Reincarnation of the stronges...

By VexedShade

1.2M 10.1K 4.2K

Starting over once more, he has entered this "living game" again in order to control his own fate. This time... More

2695 Rewards for an Emperor
2700 Bullying Monarchs
2701 Final Preperations
2702 Goddesses at Sea
2704 Rewards and Treasures
2705 The Fall of a Demon Queen and her Rise
2706 Scaming Superpowers
2707 A deal with Starlink
2708 The True Demon
2709 Learning a Taboo
2710 Strong People
2711 Entering the Passage
2712 Sword King vs Blade Wanderer
2713 Fighting a tier 5 Saint
2714 Broken Edge
2715 Confronting the Mysterious Youth
2716 Riches, Riches, and more Riches
2717 A Divine Quest!?!?
2718 Solomons Sword
2719 Super First Rate Zero Wing
2720 The Transcendental Realm
2721 The Operation Starts
2722 Kill Stealing
2723 Fire vs Silver
2724 Terrifying Older Sister
2725 Shi Feng vs Lee Jun
2726 Ancient City and Heading to the West
2727 Fighting the Divine Dragon
2728 Black Dragon King vs Divine Silver Dragon
2729 Approaching War
2730 Unrivaled Power
2731 Phoenix Rains Past
2732 The Green God Company Offer
2733 An Impossible Deal
2734 Fighting the Fallen
2735 Stongest Holy Devour
2736 The Strongest Fallen
2737 Fighting the Tier 5 Fallen
2738 Rewards from the Fallen
2739 Twilight Echo in Trouble
2740 Saving Sun and Moon?
2741 Desperate Battle against the Dragon
2742 Light Dragon's Loot
2743 The Perfect Training
2744 Unexpected Stone
2745 Challenging Asura
2746 Generous Dungeon
2747 Unfair!!!
2748 Long Fight
2749 Surprise Attack
2750 End of Starlink
2751 Heading to the Undead World
2752 Slaughter of the Undead
2753 Brave Intrusion
2754 He's a Grandmaster, She's a Grandmaster, They're all Grandmasters
2755 Chaotic Battle
2756 Fight With all your Might
2757 Egg Surprise
2758 Domain Realm Legacy
2759 The True Power of a Saint
2760 Elite Teams
(Side Story, Fire Dance) Lingering Regrets
2761 Building a City
2762 The True God's Domain
2763 New City
2764 Leave no Survivors
2765 A Sage and Sea Goddess Entered a Fight
2766 Godly Magic Spell
2767 Fear!
2768 Let Me Play
2769 Overwhelmed
2770 Victory
2771 Tragic
2772 Sky of Black Flames
2773 Great Zero Wing
2774 To A Bright Future
2775 Setting Up a Trade Route
2776 Soul Trace
2777 Lets Die Together!
2778 Unexpected Visit
2779 Thunder Emperor's Request
2780 Become a Super Guild?
2781 The Deal
2782 New Fortune
2783 Capturing the Orc City
2784 Battle at Rock City
2785 Next Level Fight
2786 Violet Vs Wind
Notes Refinment Realms
2787 Awakened Beast
2788 Captured City
2789 Kingdom to Empire
Notes Realms of Refinment part 2
Notes Realms of Truth part 1
2790 Pleasure and Business
2791 The Party
2792 Talks With an Old Friend
2793 Meeting with the Class Monitor
2794 Sneaking In
2795 A New God's Domain
2796 Completing a Forgotten Quest
Top 10 fights
2797 Upgrading the Tablet
2798 A New Force
2799 Training
2800 A New World
Holiday Special
2802 Proof of Loyalty
2803 Leave It To Me
2804 The Might of the Tyrant Bear

2801 The First Step

4.3K 65 13
By VexedShade

Each sword swing seemed ordinary as if he randomly just attacked the air, but surprisingly when the sword swings met with the Extreme Slash, the Extreme Slash followed the same trajectory as the sword's.

In a split second the ghost clone lost all control of its Extreme Slash as they followed the will of Shi Feng.

Shi Feng sandwiched all Nine Extreme Slashes between his two blades as they pointed towards the ceiling above his head.

