilan, and Iris travel together to a new region where Ash runs into a lot of old f... More

Pokemon........ A Training Start
More for the Journey
Night Holds the Secrets
Morning Separation
Silent road travel
Travelling with the girls
Not how they thought it would go
The guys have got their heads on straight....right?
Pikapal Secrets and a solution for the Destiny Knot
Iris catches a Bagon!
Gonna be a Water Pokemon Master someday
Ross you off that chariot for sure
Emolga and Bagon are Attract-ing!!
Drew and Iris in a class of their Own
Cilan's Test and May's secret and friend
Ash guardian of the weak and weary
Enter Team Rocket!
Ash vs Georgio: Come out Things!!
Paul's Blue, Drew's mask
Time Alone, A river escape
Friend by day Vigilante by Night
Keep on the Mask, a new task
Misty's unclear reflections
Gary, rival from the past
They are FULL of surprises, and secrets
Rocket Dreams
All together with a slow pace reunion
Hatching Secrets
Good, Great or Perfect Birthday?
Moonlight on awkward waters
Drew's performance partner
Don't get left behind
Run in with the crash duo
Win something lose someone
Assemble Search to bring Home (A.S.H.)
Descend: The mystery that nabbed Misty
They live the way of Pokemon
The Founder and the Beast
Waiting game: Questions still unanswered
Confrontations, Speculations and even more Questions
Aura's Voice
Recover together
Under Interrogations are strict warnings
The pain connection brings
Deep dark emotions, Warning words
Unwanted thoughts unwanted people
Sweet Water
Water Maiden
Troublesome Admirers
A pesky tale of a rival's tower fall
Unsatisfactory confrontations
End of the Journey

May and the abandoned Ponyta

5K 99 17
By Riahboo

Chapter 14

May walked alone by herself on the forest path. Dawn had gone off to train. Although she herself had said she would too, Dawn understood how much she needed time to herself at the moment.

“Curse you Drew.” She whispered quietly. She felt the hurt deep in her heart at all that he had said. She just could not understand why they were engaged in the tug of war they were in. One step forward two back and then two forward before the cycle began.

It was as if they were in some sort of weird dance in which only he knew the steps. It was going on and on. May gritted her teeth as her eyes began to itch. He was rude, crude, mean, nasty and right. That was what really got to her. No matter how she looked at it Drew was, right. It just irked her soul.

The forest had begun to darken, but she could still see her way, either way she was not afraid of the dark, just the monsters darkness hid. Dark people who would smile as they cut your throat. May grimaced in disgust before she heard a strange sound ahead.

It sounded like something was trampling branches and leaves ahead. May frowned before stopping. It was not the sound of something walking or even the sound of something running ahead. If she did not know, better she would swear that was the sound of something on the ground struggling unable to get up.

May swallowed before doing something she knew was dangerous, she gingerly stepped off the well trodden path into the maze of twisting branches ahead of her. Lightly breathing so she could better hear the thrashing, ahead May kept her shudders of well deserved fear to a minimum as she searched ahead. The sounds were so loud she just knew whatever it was had to be huge.

Stepping around the trunk of a huge tree bark May was greeted with a sight that brought tears to her eyes and even broke her heart a little. It was a Pokémon, a Ponyta. May wanted to sink to her knees just looking at the poor creature. Somehow the poor darling had managed to trap itself in branches tangling up its legs in a position that would undoubtedly snap its legs if it kept struggling.

May took a step forward only to stop when the Ponyta scented the air and swung its head to look at her in hatred. May felt herself pale unexpectedly. Just what was wrong with it? There was no way it could know her. She took another step forward to be greeted with a warning snort and a small burst of flame from its mouth.

“Fat chance of me leaving you here!” She said narrowing her eyes as she inched closer. The closer she got to it the more her heart wanted to break. The poor thing was beautiful red mane and tail golden fur and a few unusual black stripes, but it was just covered in scrapes and scars. This one, May just knew it was a fighter.

“Look I’m going to get you out of here whether you like it or not.” May said tilting her head so she could look into the Horse Pokémon’s eyes.  “You can accept it or snort and try to bite me; it won’t stop me because there is no way I’m going to leave you here like this. Do what you want because it won’t stop me.” Grabbing the closest of the branches, May began her hardest to untangle them. She knew that the Ponyta was watching her every move she could feel the wisps of its breathing on her hair, it did not matter though.

