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Corbyn was at the studio and I was bored as hell. I walked around the house seeing what I could do. I cleaned up a bit but got bored. Yawns after yawns, I couldn't stop. I needed to sleep asap.

I layed down and played the tv quietly in the background. I fell asleep in minutes. I woke up with stomach pain, the flu? I looked and saw a red spot on the bed. No, it cant be. My period. This can't be right. I was supposed to get it next week. Its early. Ughh. I started freaking out. This is Corbyn's bed, I just stained his sheets. Oh no, hes gonna be so mad.

I started crying so much, being on my period and not being able to control my emotions. I couldn't see through the tears. I felt so bad. I heard the door slowly open, he cant be home now. I tried to rip the sheets off but I couldn't see.

"Hey baby" I slowly looked up and wiped the tears. "Woah woah woah" he ran over to me. "What happened?" "I-I fell asl-eep and g-got b-blood on your sheets i-i thought that I-It wasn't c-coming till n-next w-eek" "slow down, take a deep breath" I took 3 deep breaths. "Now what happened" I pointed to the sheet.

He walked over and looked at it. I was scared of what he was gonna say. I was nearly shaking. "This?" He pointed to the stain. "Y-yeah" "awe baby" he came and hugged me tight. "I'm sorry, I'll buy you another sheet" "chill out"

He rubbed my arms and kissed the top of my head. "Baby it's ok, I can put them in the washer" "i feel so bad" he wiped my tears and kissed my cheek. He peeled the sheets off and threw them in the washer. He put new ones on and pulled me close. " baby why dont you go in Jack's bathroom. Gabbie left some tampons and stuff under the sink. I'm sure she wouldnt mind if you took a few for now. I'll go buy you some soon"

I nodded and went to Jack's bathroom and took care of my business. I came back and saw Corbyn sitting on the bed with snacks. He patted the bed and I came over. He passed me snacks as he turned on the movie.

"Thank you so much, no ones every been that sweet" "of course baby" "I love you" "i love you more" I kissed his lips and layed down. We watched the movie and cuddled all night.

A/N- ik this sucks. I'm sorry.

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