With his right foot firmly planted on the ground and his left foot taking a slight step forward a massive amount of power transferred from the ground to Shi Feng as he slashed his swords and Extreme Slash downward at the clone.

A giant silver slash sliced the clone and sent it flying off the platform. People might mistake this as an in game skill. The silver slash contained so much power and seemed so exaggerated that it didn't match what a combat technique should look like.

After a second, Shi Feng who was responsible for this finally had life return to his eyes. He repeatedly blinked trying to confirm that it was him that did this.

"What an out of body experience! Is this what the Transcendental Realm is?"

While he immersed himself in the fight, he stopped thinking about how to move and attack and let his body move on auto pilot. While in that state he felt completely free and unrestrained, as if the chains restricting his body were gone.

He felt like he could master a Bronze Combat technique in a few days. Normally it would take him days just to learn a Bronze Combat technique and even longer to master it.

Now as long as he knows the principle of the technique he can pull it off in a few tries.

Shi Feng took his sword and sliced at the space before him. His sword split the air and left very thin lines of light.

"My attack reaction speed has improved!" He was ecstatic. Trying to increase his reaction speed is something that isn't easily possible at his current standard. But now that his body barely takes any commands from his mind, although it isn't as fast as when he was having that out of body moment, those subconscious limiters that his brain placed on him no longer holds him back.

The brain places limits on the body as a form of protection. Martial artists have ways of releasing these limiters but not all of it as that could lead to irreparable damage or even death.

But in a virtual game, the virtual body has no need for those limiters, unfortunately the brain still places these limiters.

Now Shi Feng doesn't have that holding him back. It's not only his reaction speed, movements that he would've found uncomfortable and unnatural will feel less so.

Shi Feng quickly went to the next platform, not waiting for his clone to come back. Now that he has officially entered the Transcendental Realm he wants to see how far he can go.

Shi Feng entered the second platform. The size was the same as the first but the rotation of the dome and floor were even faster. The deliriousness he felt on the second platform was on a new level compared to the first.

In the next moment another ghost clone appeared in front of him. This one seemed more real and alive then the one before.

As time slowly passed Shi Feng and his clone just stared at each other. "Waiting for me to make the first move?"

Shi Feng didn't expect this. Usually training dummies would attack with no hesitation. The only other time he experienced something like this was when he was in the Bronze Temple at the World Summit learning to go beyond 100% completion on his Chop skill.

Shi Feng decided to attack first. With blinding speed he instantly arrived in front of his opponent. He lifted both swords and slammed them down at it.

Lightning Flash

17 lightning arcs devoured space threatening to leave nothing of the clone before it.

The clone who had done nothing before had a look of disdain on his face. It nonchalantly lifted its sword randomly swinging it at the oncoming lightning arcs.

When the clone's sword made contact with Shi Feng's, his Lightning Flash turned into regular sword swings and completely missed the clone. Shi Feng was stunned at this. This clone had effortlessly neutralized his technique.

The clone didn't give Shi Feng a second to recollect himself. One of its swords cut the space before it while the other created beautiful stars around it.

Skill- Shadow Blade + Combat Technique- Sword Orbit
Skill Technique- Dark Blades Orbit

The usual dark swords of Shadow Blade followed the trajectory of Sword Orbit. As it did, dark black and light silver stars with traces of small meteors in the midst illuminated the surroundings. It's as if a real mini galaxy had been generated.

For a second Shi Feng was completely mesmerized. "You could do that?!" His clone had easily created more than triple the amount of stars he usually creates with his Sword Orbit. It also looked like both the Shadow Blades and Sword Orbit were enhancing each other's strength and speed, as they continued to generate more stars and meteors with each passing moment.

Shi Feng didn't think he could maneuver his attacks around this, and all his defensive measures seemed helpless.

He decided to use his mana technique, Light Shadow. Not to attack as he wasn't currently in the position for that, but using the technique's large AOE as a shield.

Before the clone's assault could hit, a phantom of a giant greatsword appeared before him. This didn't deter the clone whatsoever as it continued on.

When the galaxy and phantom greatsword connected, the greatsword started to break down. Shi Feng wasn't so surprised, he had made this Light Shadow in a rush and it was incomplete. There was no way it could match up to a true skill technique.