Tearing one leg free she took a deep breath before tackling the others, by the time she was finished and the Ponyta was freed  only then did she realise she was not alone. Nurse Joy and her Chansey were silently watching from a safe distance away.

“Ponyta, would you allow me to treat you?” Nurse Joy asked softly while May felt her eyes widen. She swallowed slowly as she considered Nurse Joy’s tone and distance.

Ponyta merely flicked its tail as it swung its head to look May in the eye as she slowly rose to her feet. In her head, May was wondering whether she should slowly back away before making a mad dash for the Pokémon centre when she felt Nurse Joy approach her side.

“That was very brave of you May.” She said as Ponyta allowed Nurse Joy to handle it. It kept an unnerving eye on May though watching her even though it had to be in pain.

“It’s okay Nurse Joy, I would never leave a Pokémon in trouble presides any more thrashing and...” May felt her voice hitch as she recalled the scene she had intruded on. “Any more and this poor Ponyta would have been in more pain.”

“So nice of you.” Nurse Joy smiled as Chansey offered her a med kit. “This Ponyta has been running around here for quite some time, I come out here to check on it regularly.”

May frowned from what she knew Ponyta’s ran in herds. “Is the herd nearby?”

“No, this Ponyta was ran off from its herd about a few years ago and have been all alone since.” Nurse Joy lowered her head but not before May saw a tear escape her eyes and drop into Ponyta’s mane.

“Ran off? But why?”

“Because there is room for only one leader, and its elder sibling was much more stronger and forced it out of the herd to survive on its own. These black streaks on this Ponyta show its breeding it would have taken over or remained in the herd if its sibling had not run it off.”

“So it has survived on its own like this? In the forest? Not, not the plains where the others like to live?” May asked feeling just a little sympathetic. This Ponyta had to have endured quiet a lot considering it was a herd animal.

“Yes, it is very mistrustful and usually avoids contact with others unless provoked. It gets into a lot of fights and trains very hard.”

“Train? For what?” May frowned running through many reasons why Ponyta would want to train hard. “You can’t mean it wants to challenge its brother right?”

Ponyta snorted, May guessed it agreed for Nurse Joy also nodded her head. It was a natural reaction to being thrown away May guessed but still to her, it was somewhat ridiculous. In the end when she thought about it, even Pokémon have pride. This Ponyta surely had to have its pride and faith shattered; now its focus was to single-mindedly gain entry to some place it had once felt it belonged. The herd.

May met Ponyta’s eyes as she continued to contemplate. It was not something impossible to accomplish, there were so many times she had attained what others thought as the impossible. Times she watched Ash attain or get as close to that goal as possible through his dedication and bonds with his Pokémon.

Her Wartortle had struggled pass shyness and problems using moves to be the best it could be for her. This Ponyta wanted to show that it was strong and capable to its herd, its family. There was nothing wrong with that.

May allowed herself to grin. If anything, she herself wanted to become a part of it. If she could, she wanted to help this Pokémon show its true power to the herd, who knew what that would accomplish but you sure got points for trying.

“Ponyta?” May asked maintaining eye contact with the Pokémon. “If you would let me I would love to help you out. I’m not sure what I can do to help you, but I know I want to. If you would want me to battle you, maybe time your racing set up obstacles for your jumps or even if you just want me to watch, I want to do it.”

Nurse Joy had finished up with her treatment and was giving May a contemplative look. “May, are you sure you want to just help Ponyta? I mean Ponyta is wild and you could become endangered in some way.”

“I’m sure Nurse Joy. This is something I’m accustom to. When I first started on my Pokémon journey I helped my fair share of Pokémon. I even helped my share of Pokémon.” May paused as she thought about some of the things she herself had faced on her own. “When I travelled alone, I even got hurt a bit. It wasn’t the Pokémon’s fault but even being a cheerleader or a bystander can lead to a few injuries.”

Ponyta snorted at May. She was not too sure if what she said had touched it. But it was worth a try, everyone deserved a chance to prove themselves. Like Ash, Misty with her gym, and even herself with Drew. Everyone deserved a chance to show off his or her inner and outer strength.

Ponyta lowered its head and to May’s shock, it very lightly bumped her shoulder. She froze, was that a negative response? Ponyta lowered its head again and this time bit down on her shirt and dragged her closer.

“It looks like that is a yes May.” Nurse Joy said stepping back. “I’m finished here so I will be going back to the Pokémon Centre, Ponyta seems to like you and is willing to let you prove yourself, do you want me to leave Chansey here?”

