{39,53,58,95,100} Corbyn

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Request from @notinsideyourmind
"I hate you!"
"Make me"
"You need to heal"
"Just say it's ok, I need to hear you say it"
"You deserve so much better than that"

"A/N- This is way out of my comfort zone and I've never written anything like this. Not everything will be correct or accurate. Don't judge please.... ily"


I rubbed my eyes slightly, the blinding sun was flashing in my eyes and made it difficult to see. "Y/N, are you even listening?" Kay asked beside me. "Uh yeah, sorry" "what are you thinking about?" "Oh nothing, just zoning out. Watching Daniel play of course" I said with a shrug.

Daniel was riding his broom stick, of was a witch of course. Not one of the old, green ones; no, we were all more discreet than that. Kay was a sorcerer and I healed people. Like a special talent of some sort.

"When's the game starting?" I asked and Daniel shrugged. "Any minute now" Our town had multiple sports teams and they played games every Friday night. It was like Rugby mixed with soccer, and I never really understood it. Sadly, I had to be there for healing. Just in case someone got hurt, but I never wanted to be there. They people playing were assholes, And I would take any opportunity to be away from them. Therefor, I always dragged Kay with me. She kept me company and made the hours go by faster.

The chances of the teammates actually getting hurt was low. They all pretty much knew what they were doing, and it was rare to see injuries. Yet, the coaches always wanted me there.

"So as I was saying..." Kay continued talking about something that happened with the potions earlier that day. I kept my eyes on the game, watching for any injuries. Right when i took my eyes away from the game to look at Kay, I heard a whistle. That wasn't normal. Someone must have gotten hurt.

I looked over and saw someone on the ground. Corbyn. Of course he had ro be the one to get hurt, I hated him with a passion. He was so arrogant and full of himself, not giving a damn about anyone else. The coach dragged him over, with help from some other teammates. He layed down by me and I grabbed on to his shirt.

"What do you think you're doing?!" He asked and scoffed. "Looking at your cut, you dumbass" I rolled my eyes and lifted his shirt a bit. The wound was huge and was definitely something I couldn't deal with on the field. "We have to go to my healing room, it's too much to handle here" he rolled his eyes and groaned. "Aren't you supposed to be able to heal anything? How come you can't do it then?!" He said and I sighed. "I can heal them, just not here. Or maybe I could just let you bleed to death" "I'd rather have that then have to stay here with you!" He said and I laughed sarcastically. "Fine by me"

The coach wasn't happy with our conversation and helped corbyn get into the car. We drove to my healing room and I set him on the table. "Stay still" I told him harshly and headed down. After grabbing a cotton pad and rubbing alcohol, I lifted his shirt up. Placing the cotton pad on his chest, he let out a scream. "Holy shit Y/N, what was that?!" "Calm down you big baby"

"What'd you do that for?" "I need to clean it before I heal it, or else it'll be healed dirty" I started  moving my hands around and watched the wound slowly start to heal. Corbyn kept his eyes on me, watching my every move. Once everything was closed up, Corbyn tried to sit up. "Stop, lay down. You need to heal" he scoffed and I shook my head.

"Make me" he said with a smirk and I stared angrily at him. "I can un-heal that if you would like. But thinking about it, you'd probably bleed out to death. From what I recall, you said you'd like that." His mouth slightly opened and I laughed.

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