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Things had been tough between us. Communication was lacking. With the amount of work Corbyn had been doing and the overlapping schedules, it was hard to find a minute to talk.

The stress from his job and the long hours, there wasn't much to take his stress out. He worked out in the mornings to calm his nerves and went straight back to work.

With the recent lawsuit containing his old manager, the stress only got worse. Tour was difficult to even think about because of court cases and everything.

The band was recording songs every week and writing music. He hardly got a day off and mentally, I couldn't take the distance anymore. I barely got a kiss goodbye in the mornings or a text during his lunch break.

When I spoke up about my concerns, he insisted that we were fine. I pushed my feelings and he agreed to take time away from the band to go out for lunch. I didn't think we needed to leave the house, all I wanted was to talk.

When we go to the cafe, he grabbed us a table as I got us a coffee and some sandwiches. As I carried the tray back to the table, Corbyn smiled at me.

"I'm glad you took the day off," I spoke up.

"I didn't want you thinking anything stupid, like we were gonna break up."

"Well the way we were heading, it seemed like it."

"Baby," corbyn started, "I'll never end it with you. I'm sorry for the way it's been, and the distance between us."

"It just felt like we were living two different lives with the way our schedules have been. You go to sleep late and wake up early, I'm always out when you're home and it wasn't working. I don't want you to feel like im putting all the blame on you, because it's both of us."

"Babe, it's okay. I'll start putting you first and-"

"No, I don't want that. You should be able to prioritize your job, I know how much that means to you, love," I cut him off.

"I'll start taking more time with you and calm down on the over time."

"Me too. I will start trying to put you first, because you mean the world to me Corbs. I don't want this to end and I don't want us to work ourselves to death."

"I love you Y/N, you know that. I would quit my job for you, just so you know how much you mean to me"

"No need, I love you too. And I know how much you love me too. Just need a little reminder sometimes." I laughed.

"Anytime you need, love."

A/N- I have no words for the amount of time I spent not posting on this book. I'm so sorry, I hope you guys didn't think I left or forgot about the book. I write everyday for my wdw Instagram and post on there, so it's been busy. Hope you guys enjoy this and hope I can continue to post more on here

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2022 ⏰

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