{69,22,84,98,61,62,70} Corbyn

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Request from @MrsAmbroseforever
"I'm tired of being your secret"
"Is this how little you think of me?"
"I can't... I can't lose you"
"Can I kiss you?"
"I love you so god damn much"
"Kiss me"
"Are you happy now?"

I smiled as my mom took my plate from the table. "Thank you, dinner was amazing" Corbyn, my boyfriend, and I were at my parents eating dinner. The only thing, my parents didn't know about Corbyn and I; they just thought we were friends. My parents wanted me to marry someone like a doctor. I'm very proud of Corbyn and how far his band has come along, but my parents were very different. They thought we were just best friends/ roommates.

She set the dishes in the sink and We walked out to the car. "Thank you guys for dinner" Corbyn said with a smile, we hopped in and closed the door. "Can I kiss you?" He asked and I shook my head. "No babe, they are watching us" he sighed and started the engine. We waved bye and started to drive home.

He seemed stiff and was really quiet. We had a 30 minute drive ahead of us, I didn't want there to be tension. I spoke up, wrong choice. "What's going on? Are you ok?" He ignored me and stared at the road. "Corbyn what's going on?" "I'm tired of being your secret! Are you embarrassed of me or something?!" "What?! Is this how little you think of me? I would never be embarrassed of you"

"Well how come you can't just tell them" "you know how they are" "do I? I think you are just embarrassed of me, or maybe you just don't love me" I rubbed my eyes, this was gonna be one long night. I stayed silent, not wanting to make him even more mad. "I knew it" "of course I love you Corbyn!" The rest of the car was silent, the only sound heard were the crickets.

He slammed the car door making me jump. I swallowed a lump in my throat and closed my door, ever so gently. We walked to the elevator and got in. Waiting felt like forever, just trying to get to our apartment. He didn't dare to look at me. We went inside and he stormed to our room. I took off my shoes, locked the door and sat on the couch.

I opened up my phone and texted the groupchat with my parents in it. Corbyn wanted me to tell them and thats exactly what I did. I told them the whole story, us meeting and getting together. After sending the text, I turned my phone off and went to the bedroom. I was met with a closed door, just as I was expecting. Corbyn could be a real drama queen sometimes, let me rephrase, all the time.

I walked in and saw him staring at the wall. "Corbyn I told them, I can't...I can't lose you" his head snapped my way. "What are you fucking talking about?" "You're just mad and I don't want to lose you. I told my parents about us" he pulled me into a hug and rubbed my back. "I'm sorry for snapping at you. I love you so god damn much and I'm sorry I thought you didn't love me"

"Well I told them, are you happy now?" "Yes of course" he held me tight and finally let me go. "About earlier.." "fine, kiss me" I rolled my eyes playfully and he got all excited. He pressed a soft kiss to my lips and smiled, making our lips separate.

A/N- hey everyone, I'm sorry for not posting and I know I say that alot but I'm trying. Life has been crazy lately. Anyways haply 10 years to 1D, they will always have a soft spot in my heart. They pretty much raised me!!

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