{5,7,57,97} Daniel

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Request from @whydontweTNS
"You need to eat something"
"Baby are you ok?"
"You need to rest"
"No no no please stay in bed"

I woke up and rolled over a bit, not wanting to get up yet. After yawning and rubbing my eyes, I looked at my clock. 9am. I was late... I quickly sat up but realized I wasn't feeling great.

I tried to push it all away and focus on getting up. But my head was fuzzy and I was dizzy. My stomach was hurting and my nose was stuffed. I wanted to get my work for the day done, I needed it done. I was so close to a raise and I needed it, especially for a new car. My old car broke down months before and I haven't been able to get one yet. Daniel, my boyfriend, wanted to get me one but I refused. I needed to get it myself and stick with it.

Thankfully, I worked from home and could do my work in pj's. So thats exactly what I did. I brushed my teeth and hair, making myself presentable. I grabbed my phone and my charger, walking downstairs to the kitchen. Daniel was leaning against the counter with an almost empty bowl of cereal. He was shoveling it into his mouth and looked towards me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked and set down his empty bowl in the sink. "I live here Daniel, just like you" I said with a laugh and opened my laptop. "No no no please stay in bed" "Daniel i have work to do, it needs to get done"

I started sending emails and answering business calls. After about an hour of working, I was getting extremely tired and felt weak. My arms relaxed by my shoulders and I cracked my knuckles, attempting to get back to typing. I felt my stomach move in a weird way but I pushed those feelings away. My stomach did it again and I felt my dinner from the night before coming up.

I ran towards the bathroom and closed the door behind me. I dropped to my knees and held on to the toilet, emptying my stomach into the bowl. It wouldn't stop and I had tears in my eyes; puking had always scared me ever since I was a child. 

"Baby are you ok?" I heard from outside of the door. Daniel knocked lightly and I quickly wiped my tears, flushing the toilet and patting my mouth dry. "Can I come in?" "Yeah" Daniel turned the door nob and let himself in. "Hey, you ok?" "Yea-" I started to throw up again and Daniel was quick to grab my hair. He held it out of my face and hushed me. "It's ok baby, let it out" He grabbed a hair elastic off of the counter and tried his best attempt at tying my hair up. Once my hair was semi up, he started rubbing my back and talking to me sweetly. "You're all good sweetheart. It's ok" Once I finished and felt good enough to leave the bathroom, I wiped my mouth and got up with the help of my loving boyfriend. 

I walked back to the kitchen and opened my laptop back up. "what the hell do you think you're doing?" "Working" Daniel sighed and walked over. "You need to rest! You can save the work you've already done and do it tomorrow" "But I need to get it done Daniel, I'll be fine" I said and he shook his head. "Come on, let's go to bed" I sighed, not wanting to argue because I already felt like shit. He led me into the bedroom and I layed down. Daniel grabbed the thermometor and took my temperature. "Y/N, you're way too hot, In more than one way" "Stop" I said with a smile as I playfully rolled my eyes. "But in all seriousness, you need to lay down"

"I'll go get something for you to eat and drink" I sighed and he tilted his head in confusion. "I don't want to eat bubs" "I know, but you need to eat something" "Fine" Daniel kissed the side of my head and left the bedroom. He came back within 20 minutes and set a few things on the side table. "I grabbed you a cold bottle of water, a bucket just in case, some crackers and a bit of soup" "Thank you" "Of course, now sit up and eat a bit" I ate about half of my food, drank a bit of the water and layed back down.

"Do you want some cuddles or to be left alone?" "No stay with me" I said and smiled at him. "Ok" Daniel pulled me in and held me close, kissing the top of my head every once in a while. "You need to take breaks sometimes Y/N, pushing all this work on you all the time isnt good for your body. If you're sick, you need to calm down with the overworking." "I know, but I really want to get the raise Daniel. I really appreciate you taking care of me though" I leaned my head even closer. 

"I'll always take care of you gorgeous, always and forever. Hopefully by the time you wake up, you're feeling better. Now lets take a nap and let your sick body rest." "I love you Dani" "I love you too my sick, sleepy girl" He said with a toothy smile, kissing my cheek and laying down. I closed my eyes and instantly fell into a deep slumber.

A/N- Sorry for not posting much and taking so long to write this request. I still hope you enjoy haha. it might not be exactly what you asked for, but i tried!! <3<3 

Why Dont we imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora