Chapter 44- Ready, Set, Crocus!

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***Rachel's p.o.v***

Our blades clashed as Freed and I were engaged in a private training match.

We knocked our blades out of each other's grip as we smiled before quickly switching to hand to hand combat. Freed grabbed my arm and attempted to throw me, but I twisted out of his grip and sent a jab in his direction which he blocked. I quickly swung up a kick, hitting him hard in the side. He grunted before catching me off guard as he quickly grabbed my hand and twisted it behind my back, trapping my arms with one hand around my neck, pulling me back.

I mentally apologized to him as I brought my head up and hit him in the face as I escaped his grip. We shared a look and smirked as Freed shouted, "Dark Écriture; Absolute Shadow!"

He launched himself at me as he attacked. I just barely spun out of the way in time as Freed's attack grazed me, leaving small scratches on my arm.

"Spirit Wave!" I shouted, launching my attack at his backside as he passed me.

Freed quickly deflected the attack away as I came down from above with my next attack.

"Spirit Blow!" I shouted, kicking him down as he blocked with his armored arms, cracking the armor a bit.

We pushed each other back as we stumbled to stay on our feet. Freed's Absolute Shadow wore off as the two of us were left there panting heavily.

"I think that's enough for now," Freed said as I nodded in agreement.

"You've improved a lot since we last trained together," Freed complimented as we walked over to our bags for a drink.

"Thanks," I responded breathlessly.

We drank in relative silence before Freed spoke up.


"Hmm?" I hummed, turning to him.

Freed cleared his throat, seemingly nervous.

"There's something I need to tell you," Freed said to me.

"What is it?" I asked.


"There you guys are!" Bickslow exclaims, coming from between the trees.

"If we don't hurry back, we're going to miss the train back to Magnolia! Master wants us to meet at the guildhall before the Grand Magic Games and we can't be late," Bickslow exclaims to the both of us.

"Oh my goodness! We better hurry!" I exclaimed, grabbing my bag.

"Come on, come on, let's go!" Bickslow says rushing us.

As we headed back, I noticed Freed seemed to be glaring at Bickslow as we followed behind him back to the others.

"Hey Freed, what was it that you wanted to tell me?" I asked him as we followed Bickslow.

Freed smiled at me. "Nevermind, it wasn't important," Freed muttered, turning away from me.

I was unconvinced, but I let it slide, reminding myself to question him about it later.

"Ready to go Rae?" Laxus questioned as we approached.

Rae. Laxus had started calling me that ever since our little sibling talk. Because of this, the others caught on pretty quickly how Laxus felt about me.

"Yup, we're ready!" I answered.

***Timeskip*** ***Third-person p.o.v***


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