Chapter 56- Mischief

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***Rachel's p.o.v***

Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Coming!" I answered.

'Who in the world would be knocking on the door so early in the morning?' I thought as I headed towards my front door at 8am.

Opening the door, I was surprised to see... "Bickslow?" I questioned.

"Hey Rae! I need to borrow Prism stat! It's really important!" Bickslow quickly exclaimed.

I gave Bickslow a confused look before I responded, "Oh ok...?" I motioned for Prism who quickly flew over.

"Sweet! Let's go Prism!" Bickslow shouted before they both ran off.

I closed the door and walked back over to the kitchen where Freed was.

"What was that about?" Freed asked curiously.

"I'm- I'm not sure," I answered, still baffled by the situation.

***Timeskip***        ***Freed's p.o.v***

Rachel and I were casually chatting amongst ourselves before we stopped hearing a scream.

We rushed over to find a huge mess and a woman on the ground.

"Are you alright?" Rachel asked, helping the woman up.

"Yes. I'm alright. It sure scared me though," the woman answered.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I was just minding my own business when this cake fell from the sky and exploded," the woman answered.

"Do you have any idea who did it?" I asked her.

"No, I didn't get a good look at them. All I remember is hearing a cackle of sorts and something white," the woman answered.

"I think I know who's behind all this," Rachel spoke up, standing after inspecting the area as she held up a white feather.

I widened my eyes upon realization.

Just then, many more screams were heard around Magnolia making the both of us groan.

*** Timeskip ***

Rachel stomped up to the guild doors before kicking them open. "Bickslow! Prism!" She shouted.

Spotting them at a nearby table together, she stormed over with me following quickly behind her.

"Hey Rae," Bickslow waved.

"Don't you 'hey Rae' me. Do you realize what you two have done?" Rachel scolds.

"What? It was just an epic prank," Bickslow waves off.

"Yeah, and who do you think had to clean up the mess and replace anything that was ruined by your 'prank'" Rachel asked them.

They both froze.

"Oh oops," Bickslow nervously smiled.

"Yeah oops. Two thousand Jewel oops. Freed and I have better things to do than clean up after your mess," she scolded.

'Rachel-' Prism started.

"You- are so grounded and you-" Rachel started, grabbing onto Bickslow's collar.

"I may not have any authority over you, but I'll make sure this never happens again," Rachel glares, losing her cool.

Right before this was about to get out of hand, Laxus stepped in.

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