JJ Maybank Imagines

By msjjmaybank612

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JJ maybank stories that will make you smile. and maybe cry, who knows..... these are mostly JJxreader More

Your Introduction
Sick Days
Fights and Secrets
Hard Days, Harder Nights
Panic Mode
"please don't go"
Today is the day
Lazy days
The Day After
The Druthers
The Visit
Blow Up
The Text
No doubt
The Warrant
No more hiding
Finding Out
Finally Here
"Because I know you"
Snowed In
they don't know about us
No Pogue left behind
Playlist - 1
Instagram 2
Escape Room
The carnival
Shock Factor
Stay Stay Stay
"we need a win"
Call it what you want
Back to you
instagram 2 (christmas)
It's love?
Our deal
Christmas Morning
Christmas Love
Hold On
My Girl
Storm Drain
Crain House
The Ex
The Question
Shoot Me
Break up with him
Hell of a Dream
Baby Girl
Everything to Me
See Me
The Crash
Headcannons Pt. 1
Anger Issues
Shark Week
Home Life
Lose You Too
Single Dad
The List
Hockey Game
Mary's Song
I know a place
Hot Tub
Voicemails: Part One
Voicemails: Part Two
Day Trip
Girl Fight
"No Dying Today"
Breaking News
Helpful Friend
happy birthday, my love
Diver Down
How He Got the Girl
Our Song?
the chase
Paper Rings
king of my heart
Invisible String

Pogue Princess

5.8K 50 10
By msjjmaybank612

Third person POV:

Keggers were a normal event for a Friday night in the Outer Banks. Typically just a ton of teens gathered around with drinks in hand, dancing to the music blasting. These events were generally low key, as not to draw attention to the many underage drinkers. However, tonight was different.

Y/n Routledge was known for being the Pouge Princess, and these events were her kingdom. She was always the center of attention, whether it was her dancing in the middle of the party, chugging a beer or starting a fight with whoever pissed her off that night.

Tonight it was the ladder. She was pissed, for the past week a couple of kooks have been spreading rumors about her. Typically she would just tell them to fuck off, but they wouldn't stop. She had enough.

Tonight her mission was to find out who had been talking shit about her. And when she did find them, well they were not going to like the outcome.

It was a couple hours into the party and y/n had been quietly chatting up pogues and kooks alike to find out the source of these rumors. Until finally she got a name.

Taylor Thornton.

Taylor was Topper's twin sister. She used to be really good friends with Sarah, that was until Sarah fell in love with John B. And broke Topper's heart.

Y/n had always hated Taylor. She was a two-faced lying bitch, who only cared about what designer dress she was wearing. She was worse than her brother, and she was dating Rafe. That speaks for itself. But despite that Taylor always made it a point to flirt with any boy she could at these parties, especially JJ Maybank, who happened to be Y/n's boyfriend.

Y/n knew that she was going to have a tough time getting Taylor alone to kick her ass, but that didn't stop her from trying.

Y/n made her way over to the girl, who was sitting on a log making out with Rafe. Topper wasn't too far away talking to Kelce. These four were always close together, especially on the cut.

Y/n stood there in front of the couple, waiting for them to pull apart so she could rip them a new one.

They finally noticed and turned to the girl. Her arms were crossed and you could tell she was pissed.

"Aww, Babe look what the cat dragged in" Taylor laughed putting her arm around Rafe's shoulder.

"Looks like trash" Rafe scoffed. Causing Y/n to roll her eyes.

"We need to talk" Y/n said, if her tone didn't say she was pissed her face certainly did.

"What could we possibly have to talk about?" Taylor questioned.

"How about we start with the fact that you are a shit talking bitch." Y/n said sternly

"What did you just call me?" Taylor said as she stood up, getting on the same level as Y/n

"You heard me" Y/n replied, this girl was probably the most confident on the island, she was not going to be intimidated by this rich girl.

