Chapter 53- Just try to Chain Me Down

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A/N: Slight Trigger Warning for this Chapter. You have been warned.

***Freed's p.o.v***

"C'mon Freed please tell us," Bickslow begged once more as he tried to get me to spill the beans.

It had been a couple hours since Rachel left for her mission, and the guild had tried for a good while to get me to talk about if I kissed Rachel or not.

While the rest of the guild had given up for the moment, Bickslow of course hadn't, and it was getting on my last nerve.

"Please Freed-"

"Alright fine!" I shouted, gaining the guilds attention. "We-"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"What was that?" Levy questions fearfully.

"It came from outside, outback!" Gray shouted as we all moved outside to see what the commotion was.

Upon exiting the back of the guild, we were met by a large looking army.

"Ah, I see that got your attention," a man spoke as he stepped in front of the army.

"Who are you?" Natsu growled, getting a bad vibe from him.

"You don't know me? Pity, but no matter, that's not why I'm here. Now, where is the Lotus flower?" The man spoke darkly.

"She's not here, and there's no way we're letting you have her," Laxus growled as the guild prepared to fight.

"She's not here? Pity, I guess we'll have to take you out first then," he shouted before chains came launching towards us.

The guild dodged the attack before glaring back at the man.

"Your Malacore," I said in realization.

"So you do know who I am! She did tell you about me after all! I'm flattered," Malacore spoke, too cheerfully.

"Don't get full of yourself," Gray growled.

"Why shouldn't I? I'm flattered I left such a nice impression on her. After all these years, she didn't forget all the moments we had together. The screams and cries of pain from her were quite pleasant," Malacore taunted.

The guild snapped at that, charging forward.

"Attack," Malacore ordered as his guild charged.

I pulled out my sword and slashed through my foes with my pain runes, determined to make my way to Malacore for that comment.

The others seemed to have the same idea, but no matter how hard we tried, none of us seemed to be making any headway towards Malacore. He just stood there smugly as his guild members kept us from him, taking us on for him.

'I'll wipe that smug look off his face that's for sure,' I thought with a growl.

"Dark Écriture; Absolute Shadow!" I yelled, charging through, knocking out a large number of opponents.

"Dark Écriture; Pain!" I shouted taking out more opponents around me as I tried to make my way towards Malacore.

Just when I was about to get close enough, chains shot up from the ground, latching onto me.

The next thing I know, my Absolute Shadow form disappeared.

'These are magic restraints! I didn't even sense them they were so fast!' I thought in surprise.

Looking around, I noticed my guild mates were also captured, except for the S-class wizards and Master, who had dodged the attack.

As I tried to yank off the magic restraint chain attached to my arm, the dark guild members all focused their attacks on the S-class wizards and Master Makarov as they were trying to fight back Malacore's incoming chains.

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