Chapter 48- Dance with Me

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***Rachel's p.o.v***

"Mmnnn," I grumbled from the palace dressing room.

"For goodness sake Rachel. Enough whining. It's not like we're torturing you," Evergreen noted.

"Might as well be. The last few days you guys wouldn't let me out of your sight," I grumbled.

"That's because if we did you would have run off. We're not letting you avoid this one," Erza specified.

I pouted.

"C'mon Rachel, you should take pride in showing yourself off in a dress. You never know, you might be able to get a good guy," Levy encouraged.

"I already have a good guy," I mumbled with a huff, turning away and puffing out my cheeks.

All the girls suddenly stopped what they were doing.

I widened my eyes, realizing what I had just slipped out.

"Rachel do you have a boyfriend?!" Lucy asks enthusiastically.

I blushed, 'Well, they were going to find out anyway so I might as well tell them.'

"Yes-No. Well- not exactly... You see, the thing is... Sigh. Yes, I'm actually dating someone right now," I muttered, timidly with a blush.

All the girls squealed in glee and crowded around me bombarding me with questions.


"Who is it?"

"Do we know them?"

"Are they in the guild?"

I blushed ten shades of red as I muttered, "It's Freed."

All the girls sighed in relief, surprising me.

"Oh thank Mavis. I thought he was never going to say it," Ever sighed in relief.

"It sure took him long enough," Cana agreed.

"I'm so happy for you two!" Wendy exclaimed.

I glanced at all of them surprised, "You all knew?"

"The whole guild knew," Lisanna corrects.

"The whole guild?" I questioned with a blush.

"We figured it out after the way Freed rescued you from Scurge. It was obvious how much he deeply cared for you, so the guild figured out he liked you. We've been trying to urge Freed to tell you. We just didn't know if you liked him back," Mira explained.

"Oh," I sighed relieved.

"But Juvia knew!" Juvia exclaimed.

"What?!" The girls exclaimed.

"Juvia, why didn't you tell us?!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Juvia promised Rachel she would keep it a secret," Juvia responded honestly.

"I didn't really want the whole guild to know," I confessed.

"So how long ago did he-" Levy questions.

"A few days ago, after the dragon attack," I responded with a blush.

"Well now we have to dress you up!" Lucy exclaims.

The girls rushed around looking for a suitable dress.

I glanced down at the ground sadly.

"He deserves someone way better than me..." I mumbled sadly.

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