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I grabbed the large bucket of candy and carried it to the bottom of the stairs. A smile came on to my face when I thought about the cute decorations outside of our house. Jonah and I spent hours decorating the front of our house for trick or treaters. We loved Halloween more than anything! Sadly, we were too old to trick or treat but we still dressed up. Jonah was Harry Potter and I was Hermione. I heard the doorbell ring and Jonah and I raced to the door. Jonah, having the longest legs ever, won and opened the door. There were 3 kids  dressed as the 3 blind mice. "TRICK OR TREAT" I smiled and handed them each a giant handful of candy. They thanked us and complimented our costumes before leaving. I closed the door and ran upstairs. "They were adorable" Jonah said and I nodded. "I cant wait to have some kids of our own" He added. "Soon baby, soon" I said and he pecked my lips, Which was soon interrupted by more kids at the door. I smirked and raced Jonah to the door. He, sadly, won again.


"Corbyn I don't know about this" I said and he rolled his eyes. "Come on, it wont even be bad" He said with a smirk. "Last time I watched a scary movie was in 7th grade, I peed myself and couldn't sleep for 3 days" "well you aren't in the 7th grade anymore, we're graduating this year" I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Not watching it, sorry" "Seriously?! Please Y/N" "If I pee myself, it's your fault" He smiled and dragged me to the living room. I made a bit of popcorn and grabbed a bottle of water to share. He started the show and soon enough, there was a jump scare; making me spill a bit of popcorn. "Relax, everything's ok. I'll hold you" He held me in his arms and kissed the top of my head. Out of no where, he jumped out making me scream. I playfully slapped his chest and e was dying of laughter. "You're mean" "I love you too"


"You ready?" I asked Reese as Zach finished getting her costume on. They nodded and we grabbed our pillow cases. Zach had one and Reese had one. When Myta asked us to take Reese trick or treating, Zach was quick to say yes but he definitely only wanted to go to trick or treat himself. We started walking the streets and looking for decorated houses. I waited on the side of the road as Zach and Reese ran to go get candy. They came back and had an almost full bag. When it was really late, Reese was getting pretty tired and wanted to go home. We walked home and she ate a piece of candy before going to bed. I went through her candy, making sure everything was sealed as Zach was stuffing his face with his, already checked, candy. "Can I please have a piece" "Nope, you didn't want to trick or treat with us" "fine, be like that" "I'm kidding, just don't take my snickers" I laughed and took a Reese's cup. He kissed me sweetly as I unwrapped the cup.


A small seed hit my cheek as I gasped. Jack threw another pumpkin seed at my face and laughed. "Stop, you're so annoying" I said as I threw one at him. We were carving pumpkins together and making pumpkin pies. Jack was focusing really hard, his tongue stuck out of his mouth. I smiled at my silly boyfriend and grabbed the pies out of the oven. I finished carving my pumpkin and they looked amazing. We took a few pictures and cut each of us a slice of pie. We added whip cream and started to eat it together. 


Daniel was working almost everyday and it was taking a toll on our relationship. He thankfully took the day off from work and decided to spend it with me. I grabbed my costume off of my bed and Daniel and I both started getting dressed. After I was done, I started doing my makeup and smiled once I was finished. Daniel was a firefighter and I was a dalmatian. Daniel was still getting ready as I walked downstairs. We ordered Pizza and grabbed a few white claws from the fridge. Daniel walked downstairs and smiled when he saw me. "You look so pretty baby" He said and kissed the top of my head. I pressed play on the speaker and it started playing halloween music. Monster mash played and I started singing, making Daniel laugh. He opened a white claw and took a sip. We danced together and ate all night. I wouldn't want to spend Halloween night any other way.    

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