Birthday/ Daniel

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Today was Daniel's 21st birthday. Sadly were stuck in quarantine and he can't have a party. I feel really bad, so I decided to decorate the house as he was in the house studio working on beats. I already brought him breakfast in bed and many cuddles.

I set up streamers and balloons. They were his favourite colour thankfully. I set up the cake I made him and put out some snacks. I put on some music and walked to the bedroom.

I put on a cute, short, black dress. I walked to the studio and touched his shoulder. He turned around and yanked me close. "Wow baby, you look gorgeous" "thank you babe, now let's go downstairs"

We walked downstairs and he looked at all the decorations. "You did this?" "Yeah, do you like it?" "I love it thank you" he put his hand on my waist and kissed my lips. I kissed back instantly and pulled away.

We started eating the cake I made and just started talking while quiet music played in the background. "I'm sorry you can't have a birthday party with your friends" "it's fine, I have everything I want here" he said with a cheeky smile. "I love you birthday boy" "I love you more"

"You look so pretty in that dress, imagine what you look like without it" "you want your present now?" "Yeah yeah" I jumped on his waist and he carried us upstairs. Let's just say he loved his present.

A/N- happy birthday to my husband

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