Taylor stood there, shocked at the confidence y/n had, no one really stood up to her.

"Look I could give two shits what you do and what you say. But when you spread shit rumors about my friends and my boyfriend, then we are going to have problems. Got it" Y/n spat

Y/n had slowly gotten up in Taylors face, gaining the attention of Rafe, who had motioned for Topper and Kelce to come over. Suddenly Y/n was met by Taylor and her guard dogs.

Taylor noticed her back up and looked a y/n with a smirk on her face.

"Come on y/n. You don't wanna do this. I mean look around, I run this island." Taylor said cockily.

Little did Taylor know, JJ had been looking for his girlfriend for a while. He finally spotted her, surrounded by the people that he hated the most. JJ made sure to grab John B and Pope, before they all made their way over to their girl.

Y/n was about to say something when she heard footsteps behind her. Two hands appeared on her shoulders.

"Babe, you good?" JJ questioned. Y/n felt a wave of relief, not that she was scared or wouldn't have tried to take on the four by herself. But because JJ always had that effect on her.

"She's fine Jay, just being put in her place." Taylor smirked, she knew what she was doing.

"I was talking to.. " Before JJ could finish Y/n cut him off.

"Put me in my place? Really last time I checked you were on the cut, Bitch" Y/n said getting up in Taylors face.

With that Taylor swung her hand and slapped y/n straight across the face. All the boys stood there, they knew where this was going.

Y/n turned her face to meet Taylors once more, she was laughing

"You really shouldn't have done that" Y/n laughed.

Soon enough there was a full fledged fight going on. Both girls landed solid hits, until y/n got the upper hand. She had Taylor pinned on the ground, slapping the shit out of her. She would have kept going if someone had ripped her off Taylor. She landed on her side on the sand.

Rafe had pulled her off so he could get to his girlfriend, but that was not going to still well with JJ.

JJ started punching the shit out of Rafe, leading the rest of the boys to start fighting too. Pope vs. Kelce and John B vs. Topper.

With all the fighting going on, the party had turned into a cage match.

Kooks vs. Pogues.

Kiara and Sarah had made their way over to watch their boyfriends and friends going at it.

They tried to stop them, but it was no use.

Taylor and Y/n had started to fight again, y/n still winning.

By the end of the fight all four Kooks were laying in the sand.

Y/n stood up and wiped a bit of blood from her mouth. "Guys. I think they have had enough" She said, leading her boyfriend, brother, and best friend to stop their punching and make their was back over her.

She stood there hovering over Taylor. "I suggest you keep your pretty little mouth shut, and stay off the cut. Cause honey, this is my kingdom."

With that she turned around and walked off, her friend following behind her. She was right this was her kingdom, and she was going to be damned if she let anyone question that.


The group had made their way back to the chateau, the car ride home was filled with "damn y/n" , " that was so badass", "way to go sis", "you boys did pretty good yourselves"

Finally they arrived and all started to head inside. Y/n was the last out of the car, she was walking inside when she felt a hand grab hers and pull her back.

JJ had pulled her into his chest. His hand found its way to her cheek and he rubbed his thumb over the new bruise that was forming.

"Damn," He said, staring at his girl.

"What?" y/n asked with a slight giggle.

"I just have the most badass girlfriend in the world" JJ said, slowing bringing his lips to y/n's

What was going to be a short peck on the lips turned into a full on makeout sesh. Things started to get a little heated, causing y/n to pull JJ into the chateau straight to her room.

They heard their friends yelling, mostly likely complaining but they tuned them out.

Y/n locked her door, and turned around only for JJ to push her up against it hard. Their makeout continued as he trailed kisses down her neck.

"I guess I should start shit more often then" Y/n whispered into JJ's ear. He looked up and met her gaze, lust in his eyes. He picked y/n up by her thighs and threw her onto the bed, she giggled at his actions.

Let's just say they had some good ass sex that night.

(1346 words)

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