“No thanks.” May said lightly removing herself from Ponyta’s hold. “I guess I’ll be off doing whatever this Ponyta wants me to do.”

“Right now it wants you to climb on its back.” Nurse Joy said. “Come see me later May, be careful. Come along Chansey.” May watched as the two nurses began their trek back to the centre.

“Well then.” May grinned before gripping a piece of Ponyta’s mane. “I guess you want me to ride you huh? I’m going to need a little assistance from you.”

Ponyta merely snorted before lowering itself to a point that May could swing on. When May felt that she was securely on she lightly squeezed Ponyta’s sides to indicate she was ready. Ponta snorted again before lightly stepping away from the clearing.


May knew that Ponta knew where it was taking her. Nevertheless, she had to admit that she was just a little wary about how long it was taking them to get there. If she did not know better she would swear they were going out of the forest.

But that would be wrong, it was too early for them to do such a thing. Ponyta needed to train before leaving the forest and challenging its brother. That was why she was there. To assist as much as she could.

“Ponyta?” she queried as the Pokémon began to move even faster. It was not a flat out run but it sure was not a trot either. Before she could ask again they broke out of the forest and May felt the air leave her lungs.

They stood at the edge of a clearing that looked out to the most magnificent fields she had ever seen. The faded light made the field appear even more beautiful. The grass shone in a white light, and among the grass, May could see a lot of other Ponytas.

This was this particular Ponyta’s herd. It had to be. This was them down there together in the plains wandering among their territory. While this Ponyta was up here on the outside. May leaned further down so her cheek was against Ponyta’s mane.

“You lived so close to them all this while? It must have been painful, so close to home, to family and not able to go.” Ponyta gave a small snort to her in response. Now that she could see, what Ponyta was fighting to regain May was even more determined to help.

She tugged at Ponyta again. “Let’s go someplace where we can train Ponyta, I promise I will get you your dream, no matter how long it takes me.” She could feel the rush beginning to flow through her veins at the thought of what they would have to go through.

In a way, this is what she really needed to get her head on track. Ponyta turned around and headed back into the forest but May was not paying much attention, she was already trying to figure out just how she was going to help make this Ponyta even stronger.


“I have got to admit.” May panted in exhaustion as she slumped against a rock in the clearing that Ponyta had brought her to. “That was some intense training there. I’m sure Blaziken never had it so good either.” She remarked watching as Ponyta pranced around.

It had been a good training session, first they had done races then battling. Considering she heard no disapprovals from Ponyta she assumed that was exactly how the score between siblings was going to be settled.

A race to see who was fastest and then a battle to see just who was stronger. Right now she had to admit that this Ponyta was really tough, her Blaziken was powerful but Blaziken had to be constantly careful to avoid being taken out.

The forest had really made this Ponyta something. She was not sure if Ponyta thought he was ready but May thought he was. There was no way he could be beaten.

He was so fast, agile and powerful. There was no way they could lose she could feel it in her bones. Smiling she returned Blaziken thanking it for the great job. May was not certain when the battle would be but she wished she could see it.

She felt something nudge her back, frowning she turned to see Ponyta behind her indicating she should get on.

“Guess it is late huh?” She said as she struggled on. The moon was bright out but she knew it was not time for the Pokémon centre to close. She still had time she knew it. Another two hours would not be cutting it too close.

“You know Ponyta.” She remarked not paying attention to where Ponyta was going. “You really are strong and powerful, and pretty too. You have to be the first Ponyta I saw with such beautiful marks. You are going to be just cute when, no if you evolve.” She saw Ponyta’s ears twitch in her direction and she smiled.

“Your heart is so strong, but you have to admit, you are a little headstrong, you remind me of my Blaziken, before it evolved of course. Something to prove and prideful. You know even though it looks like I’m just helping you. You were a great help to me too. Now I know where I need to focus and work on next. I have got to get stronger and train more and beat my rival.” She sighed sadly.

Ponyta’s ears twitched forward as May fell silent. As May held on it continued on its journey but the journey was not to the Pokémon Centre as May had originally thought.


“You have GOT to be insane!” May shrieked. “You want to challenge your brother now? NOW? Right now? Its night! What’s the rush?”

They were entering the plains and they had been noticed almost immediately. May could admire the Ponyta for having such guts. But the fact was the whole idea reeked of insanity. This was something she just knew Ash would pull.

It was just insane! She squeaked when she felt herself being lightly dumped off Ponyta’s back. Now what was she to do?

