Chapter 57- Valenzula Returns

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***Freed's p.o.v***

"I still feel terrible!" Rachel exclaimed hiding her face in her hands.

"Perhaps I could amend that," a cold voice announced.

We turned around in confusion at the sudden voice. I noticed Rachel tense up before slowly turning around herself.

"It's good to see you again, my Lotus flower," the man smirked.

We widened our eyes at his statement and I quickly drew my sword as the others got into a fighting position as we stood protectively in front of Rachel.

"No... you can't be... you can't be here..." Rachel mumbled in fear as she trembled.

I snuck a glance at Rachel as she was extremely pale as she shook violently in fear over the man before her. All of her confidence, all of her positivity from before was completely washed away. I had never seen her so terrified; it was a scary sight and it only made me furious.

Sharing a look with the others, we nodded to each other before we proceeded with our plan.

We charged launching our attacks.

"Dark Écriture; Pain!"

"Fairy Machine Gun; Leprechaun!"

"Barayon Formation!"

"Raging Bolt!"

Valenzula stood there unmoving as he smirked before our attacks landed creating a cloud of dust.

Valenzula swiped away the dust cloud revealing himself to be unharmed but was slightly surprised to find us no longer heading towards him. We circled around him preparing our next attack as his attention was now directed at us.

Perfect. That was the plan.

We knew that Valenzula would show up eventually. So, we came up with a plan of attack for when he did. The plan was simple. Keep him away from Rachel. We figured Rachel might not be in fighting shape for this battle, so the plan is to draw his attention away from her while we deal with him ourselves. Taking in the new gathered information we knew about him; we knew to stick to long-range attacks and avoid his magic as much as possible.

'We won't let him take her!' We all thought in unison.

"Fairy Bomb Gremlin!" Evergreen shouted from above.

Valenzula swiped away her attacked and moved to attack her, but...

"Line Formation Babies!" Bickslow shouted, diverting his attention.

"Lightning Dragon's Heavenward Halberd!" Laxus shouted, throwing off a spear of lightning right at Valenzula.

While Valenzula focused on dealing with Laxus and Bickslow's attack, I finished my enchantment. Valenzula destroyed Laxus's attack right as I finished writing.

"Freed!" Laxus yelled.

"Enchantment activate!" I yelled as an enchantment rose around him.

We stood up panting as we noticed the enchantment safely around him.

Valenzula chuckled, "So this is the Fairytail I've heard so much about. ...No, this is the Thunder Legion I've heard so much about."

Valenzula walked around the rune barrier and tapped on it before pressing his hand against it.

"I must say I'm impressed. I can see why the others have failed against you, but it won't be enough... against me," Valenzula smirked.

Valenzula sent a pulse of magic energy through the runes right at his words.

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