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***A Few Months Later***

***Rachel's p.o.v***

"You guys got permission to take on the hundred-year quest?" I questioned to Team Natsu as I sat at their table.

"Yup! And we're going to complete it! Just you wait and see!" Natsu grinned.

"I have no doubt about that. Have you told Lucy yet?" I asked them.

"Not yet. Natsu wanted it to be a surprise," Erza smiled.

I nodded.

"What about you Rachel? What are you up to?" Wendy asked.

"Nothing much, just taking jobs here and there. I'll probably visit my grandparents again every now and again too," I smiled.

"It was sweet of you to make graves for them," Juvia smiled.

"They deserved it," I smiled.

"And I'm sure they're grateful," Gray agreed.

"I think so too," I smiled warmly.

"Rachel!" Master called.

I turned around as he waved me over to him before I got up and headed over, waving back to the others as I left.

"What's up Master?" I asked him as I stopped in front of him.

"There's a mission here that requests for you specifically. Apparently, there's a monster attacking the town and the townspeople couldn't take care of it on their own, so they are requesting you," Master explained handing me the flier.

"Sounds simple enough," I said as I read over the request again.

I read through it calmly before something caught my eye and I stopped.

"Something wrong child?" Master asked noticing me freeze.

I narrowed my eyes before I looked back at him and smiled, "It's nothing Master. I'll head out right away to complete this mission."

"Then good luck my child," Master spoke.

I nodded. I turned away and walked towards the door waving to Team Natsu as I left.

"I've got a mission, if I'm not back before you leave good luck on your hundred-year quest!" I waved.

"Thanks, you take care too!" Natsu smiled.

"See you!" They all waved as I left.


I sat on the train looking out the window as I waited for the train to leave the station.

"What do you think Prism?" I asked her as she sat across from me.

"Well, I definitely wasn't expecting this," she spoke.

"Me neither," I sighed.

"How do you feel about it?" Prism asked me, furrowing her feathers as she tilted her head.

"How am I supposed to feel about it? I haven't been back there in years. Going back never even crossed my mind," I spoke honestly.

"Hmmm, well now you are," she spoke.

"Yeah," I sighed in defeat.

"Got enough room for a few more?" We turned in surprise at the voice.

Bickslow stood there grinning alongside Laxus, Evergreen, and Freed.

"What are you guys doing here?" I questioned surprised.

"Well, we're a team, aren't we? You're supposed to take us with you!" Ever complained, pulling my cheek.

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