Divorce/ Jonah

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this is in your 5 year old daughter's POV btw 

I stared at my bedroom ceiling, it was pitch black and had little stars on it. They were glow in the dark and I had gotten them from Uncle Corbyn. All I could hear was mom and dad screaming at each other. It was scaring me, I couldn't understand what they were saying, but I knew it wasn't good. They had done this alot, especially lately. Dad got really scary when he was mad, I even heard him throw things. Why were they fighting? 

I knew I should have been sleeping but I couldn't help but stay up. The yelling was really scaring me and a tear fell down my cheek. I shouldn't be crying. After a few minutes, I heard someone walking up the stairs. I layed down and started to pretend to sleep. Maybe they will buy it. Dad walked in and grabbed my purple back pack from the ground. He started throwing clothes into it and a few of my toys. I tightened my grip on my stuffed pig and felt Dad grab my side. 

He started to pick me up and noticed I was crying. "Why are you crying?" He said in a mad tone. Which only scared me more. I didn't say anything and he glared. Dad held me on his hip and put the bag on his shoulder. As he carried me downstairs, I looked in the kitchen. There were broken things on the floor and the room was a mess. What happened down here?

In the living room, Mom was sitting on the couch. Her head was held by her hands and she was crying. I wanted to go over and hug her, make sure everything was ok. Dad rushed me out to the car and buckled me in my seat. It was really dark outside and way past my bedtime. He started driving, really fast. "Where are we going?" I asked and rubbed my eyes. "Were going to Uncle Jack's" He grumbled and I sighed. Why were we leaving mommy? 

The next morning, I woke up and walked out to the kitchen. Uncle Jack's house was nice but it didn't feel like home. I missed my bed, my mommy and my home. When I went into the kitchen, I saw Daddy gripping his hair in his hands. He grabbed the toaster out and placed a piece of bread in it. After it popped out, he spread some butter on it and placed it on a plate. 

He threw the butter knife in the sink and I flinched at the loud bang. Dad basically tossed the plastic plate on the table and left the kitchen. Why was Dad acting like this? He was so different now and it wasn't normal. Tears filled my eyes and I grabbed my toast. I ate it as I cried, alone in the kitchen. I just wanted dad back. 

It had been a few days and nothing was back to normal. He was still in a bad mood. Uncle Jack started hanging out with me more, because Dad never wanted to. I just wanted to see mom, I needed to see mom. "Jonah, i'm taking her to see Y/N" Uncle Jack yelled from the bottom of the stairs. Thankfully, Uncle Jack agreed to take me to see mom. 

Mom was acting weird too, she was really sad and her voice broke with every sentence. It wasn't normal to my mommy and daddy like this. "Are you ok mommy?" She nodded slowly. "I'm okay baby" "why did we leave? Are you and daddy ok?" She inhaled a shaky breath. "Your dad and I are alright. We're just not going to be together anymore"

That sentence broke my little heart.

"What? Why?" "We just aren't the same anymore, ok?" "You don't love eachoyher anymore?" My eyes filled with tears again, I didn't understand why they couldn't be happy anymore. "I will always love your daddy, forever and ever. Just like I promised"

"Dad is really scary when he is mad" "I'm sorry, things are just really hard right now baby. Everything will be ok. You might have to stay with uncle Jack for a little bit, but you can always visit me" "why can't we just live together, like we used to" mommy wiped a tear from my cheek and one from her own.

"Not everything will stay the same in life, and that's ok. But our love for you will always be the same. Because we love you so much"

I was angry, why couldn't we be a family anymore. But mostly, I was sad. I wanted things to he normal again, I wanted to be a family; a happy family. I couldn't help but think it was my fault.

What did I do to make mommy and daddy hate eachother?

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