Left/ Daniel

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Daniel and I just finished eating dinner. I layed on the couch, ready to lay there and be lazy. Daniel came up to me. I thought he'd come cuddle but he just stared at me. "What's up Dani?" "There's this party tonight, will you come with me?" "You know parties aren't my scene" "please baby" "just go by yourself" "it won't be fun without you" "you won't even notice. You'll probably leave me for your friends" "I wont leave you side" "ok fine" "yay I love you"

I finished my mascara and turned towards Daniel. "You're dress looks so good on you. God you're gorgeous" I kissed him, careful not to smudge my lipstick on him.

We got in the car and drove to the party. I always hated parties, the thought of sweaty, drunk people made me uncomfortable. I could already hear the loud music from outside. He grabbed my hand and we walked in together. He dragged me through the crowded hallways and stopped to grab me a drink. I denied and looked at him.

"I don't want to drink tonight, ok" "it's only one" "it's bad enough I'm here" "ok, fine" "Daniel, please don't get drunk tonight" he was about to say something when someone grabbed his arm. "Hey Daniel, come play beer pong with me" one of his guy friends said. Daniel got dragged away from me.

After a couple minutes, I still couldn't find him. I looked everywhere, you'd think it'd be easy. It really wasn't. I accidentally bumped into someone on the way. "I'm sorry- Sam?" I saw one of my old girl friends from high school.
"Y/N? It's been so long" we started catching up and talking about everything going on in out lives. It was nice talking to someone you havent seen for a while.

"I should probably go find where Daniel is, it was nice seeing you" "we need to catch up soon" "of course" I left and walked around the house, trying to find Daniel. I finally found him and he was clearly intoxicated. I rolled my eyes and sighed. I grabbed his arm and tried to drag him to the car.

"Woah chill" "don't tell me to chill Daniel, let's go home" "ugh fine, you're no fun" I pushed him in the passenger seat and climbed in the front seat. "Can I drive?" "No!" The rest of the ride was silent, him just playing with his fingers.

We walked inside and I went into the bedroom. He went into the bathroom and threw up a bunch. I felt the need to help, but I knew I should just leave him to deal with it himself. He did bring this onto himself. But I was also his girlfriend, and he's always there when I'm sick. I went and started rubbing his back. "Its ok baby, I'm right here" he continued puking and wiped his mouth when done.

He finally went to sleep and I fell asleep shortly after.

I woke up and saw Daniel groan. "Pretty bad hangover?" "Fuck my life" "I thought you said you wouldn't leave me last night." "I couldn't help it, I thought you were following" "I couldn't find you, I'm not even really mad about that. I'm mad because you got drunk" "I'm so sorry baby" "you really aren't sorry" "I promise it wont happen again" "you said that last time" I sighed. "I promise it wont happen, I really mean it this time" "whatever"

I left and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed him a glass of water and went to the medicine cabinet. I grabbed some advil and walked back to the bedroom. When I looked, he was gone. Where would he have gone? "Baby..."

I turned around and saw Daniel in the doorway. His sweatpants loosely hanging on his waist, messy morning hair and no shirt on. He had his hands behind his back. "Baby I'm so sorry" he handed me a couple cute Daisy's. "Aww babe this is so cute" "I wont get that drunk again, will you forgive me?" "Aww of course" I took the flower and hugged him tightly. I kissed his lips and we smiled at eachother.

As much as I still wanted to be mad at him and make him pay for lying to me. I forgave him for being so sweet to me.

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