Double date/ Corbyn

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I curled the last strand of hair and set down the curler. I reapplied my lipstick and stood up. I looked in the mirror and Corbyn came behind me. "Hey gorgeous, you look beautiful" "thank you Bean. You look handsome"

I looked at his tux and slicked blonde hair. I kissed his cheek, careful not to get lipstick on him. I grabbed my purse and we walked to the car. We drove about 20 minutes and arrived at the restaurant. Corbyn and Jack insisted on going to the most fancy restaurant in all LA.

We saw Jack and Gabbie sitting at a table. We joined them and smiled. They gave us a quick hug. "I hope were not too late" I said with a laugh. "Oh, you're fine. We just got here as well" Jack answered.

"You guys look amazing" I said. "So do you guys" Gabbie grinned. We ordered our food and talked while we waited. The food finally came and we ate.

"Thank you for taking me here baby" I said with a smile. "Of course" Corbyn responded. We payed the cheque and walked to our car. We got buckled up and started to drive.

After minutes of driving, I fell asleep. Corbyn parked in the drive way and came over to my side. He picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. He slid my heels off and unzipped my dress. He was 100% respectful and didn't look anywhere but my eyes. He slid his shirt on me and went over to my makeup desk.

He rested his hand behind my head and used the other one to hold the makeup wipe. He wiped my makeup off and kissed my cheek. He threw out the wipe and got changed himself. He picked me up again and threw the blanket over us.

"Goodnight baby, I hope you had fun. I love you so much" he kissed my lips softly and cuddled close.

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