Live/ Jonah

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I was really bored, home alone. Jonah was at the studio and I had nothing to do. I realized that I haven't gone live on Instagram in a while. I grabbed my phone and plugged it in. I set it up on my desk and started the live. Within seconds, thousands of people started to join.

I told everyone to ask me questions and soon enough hundreds of questions were submitted. I answered a bunch but noticed something. Loads of questions were like this...

"Where's Jonah?"

"How's Jonah doing?"

"Tell Jonah I said hi"

"I love Jonah, tell him I say that"

Jonah this. Jonah that. Everything about Jonah. I love him, more then anything. But I really wished that they cared about me. And I wished they watched the lives for me, not just Jonah.

"Hey guys. I have to say something and I hope you understand. I'm gonna say this as nice as possible" I took a deep breath.

"I am my own person. Yes I'm dating Jonah, but please. If you are only here for him, leave please. I love him alot but I want you guys to support me for me. Not just because I'm with Jonah. I hope you can understand but I'm sick of it. I'm Y/N Y/L/N, not Jonah Marais' girlfriend, call me by my name."

I quickly ended the live and sighed. They don't like me. I layed down to sleep but I was too angry. I closed my eyes and waited. Within a couple minutes, Jonah came home. He burst through the door and took his jacket off.

"Hey baby" he said. He walked over to the bed and rub my shoulder. I looked up and he frowned. "What's wrong baby?" He asked. I shook my head and rubbed my eyes. "Y/N, what happened?" He rubbed my back soothingly.

"So I said some things on a live earlier.." i looked him in his eyes. "What did you say?" He looked concerned. I completely ignored his question. "Well its probably on every drama account by now" i started. "Babe what did you say?" He was harsh.

"Jonah please don't raise your voice" i cried. "I'm sorry baby. Now tell me what happened" he kissed my head. "I went live and everything was fine. But then people started to ask about you. Which I don't mind, but I asked them to ask questions. Everything they asked about you. And don't get me wrong, I love you Jonah. I love you alot and I love talking about you. But they weren't even acknowledging that I was there."

I sighed and he pulled me to his chest. "Baby, I completely understand why you're upset. I'll put something on my story about it and I'll tweet it. I hate that the limelights are acting like that. I'm sorry princess" he kissed my cheek and I smiled.

"Thank you Jo. I really appreciate it" i placed a soft kiss on his chapped yet soft lips. "Of course, i love you so much" "i love you more" i smiled. "Not even close" he kissed me again.

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