Chapter 48.5- Bonus Chapter

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A/N: Thank you @elliethesloth for the amazing idea behind this bonus chapter. Anyway, enjoy!

***Third person p.o.v***

"Remind me to never tick Rachel off or else I may face Prism's wrath," Gray says in fear.

"Aye," Natsu and Happy respond sweating nervously as they watched the Thunder Legion endure Prism's punishment.


"I'm so glad to finally be going home," Rachel sighed, leaning against Freed's shoulder as she and the rest of the Thunder Legion sat down into their own carriage, thanks to a generous gift from the king.

Freed smiled down to her as he wrapped his arm around her.

"I agree, these games have been quite hectic," Evergreen sighs exhausted as well.

"Don't forget about those dragons we fought too," Bickslow adds.

"Ugh, don't remind me," Laxus responds, taking the medicine for the ride.

Laxus grimaces as he swallows the medicine. "Rae, you need to figure out how to make this taste better," Laxus grunted.

Rachel looked back up at him, "I told you, I don't have control over that. Just think of it this way Laxus, rather than hours of pain, you get it all in a few seconds."

"Well, it's a terrible few seconds, that's for sure," Laxus grumbled.

Rachel rolled her eyes before relaxing against Freed.

"I can't wait to spend a little R & R when we get back to Magnolia. Maybe I'll hit the spa," Evergreen sighed at the thought as we started moving towards Magnolia.

"I for one can't wait to relax at the guildhall with a beer," Bickslow commented.

"Same here," Laxus smiled in agreement.

"I think I'll relax and read the new book I got in Crocus," Freed commented happily.

Rachel chuckled.

The others glanced at me questionably.

"What's so funny?" Bickslow asks.

"Don't tell me you guys forgot," Rachel chuckled.

"Forgot what?" Evergreen questions confused.

Rachel smiled, opening one eye to look at them.

"I seem to remember that there's a punishment waiting for you four back in Magnolia that you all haven't fulfilled yet," Rachel smirked.

They stared at her for a sec before they paled.

Bickslow chuckled nervously, "Aww c'mon Rae, you got a nice new boyfriend shouldn't that be enough right now?"

"Bickslow, my boyfriend is just as guilty as the rest of you, and you were the ones who said that you were willing to except any punishment that I deemed to be worthy. So nice try, but none of you are getting out of this. Plus, I for one am excited. Prism really went all out on this one," Rachel smiled.

'We're so dead,' They all thought.

***Present***            ***Rachel's p.o.v***

Boy, we're they right.

The boys were forced to wear maid uniforms as they waited on anyone and everyone who came by the Fairytail guild as for the occasion the guild was holding an open outdoor restaurant bar for the public, so everyone could see the boys.

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