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Stressed is what I could say the least. I had a baby last month, where does the time go. Cleaning, cooking and watching Ella is stressful. Jack does everything he can to help. He works all day and comes home.

I yawned while rocking Ella. The door opened and closed slowly. Jack. He came in and dropped his bags. He kissed my cheek and grabbed Ella from me. "I can put her to bed" "no it's ok jacky, you had a stressful day at work. Go to bed I'll be there in a bit" I said between yawns.

"Please baby, you do so much for this family" he walked with Ella into the bedroom. He rocked her in his arms and tried to get her to sleep. Everything he tried, nothing was working.

Ella would not stop crying. He was getting frustrated. He sang what am I and nothing worked. She kept on crying, he felt like crying.

I walked in to see a stressed looking Jack holding a crying baby. "Jack, what's wrong?" I took Ella and rocked her. She fell asleep and I dropped her into the crib. "I feel like the worst dad ever"

"No, Jack why" " I can't even get my daughter to stop crying" "that's not your fault" "I'm a disappointment to this family" "no, you provide everything for us. We couldn't be here without you" "I know, i just want Ella to like me" "she loves you, mothers heart beat is just proven to calm babies down"

"I'm sorry" "dont be, now let's go to bed. I'm so tired" I kissed his head and layed down. We cuddled close and kissed eachother before falling into a deep sleep.

Why Dont we imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें