Fist Fight/ Jonah

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I swayed my hips to the fast beat of the loud music. The smell of alcohol filled the house party. People were dancing and singing. Jonah took a sip of his drink as he watched me dance. "Babe come on" I yelled over the music. He came over and rested his hands on my waist.

I noticed out of the corner of me eye, a guy staring at me. It didn't bother me at all, but Jonah seemed to notice it. He let go of me and started to stare at the guy. "Baby, it's fine" I touched his shoulder but he pushed me off. I continued to dance and have fun.

I turned away for a second and when I turned back, Jonah was gone. I looked around for him and saw him talking to the guy. Jonah pushed him and they started to punch eachother. I didn't know what to do, the first thing I thought of was to get one of the guys. I ran through the crowd of people and found Corbyn. "Corbyn, J-Jonah and s-someone are f-fighting" he nodded and ran through the crowd.

Corbyn broke them apart and Jonah fell to the ground. He got up and ran behind me, I dragged him to the car and glared at him. "Give me the keys" He gave me them slowly and I ripped them out of his hands. My chest was rising and falling fast, being mad that he fought someone for no reason. I drove home quickly as he stared at his feet.

I slammed the car door shut and walked in the house. I threw off my dress and put on his shirt. The door opened and shut slowly, Jonah sat on the bed and I continued to take off my makeup. "Why did you think that was a good idea?" I looked at him and he pouted. "Don't fucking pout, why would you do that? It was fine, it's not like he was flirting with me. He was looking Jonah!" I sighed and he looked down to his knuckles.

They were all scratched up with blood painted all over his fingers. He touched the bruise on his face and yelped. His fingers ran over his knuckles making him wince and whine. "Stop touching them" he looked up with glossy eyes, making me sigh. I got up and walked to the bathroom, Jonah following close behind. I gave a gesture, which he followed and sat down on the counter, making us the same height.

I grabbed the rubbing alcohol and some cotton pads. I wiped up his hands and face. He winced and whined. I put some bandaids on his knuckles and placed a soft kiss on them. After I put everything away, I walked back to the bedroom and layed down. The bathroom light turned off and Jonah walked in. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

He crawled in bed and layed on top of me, his head rested on my chest and arms wrapped around my waist. "I'm sorry" he mumbled into me. I didn't say anything and he held me tighter. "I said I'm sorry" he said a bit louder. "I heard you" "then why didn't you forgive me" "because Jonah. You fought someone for no reason, he was just looking in our direction" he sighed.

"I don't know what came over me, I'm sorry babe. I just didn't like how he was looking at you, only I can look at you" I sighed, knowing he was sorry. He seemed to really be regretting what he did. "Jonah..." I started but he cut me off. "No please don't call me Jonah, you only call me that when you're mad. Call me baby, please" that made me giggle.

"Jonah you're such a big baby" I could feel him smile. I ran my hands through his hair and he closed his eyes. "I love you" he mumbled. "I love you too baby" he fell asleep on my chest.

A/N- sorry for not posting as much. I have about 4 or 5 drafts to post, then I will post the requests

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