Chapter 83 - Control

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A/N: It's been a long time, but now that summer project is done, everything should be back to normal. I've set up a schedule for updates so my updating schedule should be fixed and convenient for you guys. Here's to double weekly updates again! Enjoy the chapter!

***Slight Trigger Warning for this chapter***

***Freed's p.o.v***

I hummed as I gazed at the request board.

"Find anything baby?" Bickslow asked me.

"No. You?" I asked.

"Nah, these are all too easy," Bickslow sighed.

"You guys still haven't found a mission for us yet?" Ever asked as she and Rachel walked over.

"It's not our fault the only ones left are too easy," Bickslow retorted.

"Or don't pay enough," I added.

"There's no S-class missions either. Apparently, Team Natsu took the last one," Laxus said as he approached as well.

"So, what are we going to do?" Ever asked.

"What about this one?" Rachel suddenly spoke up.

The rest of us looked over at her and scanned the mission she chose.

Upon reading the mission however we widened our eyes and glanced at each other unsure.

"All we have to do is rescue 11 missing girls and take out the mage that captured them. It's not too easy and the pay is really good," Rachel spoke with a smile.

"Rachel I don't know..." Evergreen said unsurely.

"It's pretty dangerous," Bickslow spoke.

"It's nothing we haven't done before. We've done way more dangerous missions than this," Rachel questioned as she crossed her arms, wondering what's gotten into us.

"Rae that's not what we mean..." Laxus started.

"We're just worried about you," I finished.

Rachel blinked at us, "Why? I'll be fine."

"But Rachel-" Ever started.

"I understand your concern, but, I can't leave them," She spoke seriously.

We glanced at each other nervously.

Grabbing the request, Rachel turned it in to Mira before she started to walk out the door as we followed after her.


We walked around the town gathering information from the client as well as some of the townsfolk about the 11 missing women.

Apparently, at least one woman goes missing every night and the only information about the kidnapper was that he uses magic.

With all this in mind, Bickslow asked, "So what's the plan?"

Rachel smiled, "I got one."

We glanced at her as she explained.

"I'll leave myself open as bait while you guys follow from behind. When I get captured, you guys follow him to their base and storm it from the outside. In case you lose me for some reason, Prism will be with you guys. While you guys storm the outside, I'll free all the captured women from the inside," Rachel explained.

"Rae no," Laxus denied.

"We are not using you as bait," I denied.

"Do you guys have a better plan?" Rachel asked crossing her arms.

Journey of a Light Mage - A Fairytail FanficDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora