{6,8,10,16} Daniel

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Request from @morgan_hendricks_
"I made my baby cry"
"I hurt my baby"
"I'm scared"
"Shh it's just a dream"

"You never listen, thats the thing Y/N" I was arguing with my husband Daniel again. We were yelling at eachother again this week. "Says you, you never listen to me" I spat back. He rolled his eyes and glared at me. "Y/N just shut up, shut up" Our daughter Feredy walked in and we locked eyes. "Hey Fer, go back to bed" she nodded and walked back to her room. I smiled at the 6 year old and looked back at Daniel.

"You act like you run this whole house" Daniel said. "Maybe because you're never here, who else is supposed to run the house? You are always at the studio or hanging with the guys at some random bar" he rolled his eyes and scoffed. "You realize how stupid you sound. I have a job Y/N, a really good paying job and I'm busy all the time."

I rolled my eyes and Daniel shook his head. "Just leave me alone" "fine, leave then" Daniel went to our room and I stayed in the kitchen with my head in my hands. Feredy came running out crying. She ran in my arms and I looked confused. "Baby whats wrong?" "I-i had a dream that you and daddy broke up. " i sighed and pulled her in for a hug.

"Shh Its just a dream, everything is OK. Daddy and I aren't breaking up" she nodded and I walked her back to bed. "Stay in here and play with your dolls ok? Ill be one second" I walked to my bedroom and saw Daniel laying down. "What do you want?" "Feredy came to me crying, thinking we broke up. We are yelling at eachother so much, she had a bad dream about it Daniel"

"I made my baby cry? I hurt my baby!" He ran out and into Feredys room. Daniel picked her up and held her tight. "We aren't breaking up bub, everything is ok. Try to go back asleep" she nodded and he read her a bedtime story quickly.

I layed down and Daniel came in bed, laying on the other side. He kept his distance and my eyes became glossy. I sniffed, he definitely heard and turned towards me. "You ok babe?" I stayed quiet and he turned me over. "What's wrong?" "I'm scared Daniel, ok? I'm scared" "whats going on?" "We are always fighting and i act like nothing is wrong. I'm scared I'm going to lose you"

"You will never lose me babe, I promise. I'm sorry for being an ass and yelling at you. I'm a shitty husband, I know and I'm sorry. Want to cuddle and talk about it tomorrow?" I nodded and he grabbed my waist, pulling me in. I hugged him tight and he kissed the top of my head.

A/N- IMPORTANT** hey guys, im so so so so so sorry for not posting. I feel incredibly bad, like extremely bad. Its been so long and I'm sorry. Im really trying to get stuff done. School is starting in 2 days and I have loads of other things to do, including my instagram fanfic story and a mini home project. I don't even know if people still read this book! I don't want to end this book and I'm going to try to write on it more often. I have been focusing on my insta story and my obx book. WDW should be back soon (hopefully) and I will try to post more, I promise. Love you guys! Also, sorry this is really bad. It was rushed and really poorly written. I'm super tired right now, I just wanted to out something out and explain myself a bit.

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