Chapter 5- To Show your Strength

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***Third person p.o.v***

As the smoke clears, the dark guild is effectively shut up at the sight of a girl standing protectively in front of the unharmed Thunder Legion, glaring intensely at the dark guild in front of her.

***Bickslow's p.o.v***

As the smoke clears, we look to see Rachel standing in front of us, smoke coming off of her arms. 'She protected us,' I thought in shock.

"Don't wander off," she says darkly, never taking her eyes off her opponent. A cold shiver ran down our spines at her statement.

"Another member of Fairytail? Don't worry we'll dispose of you too, just like your wor-"

"I'm going to stop you right there. I don't care who you are or what you have to say, but if you even THINK about killing my guildmates, then I won't let you leave here in one piece," Rachel says darkly, effectively cutting off their guildmaster.

"Kill her!" the guildmaster snarls.

The dark guild members charge at her and Rachel charges right back. She moves in close and blocks a hard hit sending her sliding to the left side of the clearing. She then smiles standing there defensively waiting as the dark guild chases after her.

'What is she doing?' I thought. I then notice that the whole dark guild chased after her leaving us alone.

'She... she led them away from us... to protect us' I realized in shock. The dark guild goons soon caught up to her and began to attack her as she dodges not fighting back. As they start to overwhelm her, like they did with us, Rachel then disappears. Only to reappear slamming a specific goons head into the ground, who happened to be nowhere near her, effectively knocking him out cold.

After that she stands up and starts to attack the other guildmembers with her magic. She throws off a powerful wave of light, scattering the goons. She shoots a light sphere at a group of goons before turning around and gracefully dodging an attack from behind her. She slashes away the goons with light attack after light attack, dodging all the goon's attacks in the process.

Soon enough, the only opponent left is the dark guildmaster himself. Rachel turns to the guildmaster with a cold glare before he quickly summons a black katana and flies at her. Rachel quickly defends herself by summoning light daggers and blocking the attack with her own blades. Their blades clash as the two battle it out in a battle of blades, both seeming to be evenly matched.

Rachel blocks an incoming attack from the side with her one blade as the dark guildmaster pushes against her fiercely. Their magic sparks against one another as their magic blades push against each other's hold.

"I must admit... I'm impressed with your skill, but in the end... you'll still lose," the guildmaster says as he slowly overpowers Rachel's blade.

"Oh yeah?" Rachel says panting. "Your using both hands against me, but I'm only using one. Which means ... I have a free hand," Rachel announces smiling wickedly.

The guild master's eyes widen in shock before Rachel uses her other hand to cut back the guildmaster with a light slash from her blade. Which effectively leaves him beaten and broken, defeated.

***Rachel's p.o.v.***

I sigh as I glance around to make sure that the fight is finally over. Feeling satisfied, I turn around and walk back over to Laxus and the Thunder Legion. "Are you guys okay?" I ask as I got closer to them. They look at me in shock for a moment before they nod and stand up.

"We should be asking you that... your arms... they look pretty bad," Freed slowly says glancing at my arms.

I blink in confusion for a moment before I glance down at my arms to see them burnt from my elbows to my wrists. 'Must have been from the magic blast I blocked,' I thought glancing at my arms.

"I guess I didn't realize how bad they were," I start. "I'll get them bandaged up in a minute, lets call the magic counsel to pick these guys up."


After gathering up the dark guild members, I wrapped up my burn wounds, while Freed put up an enchantment to keep the dark guild goons from escaping, before we collected our reward and set off on the train back to Magnolia.

"So, Rachel," Evergreen starts, "How did you do that?"

"Do what?" I ask.

"Defeat that dark guild!" Evergreen yells throwing up her hands dramatically. "You block that spell with your bare hands and with those injuries, you still proceeded to successfully take down the guild and their guildmaster!" Evergreen says gesturing to my injured arms.

"I just reacted. You guys were in trouble and I just reacted, that's all," I answer plainly.

"Even still, I must admit, that was impressive. You're quite a strong chick, you made us look like the weaklings here," Bickslow comments.

"We were defeated, ... they even took down Laxus," Freed says mumbling the last part.

Laxus huffs and nods in agreement, "I guess the old geezer was right for us to bring you along."

I shook my head sighing, "You're not weak, and the dark guild wasn't strong either. They knew that themselves. That dark guild was tactical, they knew just how to rile you up to make you disoriented in anger. This allowed them to make it easier for them to split you up from right underneath your nose. Then by overwhelming you with their members, as a distraction, they had their other member sneak around and drain your magic power. This made it easy for them to group you back together to defeat you with one giant blast."

"That explains the other member you randomly defeated in the beginning," Freed mutters.

"They were smart not strong. Their strategy was clever. One thing every guild holds dear is their pride. By attacking at that subject, they can rile up any guild with ease. Their strategy worked because whatever they said to you got you riled up enough that you didn't think clearly enough to pay attention to what was going on around you. Not to mention that their guildhall was cloaked, making you come to them in the first place. I was just observant and saw through their plan, they weren't very strong opponents at all," I explain.

"That explains why you didn't attack them at first," Bickslow comments.

"In all honesty, I'm the weakling here. I don't even hold a candle to you guys in strength," I say to them shrugging.

They look at me in shock before Freed says, "You were still strong enough to defeat them all on your own."

I sigh saying, "I was just observant and saw through their plan. I'm not strong, there's a difference."

"Are you kidding your super strong," Bickslow says.

A sad look crossed my features as I quietly said, "No, I'm not."

Silence filled the train for a moment before Freed comments, "your swordsmen skills were impressive though."

"Heh, well, you can thank Erza for that. She helped train me with my light daggers," I chuckle, rubbing the back of my head.

"You were pretty graceful dodging their attacks as well," Evergreen comments.

"Oh, that's just from me growing up in the forest," I respond.

"You grew up in the forest?" Laxus questions.

"Yeah, you learn to become pretty flexible moving through the trees, growing up in the forest. In fact, the house I'm living in, in Magnolia is the first house I've ever lived in," I exclaim, now thinking about it. They all stare back at me in shock.

***Laxus's p.o.v***

'I can't believe this kid. She's lived her whole life in the forest and thinks it's no big deal? She's strong but writes herself off as weak? Who is this kid?' I thought confused.

A/N: Over 100 reads! Thank you! You guys are amazing! So, if we get over 100 votes (⭐️'s) I will update 2 chapters in one weekend! Thank you and I hope you continue to enjoy the story!

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