But this gave him time to take a step back.the galaxy completely destroyed the Light Shadow, but the duration of Shadow Blade finished.

In the Extraordinary Tower everyone is reduced to the basic level 50 tier 1 standard. While the training dummies have slightly better attributes, there are only allowed access to tier 1 skills. Shadow Blade which has been upgraded to a tier 3 skill is limited to tier 1 here.

Shi Feng knew he couldn't fight the clone head on. He was outmatched in skills, technique, and power.

"Since I can't face it directly, I'll try evasive measures."

Void Steps

Shi Feng disappeared from sight. As he did he caught a glimpse of what seemed like a new world of emptiness. This world was black and filled with nothing, but this only lasted a second.

While Shi Feng disappeared from sight, the clone spun around and swung both swords at the empty air before it.

Secret Technique- Lightning Flash + Skill- Flame Burst
Skill Technique- Static Burst Flash

First, the clone's swords turned into flaming white blades, then those flaming white blades multiplied to 17 scorching lightning arcs.

The temperature in the room increased drastically. When all 17 flaming lightning arcs merged, they disappeared but space started to burn and distort. Shi Feng reappeared, but he was under heavy suppression.

Even though he couldn't see the oncoming attack, he felt as if a scorching sun surrendered by a lightning storm came at him.

Instinctively he used Holy Devour but it was too late, the skill technique was too fast.

Shi Feng was hit by the burning air and flew like a bullet all the way to the entrance. A loud explosion filled the room as he laid on his back. A path of fire and electricity followed him along the same direction. "Can I really display that type of combat power?" He wondered

3 moves. He had been defeated in 3 moves.

This is the first time he has been so thoroughly defeated since rejoining God's Domain. The increase in difficulty for each platform was large but this didn't deter Shi Feng though.

Instead he felt like he caught a glimpse into a whole new world. With a smile forming on his face, he thought about those tier 6 god's in his past life, beings like the Bronze Dragon King, the Fallen Angel Serena, Thunder Emperor Kaiser, Sharlyn, and other incomparably powerful beings in the game.

While it was a very extremely small step, he felt like he was beginning to enter the same room as those existences.

If I can improve my mana control I'll be able to go further," he said gleefully.

His attributes were already at the tier 5 standard, but in order to maximize his attributes he needs to improve his mana control. He had already exhausted all methods he had in this regard so the only thing left to do is journey to dangerous maps and find legacies and teachings.

Shi Feng decided to leave the Extraordinary Tower. He had practically spent the half a day there.

As he exited the tower he got a call notification. It was from Flying Shadow.
"Flying, What's up?" Shi Feng asked.

"Guild Leader, the guild's from Fairy Country have decided to agree to your terms," Flying Shadow reported.

"It seems like they are getting desperate." A smile graced Shi Feng's lips from hearing this. Fairy Country is an extremely important place in the entire continent. It's home to many Demi Humans and other creatures.

After a certain update it will also be a war zone for all tier 4 and higher experts in the future. He had long wanted to prepare for this by building his foundations in Fairy Country but never had the chance to.

He didn't expect those guilds to agree to his terms so quickly but it looks like the recent system updates left them with no choice.

"Should I call Big Sis Fire and the others to prepare?" Flying asked.

"No. Fire is on an important mission right now. You, Cola, and Shadow Sword will lead our giants there to handle the situation. I trust you can do it," he said.

"Don't worry Guild Leader, we won't let you down."

"Good. Also have Fierce Snake lead the Guild's second main force to clear out the Demon Wolf Mountain. Tell him not to try to fight the boss yet."

"Got it." With that Flying disconnected the call. The Demon Wolf Mountain Range is home to a large scale teleportation point to the western continent. Clearing it out is a pain since the Demon Wolves have such a high response rate.

Once he gains access to the teleportation point, Zero Wing will be swimming in gold coins and magic crystals.

Shi Feng took out a return scroll teleporting to StarMoon City. He went to the Adventure Association to collect his reward for turning the kingdom to an empire.

The system rewarded him with a Superior Epic Treasure Chest. This was his first time ever hearing the name of such a chest. Unfortunately he needed at least an epic treasure key to opening it.

