Author's Note

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And with that, Journey of a Light Mage finally comes to a close.

I wanted to thank everyone who has read this far and supported me during the process. I loved every second I had writing this story. It was a lot of fun, and I will forever remember this experience.

Fairytail was the first official anime I ever watched, and funny enough I found it completely by accident. I always loved action-adventure fantasy shows but in the west, the best thing I could find was the avenger's animated tv shows and even then I only thought it was ok. I enjoyed it sure but never to the point of wanting more. So I was always quickly bored with tv shows. But then one day I kept getting this one video popping up on my recommended on YouTube (back when the YouTube recommendations were only under the video) and knowing the only way to clear it would be to watch it, I clicked on it and watched it. That forever will be instilled as one of the most impactful choices in my life. It was episode 193 of Fairytail and I fell in love with the show instantly. It was like I found everything I wanted in a show all at once. Never had a show made me so happy before. I watched the next ten episodes before I stopped, having no idea what was going on and starting at the beginning. I don't think I've binged a show before Fairytail, and the best part is when I finished, the final season came out and I got to watch that in real time! Fairytail opened me to a whole new world of anime and I'm forever thankful for Mashima's amazing work.

Fairytail also introduced me to something else, the world of Fanfiction. Now a little thing about me you should know, back then I hated reading. Like I hated it with a passion, and I hated writing even more than that. But after watching and falling in love with Fairytail, and finding out that there are more stories with these characters I can explore, I was fully willing to give reading another chance. I have to say the next several months of reading was probably the most reading I had done in my life 😂. I often found myself talking with my friends about the things I liked and didn't about the stories that I read. So much so that one of my friends finally said, "Why don't you make your own story?"

I felt like time stopped as realization hit me. I had never thought about that before and it was a great idea! Now here's the interesting part. In the beginning, I wanted it to be a Freed x reader cause I wanted to explore Freed's character more. I thoroughly enjoy the dynamic of the Thunder Legion in fanfics, and I wanted to write my own story with them. Originally though, I planned to draw y/n, mainly because I wanted to include my art into my writing.

But after writing to chapter three however, I got bored of the story. Helpless little y/n getting rescued all the time by Freed felt boring and it wasn't fun anymore. So, I shifted my focus, originally, Prism was just a shape of my characters magic when she got serious but then I had a thought, what if I made her alive, kinda like Lucy's spirits.

So I made Prism her own character and in turn I changed the boring character version of y/n into a character with a darker backstory, Rachel. I changed the magic around Prism and developed Rachel's character around her. I kept the same outfit from back when it was y/n and changed the rest. It's funny, if you look at chapters 1-3 they were basically the same back when Rachel was originally y/n with only minor changes.

I'm really happy how this story turned out. I was kinda scared at first cause I had zero faith in my writing abilities but after about four months someone reached out to me and I got my first comment. It was so inspiring to hear that people loved my story! It inspired me to write more and the more I wrote the more people came and commented. I eventually decided to extend Rachel's story to a second part, and I eventually decided to write Snowfall, my second Fairytail story.

I will say there was a lot of things I took out from this story. One thing I took out was originally I was going to make Rufus Rachel's biological sister but then I changed it to Laxus being like her sister cause outside of the GMG I couldn't think of a way to add Rufus to the story. There was a lot of Bickslow jokes I took out and a bunch of random filler chapters or random missions and such. But I'm really proud of the final result.

So, what did you think?

Did you have a favorite part?

Least favorite part?

Favorite character?

What about a favorite picture?

Or a favorite quote?

Let me know! I would love to hear what I did well and what I can improve on!

So Journey of a Light Mage comes to a close and I bet you're wondering what's next for me?

You all have inspired me so much and made me love writing just as much as drawing, but you all have made me grow to love my characters even more.


Introducing my own original Light Novel story:

Garden of Knights!!!

So come check out my story at the links below to see Rachel, May, Prism, and many others return in their own original story!!!

So come check out my story at the links below to see Rachel, May, Prism, and many others return in their own original story!!!

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Light Novel:



P.S. if your worried, Rachel, May, Prism, and the others will basically be exactly the same there will be only some slight changes for the original story, but their powers and personality will be relatively the same. Also, for a small Easter egg, you will be able to see both Zulanza and Valenzula's origin story in the light novel. I hope to see you all there!!!

Once again thank you guys for everything, you guys are so amazing, and I can't say that enough. So, for one last time in this story, don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Enjoy your day every day!!!💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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