Chapter 68 - Healing

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***Freed's p.o.v***

It's been about a week since Rachel has awoken now. Porlyusica and Wendy have visited a few times of which I've had to knock Rachel out with my runes as to keep her from breaking down like the first time. Other than that, it's been relatively quiet around here. Rachel doesn't smile and doesn't say a word unless spoken to, little did I know, that was about to change.

"Freed," Rachel suddenly spoke, surprising me as I glanced at her.

"Is Prism ok? I can't sense her," Rachel mumbled sadly.

I widened my eyes at her saddened expression before remembering something Porlyusica had mentioned.

"Unfortunately, we have no way of knowing how Prism is doing. I can only assume her soul is safely recovering within Rachel."

"I'm sure she's fine," I whispered to her in reassurance.

Rachel however, didn't look so convinced.

As I tried to think of a way to possibly cheer her up, I suddenly got an idea, but it wasn't so sure it was a good idea. It was worth a try though.

"Bickslow might be able to see how Prism's doing. He can check on her soul for you, but in order to do that-"

"I want to see Bickslow," Rachel suddenly said, surprising me.

"I want to see Bickslow, and Evergreen," Rachel said.

"Are you sure?" I asked her unsure.

"I miss them," She answered sadly.

I widened my eyes in surprise, before I smiled.

"Laxus-" I called out.

"Yeah... I got it," Laxus smiled from the door before he left.

***Laxus's p.o.v***

As I arrived at the guildhall, everyone perked up an alarm thinking something was wrong for me to be here.

I turned to Ever and Bickslow as they were sitting together at our usual table.

"Ever, Bicks, Rachel wants to see you," I told them.

Ever and Bickslow widened their eyes before they glanced at each other, then back to me.

"Can we go see her too," Happy asked sadly.

"She wanted to see Bickslow because she's worried about Prism and Bickslow's the only one who can tell if she's alright, but... she said she wanted to see both of you cause... she missed you. Right now, it's progress, so let's not push it," I explained.

The guild nodded in understanding before the three of us left.


When we finally arrived back to Rachel and Freed's place, I stopped to give them a warning.

"You two need to take it slow around her. No yelling or anything crazy ok? The moment she panics I'm taking you out of here. Understand?" I asked them.

They nodded their heads seriously.

We walked inside and up the stairs before I knocked on the door. After hearing a soft 'come in' from Freed, I opened the door and let the two in.

Rachel had her face buried into Freed's chest as she clung to him.

"Hey," Bickslow smiled softly.

"Hi Rachel," Ever smiled softly to her.

Rachel quietly poked her head out.

"Hi," Rachel responded back softly.

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