It reminded him of that inferior legendary treasure chest he found a long time ago but required a key of equivalent rank. The matter had made him depressed a little.

Entering the association he saw not only players but also a ton of NPCs looking at quests and chatting. He even saw a few NPCs flirting with female players.

NPCs are typically very handsome and beautiful. Many players had even married NPCs in his past life after the update, leading a double life with their real spouses and NPC partners.

Is it considered cheating?

Even after ten years, debates on that very topic started many flame wars on online forums. One things for sure, was that those who were caught having an affair with a NPC created a very comical show for the world to watch.

Shi Feng went up to a free receptionist.

"Oh my, it's Sir Gold Legatee! What can I do for you," the beautiful receptionist asked.

After the Free Story Update, NPCs that are familiar with a player will recognize their associated titles and accomplishments.

So even if Shi Feng didn't have his Gold Legatee title active, as long as the NPC was familiar with him, the effects still worked.

"I came to receive my quest reward," he said.

"Somebody will be right with you then. Please wait in our VIP room please."

Shi Feng did as he was told and went to the VIP room. After a few minutes a tier 4 great wizard came into the room.

Shi Feng recognized him, this was Laurence, he is one of the deputy enforcers of Starmoon Empire's Adventure Association.

After he greeted Shi Feng, Laurence said, "Lord Gold Legatee, my deepest apologies but the Emperor can not see you right now due to matters in the Glory Empire. If you want, we can still give you your rewards, but if you are willing to wait, we will contact you when the Emperor is free."

"I will wait. This is a big step for the empire, who am I to get in the way of that," Shi Feng said.

He really wanted to meet with the Emperor. Even though his current status in the game allowed for such meetings, it was still unlikely that he could meet with the Emperor. He didn't mind waiting a few more days.

"Thank you, Lord Gold Legatee. Is there anything else I can do for you?" Laurence asked.

"Yes there is. I would like the Adventure Association to fully garrison my city in the Orc Empire," he said.

"You want a full garrison. That won't be a problem Sir. Wait a moment please." Laurence then left the room.

The Adventure Association will garrison any guild town or city when they meet the requirements, but it's not a complete garrison. In order to get the full support of the association it will need to fully garrison the place.

This will lead to many more benefits and can even resolve the current problem with Silver Wing City.

All the guild has to do is reach a certain status and reputation with the association, complete a series of high ranking quest for the adventure association and provide some materials and payment for the garrison.

Zero Wing is already a town level honorary guild and has a high quest success rate. The status and reputation is already there. Now they just need to complete the other requirements.

After a little while Laurence came in with an ancient tome. "Lord Gold Legatee, we have determined that Zero Wing fulfills the requirements for a full garrison. As long as you complete this SS rank commission, the garrison will be approved."

"SS rank Commission? Isn't this different from the standard procedures?" Shi Feng asked, confused. A SS rank quest is the equivalent of an inferior legendary to a full legendary quest. Such quests are not easily completed. He felt like the association was toying with him.

"You are right Sir. But as you are the first Heaven Blessed individual to attempt the full garrison order, and due to your status, we have decided to do it the traditional way. Of course the rewards will be increased greatly. Would you like to attempt it?" Laurence said.

"Improved rewards!" Shi Feng's mood brightened hearing this. Normally the association won't provide any rewards for the full garrison order, so what kind of treasures can he expect. "I'll do it!"

System: Congratulations, you have accepted the SS rank commission, Unite the 9

Quest content- Find the legacies of the Long Lost Grand Adventures.
Rewards: Full Garrison Order for StarMoon Empire Adventure Association. Other rewards are unknown.
Penalties for failure: Guild popularity decreases by 20% and guild rank demoted by 1 star.
Time limit is 1 month

That's it. Shi Feng was surprised hearing the quest content. He was already familiar with the Long Lost Grand Adventures. Their deeds were known throughout all players who frequent the Adventure Association. He is also aware of seven of the nine legacy locations. He can hand over this quest to Gentle Snow.

Shi Feng went back to the guild to prepare some stuff. He tasked Liang Jing and Melancholic Smile with gathering materials for something and got rid of the clutter in his bag space.

"It is time to visit the Ruined Mountain Range."

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