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"Would you like one babe?" Daniel asked from the kitchen, I turned my head and nodded.

"Yes please, thanks," I called back. 

My fingers strummed on the strings until he came back with 2 juice boxes, apple juice of course. I had been working on learning the guitar while Daniel was on tour. Since he's been back, he wanted to play with me, though I wasn't that good. 

Daniel came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. I placed the guitar in his hands but he refused. 

"I'll help you," He said and smiled. 

He placed his head in the crook of my neck and kissed me on the cheek before placing the brown guitar back in my hands. His hands were placed over mine as he strummed on the strings, playing a little tune. 

His cologne was strong but calming. I leaned back and inhaled, as he leaned even closer to me. I picked up my juice box and sipped on the straw as he played some of the unreleased songs they made on tour. I finished the juice, listening to the soft playing of the instrument. 

I closed my eyes, leaning back on him as he started softly singing. I could feel my body falling asleep as the soft melodies helped me relax. Once I was fully asleep, Daniel grabbed my body and carried me to bed. After a few minutes, he layed beside me and ran his fingers through my hair until he fell asleep himself. 

A/N- sorry for this short ass blurb thing. I'm so sorry for like disappearing for a hot minute. School has been really hard and taken all my focus, I didnt even realize that I hadn't posted forever. I'm still here, I promise. I'm sorry ahhh

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