Chapter 59- Deeper into Despair

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A/N:  I hope you all are still enjoying the story, and I hope you enjoy the chapter.

***Also kind of a slight trigger warning for this chapter****

***Rachel's p.o.v***

I screamed at the electric current of pain caused by the whips lashing across my back.

My knees buckled from the pain, but I withheld myself from collapsing all the way to the floor. Valenzula took this chance to send a swift blow to my face, throwing me painfully into the stone brick wall behind me.

Blood dripped down my face from the hit as I stared through the sea of red at my approaching aggressor.

It's been two days since I lost to Valenzula. After shortly passing out, I awoke to a stone dungeon cell trapped once again in chains.

During these last two days it's been nothing but constant torture.

"So, do you surrender now?" Valenzula darkened as he loomed over me.

I gritted my teeth in anger as I glared back up at him.

"I'll never surrender to you," I growled out.

"You should really rethink your options, know your place Lotus," Valenzula glared.

"I don't care. I will never let you have Prism!" I shouted at him with all my might.

Valenzula stood over top of me as he stared me down before he started full on laughing.

I stared back up at him in shock, fear, and confusion by his sudden outburst.

Glaring down at me with his dark purple gleaming eyes, Valenzula laughed, "I care not for your pathetic spirit."

"What are you talking about?" I questioned, not believing him.

"You think I care about that pathetic spirit of yours? I have no interest in it or its power," Valenzula confirmed.

"Don't bother lying, you're after Prism's power to nullify magic barriers and magic restraints," I countered.

Valenzula laughed, a right down evil laugh that sent chills right down to my core.

"I have no use for a feeble power such as that. I can defeat all of my adversaries with or without my magic, and I have enough strength to break through magic restraints just as you, that power is absolutely worthless to me," Valenzula explained amused.

I stared back up at him with a look of confusion.

"Don't you get it Lotus. It's never been about her; it's always been about you. Prism was only the key, but you, you were the prize," Valenzula smirked darkly.

I stared up at him as I clenched my fist in fear and confusion.

"What are you talking about? Prism is the source of my power," I told him.

Staring at my confused look, Valenzula laughed. "And where do you think Prism came from?"

I opened my mouth to answer but realized I didn't have one.

"Don't tell me you don't know?" Valenzula questioned before he laughed.

"You've spent your whole life understanding your magic, have you learned anything?" Valenzula taunted.

"I know all about my magic!" I countered.

"Really? Do you know where your magic came from? Where Prism came from? What your magic does? Why it acts the way it does? How you obtained it or Prism? What its purpose is?" Valenzula taunted.

Tried as I might I couldn't come up with an answer.

"H-how would you know?" My voice cracked as my face grew ashen.

"You really think I would have chased you for 19 years if I didn't know what your magic is and does? I know everything about you and your magic," Valenzula taunted, leaning forward into my face as he smirked down at my fear-filled gaze.

My body froze, rigid with fear as I stared at him transfixed in absolute terror.

"Face it Lotus. You've spent your whole life understanding your magic and avoiding me, and you failed at both. You've accomplished nothingIn the end... you failed, and in less than one week's time, I will end your worthless life," Valenzula muttered as he walked away, leaving me alone.

My eyes fell to the floor in shock as I went through my head for any possible answers, but no matter how much I tried, I couldn't find any.

'He's right. I-I don't know anything,' I thought biting my lip as tears cascaded down my face.

***Third-person p.o.v***

That night it was silent, and the only movement outside of her own breathing were the tears that rolled down her cheeks into the crumbled stone cell floor.

A/N: Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Enjoy your day everyday! See you in the next chapter!

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