Deserve you/ Daniel

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My hands fiddled with the wrapper of a snack I had just eaten, making a quiet crinkle noise. The room was empty, just a random room in the back of the boys' studio. It was quiet, really quiet. My heart was beating fast, anxiety ran through my blood at rapid speed and thoughts were swarming my head. I couldn't keep thinking about the same thing for too long, too many things were on my mind. 

"Hey pretty lady, what are you up to?" Christian said walking in, closing the door behind him and sitting down on the couch beside the chair I was in. "Just thinking" I said with a quiet voice, sighing after. "Everything alright?" "How was he like.. you know, before me?" Christian's eyebrows raised, obviously confused. "Daniel? What do you mean by that?" He asked and came a bit closer. "Never mind I shouldn't have asked, forget it." "What's going on? Did anything happen?" Christian asked and I sighed. "I don't know, I just don't feel great. Daniel is amazing, I just feel like I don't deserve him, and I know that's stupid but I can't help but feel that way?" 

"I can talk to him-" He started. "No! Don't tell him, I shouldn't have brought it up" I cut him off.  "Y/N, he loves you so much. I've seen him before and after you guys got together. He's my brother, and I know how happy you make him." I was getting worked up, this was all alot. "It's the success of the album, that's what's making him happy. Not me. The fame of the band and the fact that it's taking off, is making him seem so happy." Christian sat and listened to me, something he was always good at and one of the reasons I loved him so much. 

"He's been with such beautiful girls before, I can't compete with them Chris" He sighed. "there is no competition Y/N, he loves you so much. You're gonna make yourself sick if you don't stop" He comforted me and I calmed my breathing. Just then, Daniel and the guys bursted in the door.

"Hey love, you ready to g- babe, are you alright?" He asked and I nodded. "Yep, i'm fine" I could see Christians face, telling me to talk to him but I didn't want to. "Do you guys want to come for lunch?" I shook me head no. "I'm pretty tired, I'll stay back and have a nap before your guys' show" Daniel's face dropped a bit. "Are you sure you're alright? I thought you had told me that you were hungry earlier" "Just tired, I want to be energized for your guys' show" "Ok, text me if you need anything" The guys and Christian left the room as I layed on the couch. I scrolled on my phone for the few hours that they were gone.

Daniel raced through the door and I jumped slightly. "God babe, you scared m-" "Why didn't you tell me?" Daniel cut me off and I opened my eyes wide.  "If you told me I could've fixed it. I love you so much Y/N, don't ever doubt that. I know i've been really busy and I've forgot to inform you how much you mean to me. It's always been you, not some stupid album or the fame. You're my happiness and I never meant to make it seem like you weren't" "Oh daniel, I love you so much. I'm sorry for being dramatic-" "Oh love, you weren't being dramatic at all. I can't imagine how you are feeling at the moment" He held my face and pulled me closer, holding me tightly. it felt amazing to be back in my boyfriends arms, soon enough he wouldn't have to be away from me forever, on tour of course. 

"By the way, I already asked management if you could come on tour with us" "Danie-" "Nope, you're coming. Final discussion. No backies" I rolled my eyes and kissed the losers cheek. "Weirdo" 

Why Dont we imaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora