{11,61,62} Corbyn

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Request from @AmyStrode
"I'm pregnant"
"I love you so god damn much"
"Kiss me"

Corbyn and I have been together for around 5 years. We've been trying for a baby for months, nothing is working. I'm starting to give up, maybe I can't have kids. Corbyn really wants to have a family and I'm scared if I can't have kids; it'll be a deal breaker for him.

Pregnancy test after pregnancy test. Every single one, Negative. I finally decided to try it again, maybe my luck will be different. "Babe you just have to try, I believe in you" Corbyn tried to help me. He sat on our bed and handed me the box. "Everythings ok, whether there is one line or two; I'm always gonna love you. If it doesn't work out, we can try again"

"Everything will be fine, kiss me for good luck" I pecked his lips and walked into the bathroom. My mind was everywhere, I took a deep breath and opened the box. I walked out and saw Corbyn smiling at me. He set the timer for 3 minutes and we swayed in eachothers arms.

"Everything will be ok" he whispered in my ear. The timer went off and I grabbed the stick. My jaw dropped and tears escaped my eyes. They were like mini waterfalls on my face. "What is it?" "I'm pregnant" a loud sob escaped my mouth and Corbyn started to cry. "No fucking way'' I showed him the test and he started crying more. "We're gonna be parents, oh my god"

"I love you so god damn much" he said and I giggled. We were both still crying, yet they were happy tears. "I love you Corbyn" we hugged tightly, crying into eachother. We were finally gonna have the dream family of ours.

A/N- I'm sorry for not being active!! I'm really trying guys 🥺🥺

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