Chapter 96 - Medallia Origin

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***Slight Trigger Warning for this chapter you have been warned.***

***Rachel's p.o.v***

"What? No! Rachel I can't do that!" Freed immediately protested.

"I need to do this Freed," I responded.

"No, Rachel I can't... I can't hurt you like that..." Freed said turning away as he shook his head.

"That doesn't matter Freed, and even if you did hurt me, it would be my fault not yours. I have to do this," I replied sternly.

"Rachel no... This isn't a good idea. We'll find out Valenzula's plan another way," Freed tried.

I shook my head, "This isn't just about Valenzula, I need to do this for myself."

Freed didn't even look at me, "Rachel..."

I sighed, I knew he would protest against this, and I'll admit I'm scared myself, but I have to do this. Porlyusica was right, I have to let go.

"Freed..." I started seriously as he turned to me.

"I have to do this. I have come to realize just how much I've been burying my past. The battle at the dungeon... after I was stabbed, I saw a memory, an old memory I had forgotten, about Valenzula, and while it may not have been the best memory, it saved my life. While I was in the ancient village, I was constantly plagued with old memories, some of them I didn't even recognize. I even had forgotten important details of Dias Extalia from my memories. I've been burying my past trying to forget about it and it's been trying to unbury itself through my nightmares. The more I try to bury it, the more it tries to come back. I've been fighting against this every day for years and I've been missing important things because of it," I explained to him.

"But no more. No more hiding, no more running away. These are my memories, my past, and it's about time I excepted myself. I need to know who I am. The good and the bad, Rachel Medallia and the Lotus flower. I need to use runes to dive back to my past and unbury it all and if you won't help me, I'll do it myself. But I thought it would be right to ask you as you were the one who taught me and is far better at this magic than me. So please Freed. I've been living my whole life in a void not knowing my magic or even who I am or who I'm supposed to be. I have to fix this. I have to get answers. I have to know, who I am," I told him confidently.

Freed widened his eyes. "Ok. I'll do it, but only if you promise me you'll be alright when this is over," Freed gave in as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it gently.

I smiled to him as I squeezed his hand back. "I will, I promise. But no matter what happens, do not let go of the spell."

Freed nodded before he gave my hand one last squeeze before we moved to stand opposite of one another.

I got down and sat on my knees so I wouldn't hurt myself collapsing when the spell activated.

I stared back at Freed and gave one last reassuring nod as Freed drew his sword.

Freed took a deep breath to try to shake off his worry before he yelled with a swipe of his sword, "Dark Écriture Reminiscence!"

The runes came flying towards me and I closed my eyes right as they made contact.


When I opened my eyes, I was standing in a mansion. A familiar one.

I took a step to look around the place but stopped at the sound of a baby's cry.

Turning around, I saw a crying baby girl in an old basket in the middle of the mansion. Looking at her closely, I noticed she was me.

I looked up from the child at the sound of footsteps to see two people stop at the door to the room.

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