She tensed as the herd began to surround them. They were not looking exactly happy to see her Ponyta. Leaving her to believe that this was not so much of a good idea, but Ponyta needed moral support. Unfortunately that was her. May sighed in disappointment.

“If I make it out of here alive, I swear I’m gonna eat Dad’s cooking with no complaints at all. Ever!” she moaned at the circle of Ponyta’s got even tighter. Frowning May considered the other’s actions.

Maybe they were waiting on the sibling to arrive, that was understandable. She felt curiosity to just what the sibling looked like. The sound of heavy hooves approaching had her flinching. It appeared she was going to find out.


 May found herself with the young Ponytas watching what was about to be the challenge of the lifetime. Ponyta’s brother was a Rapidash making sure that this race was definitely starting at a disadvantage. May was panicking when the black striped Rapidash had pushed through to snort at Ponyta.

This race was doomed before it even begun. Unless there was some sort of disadvantage for Rapidash, Ponyta was doomed to lose over and over until it managed to evolve. Tears gathered in her eyes and she quickly blinked them away.

Ponyta were snorting at each other as they stood side by side facing the forest. May gasped causing the other Pokémon to toss their heads in irritation. The only advantage Ponyta would have would be there. The forest run.

“You can do it Ponyta!” She screamed shrugging aside all negative feelings. The Ponytas around her snorted and she ignored them. Ponyta could do it she knew it.

Ponyta shook its head in her direction and snorted proudly and May found herself laughing. It was insane, maybe impossible, but you never knew until you tried. May did not know what the starting signal was but all she saw were both siblings suddenly sprinting off side by side off to the forest.”

“You can do it Ponyta!” She cried out before the duo disappeared. She sighed and collapsed on the grass as the other Pokémon began idly eating the grass.

“Guess it is going to be a long wait. She murmured.”


The sound of the fast beat of hooves made May sit quickly up. They were back finally. They were neck to neck! She jumped up and down screaming her encouragement. Ponyta could do it she knew he could.

“Come on Ponyta!” May yelled when she saw how close they were to the finish and how Rapidash was gradually pulling away. “I know you can do it, he is not better than you!” gritting her teeth May felt her heart in her stomach as she saw Ponyta pull a spurt of speed and leap past his brother over the pile of rocks that were the finish line.

“Thank, thank goodness.” She found herself whispering as she sank to her knees. Ponyta was prancing in place, while his brother was just snorting furiously.

“Congrats Ponyta!” May called out, she noted that the others were not too happy but she did not care. This was Ponyta’s moment. The battle was not done however. She watched as both Pokémon warily approached each other. Next it would be a fight not a battle but more of a wrestling.

Ponyta lunged forward towards Rapidash but just as quickly retreated. A feint, May knew. Rapidash shook his head before lunging toward Ponyta, snapping, at his shoulder. May felt her breath catch, Rapidash wanted to quickly finish the battle and she knew why, he had never expected his brother to be his equal far less for him to beat him.

It was a matter of pride, May reckoned as Ponyta managed to elude his brother and kick him with his hooves instead. The other Ponytas surrounded them both not making a sound but the silence was just as deafening. May knew not what they were thinking but as she watched Rapidash miss Ponyta repeatedly she understood.

The moves Ponyta was doing was a part of its vengeance. Ponyta was showing Rapidash and the herd just how strong it was how mistaken they were and just how weak Rapidash was. May did not know if Rapidash had been evolved before it forced its brother to leave the herd but she was willing to bet that it had been a lucky break that allowed it to become the leader.

Rapidash missed again but this time stumbled allowing Ponyta to proceed with a harsh nip to the face. May flinched. Rapidash tried to counter but was repelled by Ponyta’s hooves and tumbled on its side to the ground.

The herd had become restless as the battle continued. They stomped their hooves in irritation as their leader tumbled snorted at his delay as getting up. May could see the fall had knocked wind out of him, but she could see the others did not care.

Rapidash stumbled up to face Ponyta again. May was slightly surprised that Ponyta had waited for him to rise but when Rapidash charged she understood why. Ducking Rapidash’s head Ponyta bit the shoulder and forced Rapidash back to the ground.

Subduing him, this May knew but there was another reason. Humiliation, there had to be a great deal of humiliation that Ponyta had felt so long ago and now May could tell her was giving it right back to his brother.

She felt tears come to her eyes as Ponyta repeatedly forced his brother to the ground or tripped him up while he remained untouched. Yes, it was right but this is not how things were supposed to be. Here was another heavy thump as Rapidash was forced to its side and May stepped forward.

