Fallin/ Zach

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zach's pov

i watched as y/n walked into the room. everything suddenly went frozen, as if we were the only 2 people in the world. i could hear my heartbeat loud and clear. i loved the feeling. i wanted her to stay with me forever. i didn't know where we were going, where we were taking this or where this lead. 

she was gorgeous, beautiful and perfect even. she made me feel things i've never felt before. i felt happy and reckless. whenever she looked at me, i felt as if i was on a roller coaster. i felt a rush of adrenaline. i was falling for her. i had fallin. she had me falling in love. only for the hell of it.

whenever i was around her, i felt the adrenaline in my veins. she had me going insane, the good kind of insane. she was my little sweet surrender. once again, she had me feeling reckless. 

"zach" she spoke softly. "yes?" i asked back. "let's fall in love" y/n said with a smile on her face. "wait what?" i was shook, was she for real? "just for the hell of it" she winked 

i had fallin. 

a/n- sorry this is so short, its supposed to be like a short song blurb. i hope you guys like it, i tried something different this time and wanted to see how i liked it. <3<3

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