Wisdom teeth/ Corbyn

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I stretched and yawned. I looked over and saw Corbyn sleeping. I rubbed his shoulder attempting to wake him up. He had an appointment this morning to get his wisdom teeth out.

"Baby wake up, we have to leave soon" "no, stay and cuddle with me" "corbyn you have to go" "I dont want to" I pulled the blankets off him and tried to push him off the bed. "I'm scared y/n" "you'll be fine bean" we got dressed and ready to go. "Can we get coffees and donuts on the way?" "Corbyn you cant eat" "what? That's not fair" "you can eat when we get back" he sighed and got in the car.

I held his hand as I drove to the dentist. I dragged him out of the car after arguing for a bit. He really didnt want to go.  We sat in the chairs and waited. I signed him in because he wouldnt do it.  His name got called and his eyes went wide. "Babe please dont make me go. I'll do anything." "Corbyn you have to, I'll be right here" he pouted and walked into the room.


He got pushed out in the chair and I helped him into the car. "I really want some chicken nuggets right now" I laughed. "Dont laugh at me" i smiled at him. "These are really gross, take them out" he played with the gauze. "Leave them alone" "dont tell me what to do" "wow you're a diva on drugs" "I'm on drugs?!"

He started dancing all weird and I laughed. I turned on the radio and What am I came on. "Look bean, you're on the radio" "wait what. I can sing?" He called Daniel and put it on speaker.

"Listen it us on the radio"

"Wow Corbyn that's amazing"

"I didnt even know I could sing"

"Haha how'd the surgery go?"

"Good, this really pretty girl is driving me home"

"That's great, I'll see you later. Ok?"

"Ok bye bye"

he hung up and smiled at me. I parked in the driveway and helped him out. He layed down and spit the gauze out. I placed new ones in his mouth. I went to leave and grab medicine for him but he stopped me. "Come cuddle me" "I'm just grabbing some medicine for you" "fine I'll ask my girlfriend to cuddle me then" "corbyn I am your girlfriend" "really? Wow I'm so lucky"

I rolled my eyes and laughed. I grabbed the medicine and handed him it. He took it and held his arms out. I got in bed and he layed beside me. He rolled onto my stomach, laying his head on my boobs. "Your boobs are really squishy" I laughed and ran my fingers through his hair. I kissed his cheek as he fell asleep.

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