Twitch/ Daniel

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I layed on the couch playing with Daniel's hair. The house was quiet, late at night. All the guys were over, Christian was streaming and we were watching a quiet movie. Daniel shifted a little and his phone dinged. He looked and smiled.

After a bit, Will and Daniel left the living room and I looked confused. I heard a loud knock and a scream. Christian was playing outlast of course and They scared him. What an ass!!

They came back laughing and layed on the couch. "What did you guys do?" They finally calmed down from laughing and started to speak. "We went outside, knocked on Christians window and scared him" Daniel said and will started to laugh again. "You should've seen his face" Will chuckled.

"Guys that's mean" I said and Daniel looked at me. "Babe, it was a joke" I got up and walked to Christians room. I knocked lightly, careful not to scare him.

"Hey Chris, its me Y/N. Is it ok if I come in." "Yeah come in" I walked in and sat on his bed. "Hey sorry for Will and Daniel, they're dumb" "it gave me a heart attack" he giggled at the end. I gave him a side hug and sat back on the couch.

"Go apologize boys" they nodded and got up. After the apologized, Daniel came back and layed on top of me. He rested his head on my breasts and closed his eyes as I played with his hair.

A/N- im really sorry for being inactive. School is over for the year now!! Summer time baby!!!! I'll hopefully get to the requests soon

Why Dont we imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora