Chapter 78 - Beneath the Surface

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***Third-person p.o.v***

"Porlyusica what's going on?" Master asked as the guild watched fearfully from behind him.

Porlyusica glanced sadly at Rachel as she was breathing heavily in the infirmary bed.

But most noticeably the necklace she absolutely loves, the one given to her by Prism, had a crack going straight through it.

"Bickslow was right. Kaiser severed Rachel and Prism's soul connection. The process sent Rachel's body into shock. Which was why she started coughing up blood like that. I was able to stabilize her only for another worse problem to arise," Porlyusica explained grimly.

The guild was silent with worry as they listened.

"Are any of you aware of how Rachel's magic shocks her when she doesn't focus it?" Porlyusica asked.

"Wait, you mean when training?" Evergreen asked.

Porlyusica nodded, "Rachel's magic has always been unstable which is why I gave her those special bandages, but I never knew why it was unstable, at least, I didn't know then."

Porlyusica looked back at the guild sternly.

"I found out Rachel's body is made up of two different magic energy's. One being Ethernano, while the other is some other type of magic. Every mage constantly absorbs magic energy into their body, because of this Rachel's body is constantly absorbing two times the amount of magic energy a normal mage would."

"But that's impossible. Nobody would be able to handle that much magic energy," Levy argued.

"Exactly. I'm afraid that's what Prism was for. Prism was the one to filter out the access energy from her body. Whenever Rachel tried to access too much of that energy when training she would get shocked, but when she focused and filtered it, she would be fine," Porlyusica explained.

"So Rachel was unknowingly filtering her magic?" Lucy asked.

"Yes, and my guess is that most of the magic she filters out is the other type of magic energy. This is just a theory, but you know how Prism can bypass magic restraints?" Porlyusica asked.

The guild nodded.

"Magic restraints are built to block the user from releasing Ethernano from their body. So, my theory is that Prism's magic is mostly not made out of Ethernano. Which is why they only weaken her rather than stop her. It would also explain why Rachel was able to break through her magic restraints when she was against Malacore. Rachel probably accessed that other type of magic to destroy the restraints," Porlyusica explained.

"So Prism doesn't absorb her own magic energy?" Gray questioned.

"No, she absorbs the access Rachel gives off. Rachel's body absorbs magic for both of them," Porlyusica answered.

"That makes sense why Rachel and Prism are connected by their souls rather than separate like Lucy's spirit's," Juvia concluded.

"My spirits get their magic from the celestial world though, so it's kind of the same since Prism gets it from Rachel," Lucy explained.

"Yes, but the problem is since Kaiser severed their connection Prism is no longer absorbing Rachel's access magic, because of this Rachel's body is absorbing too much magic energy too fast for her to handle," Porlyusica explained grimly.

"Can't Rachel just release that magic though?!" Happy argued.

"I'm afraid not. She's absorbing it too fast for her to even release it, and because of the shock from earlier she was unconscious for too long that now she wouldn't have the energy to move even if she wanted to release it. There's a set amount of magic energy a mage can absorb in their body before it becomes too much, and there's a set amount a mage needs to live as well. Without Rachel's magic, I fear Prism will run out of energy. Basically, if you can't get Prism back within 48 hours, Rachel and Prism will die," Porlyusica stated sternly.

The guild gasped in fear.

Natsu growled, "We won't let that happen."


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"WE'RE GOING TO GET PRISM BACK!!!" Natsu yelled.

The guild nodded in agreement.

"So you better hang in there Rachel! I promise we'll bring Prism back!" Natsu smiled before he and the guild left.

Freed lingered behind as he glanced at Rachel.

She was breathing heavily as magic sparked around her body intensely.

Memories of Rachel and Prism happily interacting together flashed through his mind.

"I know how much she means to you. So, I promise you. I won't let either of you die," Freed muttered sternly before he left as well. 

A/N: We finally have some insight on Rachel's magic, but not the way everyone expected it huh? I hope you enjoyed the chapter!!! Don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Enjoy your day everyday!!!

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