“Ponyta! Ponyta, please, just finish this!” May begged. “I know it must have been painful for you, but this is not the way Ponyta. Doing this just makes you as bad as he is, please just finish this fairly and simply don’ turn it into some show.”

Ponyta hesitated, May watched as his ears twitched. She knew he had heard her. She saw the herd moving restlessly. Rapidash rose back on its feet warily, dodging and twisting was Ponyta’s specialty because of the time in the forest.

Rapidash had a major disadvantage, one he had helped create. Whether or not that had sunk in was not any of May’s concern.

“Please Ponyta.” She whispered. “Show him how a challenge should be done. I know you can do it.” Ponyta lowered its head. May was about to lower her own in despair when she saw Ponyta straighten its back and tense his legs.

Rapidash began its charge again but instead of running or dodging Ponyta met it head on. The sound carried through the area the sound of two rocks colliding. The two kept their heads together, pushing and pushing while May clenched her hands.

Finally she saw Rapidash give away first sliding backwards then by toppling to the ground. The herd began their cries and snorting. Ponyta had won.

The herd made to completely surround Ponyta and May found herself blinking away tears. Ponyta had done it. She stepped back wiping at her eyes, it was time to go back.

When she went to turn away, she saw the herd being pushed aside and Ponyta trotting for her. Laughing she forced herself to wipe away her tears and run to embrace Ponyta.

“You did it! I’m so proud, I just knew...” Her voice trailed off as her tears hit Ponyta’s nose. “I knew you were strong enough.” Shuddering May hugged Ponyta then froze when a white light appeared engulfing Ponyta.

“Wait, what’s.....Ponyta. You, You, you are ......evolving.” She whispered in amazement. The herd stomped and cried out while May stood transfixed at...Rapidash.

“This is so great!” she laughed hugging Rapidash. “Now you can lead the herd and be with your friends and family again.” She smiled. There was a moment of hesitation and then Rapidash looked behind to the herd. Rapidash appeared to be thinking of something then turned back to May and snuggled his head in her hands.

“Rapidash?” she asked confused. “Don’t you want to go with the herd?” Rapidash shook its head in her hands before lowering its head to her bag at her waist and nipping at it.

“You, you want to come with me?” May asked amazed. Before Rapidash could do, anything in response the herd behind them parted to reveal the elder Rapidash. The two brothers stared at one another before whinnying to one another. The elder Rapidash looked somewhat relieved and May was left staring as the herd turned its back on them and walked away.

Taking out a pokeball May swallowed. “Listen up Rapidash, you say you want to come with me but the thing is. You are so strong and powerful, and I am a co-ordinator I can do my best but I don’t know if I can live up to what your herd is. Maybe you think you want to be with me, but the thing is I’m really not that great. I suck at a lot of stuff; I have a lot to learn. But if you really want to come with me.”

“May offered the pokeball to Rapidash and swallowed. “We can learn stuff together, become even stronger together and you can become part of my family with my other Pokémon. What do you say?”

Rapidash whinnied before bowing its head in agreement. Hands shaking May activated the pokeball and watched as Rapidash was taken into the pokeball. Sinking onto her knees, she watched the ball shake as her heart beat erratically. Finally, the ball was silent and May took a deep breath.

“I’ve got a Rapidash. A strong beautiful Rapidash.” Closing her eyes, May took another deep breath.


 The Pokémon centre was still open, May sighed she had made it just in time. Nurse Joy looked up from her desk and smiled at her.

“Did everything go okay May?” she asked gently.

“Yes Nurse Joy.” May replied still in some state of shock. “In fact.” She continued removing three Pokeballs from her person to Nurse Joy’s shock. “Could you take care of my Pokémon for me? They are really tired out from tonight.”

“Why yes of course.” Nurse Joy replied with wide eyes.  “I would love to.” Her eyes rested on the third pokeball she held.

“May, I’m so glad Ponyta chose you for a trainer.”

“Rapidash” May said flicking her eyes to the door to the outside.

“I beg your pardon? “Nurse Joy said.

“I said Rapidash, he evolved after beating his brother.” May said tiredly. Her eyes met Nurse Joy’s and the nurse nodded in understanding.

“Collect them in the morning May, now have some rest, you look like you could use some.”

May nodded before dragging herself to her room. Her mind was in turmoil, her body heavy but her heart had never been lighter and her spirit more cheerful.

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