Chapter 23- Pranks

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A/N: So, I apologize for all of my early readers, but I'm afraid I forgot an important part to this chapter the first time I updated it. It has been fixed now, so nobody will miss it. Again I apologize, anyway enjoy the chapter.

***Rachel's p.o.v*** ***The next day***

After Wendy patched me up, (I had a few small burns from Natsu). I headed home for the night to rest since I was quite exhausted from using so much magic power yesterday.

I'm currently hanging out this morning at a table in the guildhall with most of Team Natsu, the Thunder Legion, and Levy.

"I'm glad you're feeling better today Rachel!" Wendy exclaims.

"After using so much magic power yesterday I'm not surprised," Lucy exclaims.

"Thank you Wendy, it's thanks to you I feel so much better today. Well that, and a good night's rest. Yesterday was exhausting both mentally and physically," I sighed, rubbing the back of my head.

"So, Rachel. You said you create your own spells, correct?" Levy asks, her eyes twinkling.

I blink in surprise before I chuckle responding, "Yeah, if you want, you can look at my little booklet where I take notes of my spells."

"Can I?!" Levy asks excitedly.

I hand her my booklet and jump back in surprise as everyone gathers around to look as well.

I hand her my booklet and jump back in surprise as everyone gathers around to look as well

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"Wow Rachel! These are amazing, you created all these?" Levy asks. I blush, nodding my head.

"I still can't believe we didn't notice you yelling 'spirit' before each of your spells," Erza ponders.

"Well I wasn't really yelling to be honest," I replied.

"Hey, why does this one say that it hurts yourself?" Gray asks pointing out a certain spell.

"Spirit Beam? Isn't that the spell you used against Natsu yesterday?" Lucy questions.

"Oh, that spell. Well, you see that spell basically rips out a huge amount of magic power into one fierce blast, and using so much magic power at once drains me immensely. So, ripping that much magic power out of your body that fast tends to hurt. The spell also renders me immobile for a few seconds," I explained.

"So that's why you didn't dodge Natsu's last attack. You couldn't," Bickslow replies.

"Yeah, he got me," I respond, embarrassed.

"Hey wait. Rachel, where's Prism?" Lucy asks.

"Yeah Rachel, bring her out. Let's meet her!" Evergreen exclaims.

"Oh, ok. She should've recovered by now," I responded.

"Prism," I said summoning Prism from my hands. Prism appears about the size of a normal owl this time and rests on my shoulder.

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