Night changes/ Zach

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Zach, my neighbour, had asked me on a date to the carnival. The town fair came once a year and lasted only about a week. It was a big thing for everyone who lived here and gained a bunch of popularity.

Zach picked me up from my house and drove me to the fair, parking in an extremely full parking lot. "Let's go to the ticket booth and get ready for rides" we bought 2 ride bracelets for unlimited roller coasters all night. Zach grabbed my hand and pulled me towards one that was pretty tall. We rode it and laughed the whole time.

We both bought caramel apples and took a few photos together. He even gave me his scarf when it started to get cold.

Zach had insisted on winning me something and basically dragged me to the booth. He started to throw the balls at the pins and tried to knock them down. "You got this Zach!! I believe in you" "thanks Y/N" he said with a smile. Eventually he won the giant brown teddy bear and jumped up and down. I rolled my eyes at the silly boy as he handed me the stuffed toy. I thanked him and he gave me a hug.

"Y/N let's go on that one" he pointed to a huge skinny ride. "Yeah, not happening" "please, it looks so fun" I didn't know how well my body would take the crazy ride but I went on it for Zach.

Once we got off, I was as pale as a ghost and feeling a bit gross. Zach was staring off in the distance and seemed spaced out. "Zach you ok?" We made eye contact and in an instant, he grabbed the hat off of my head and started to throw up in it. I sucked in a breath and waited for him to finish. A few people were staring but I didn't care, I wanted to see if Zach was OK.

"Sorry" he mouthed and I gave him a half smile. "We shouldn't have gone on that Zach" "I know"

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