Chapter 80.5 - Christmas Special

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A/N: So I know its not Christmas but someone suggested this so here we go!

***Third- person p.o.v***

"Take that back Ice Freak!"

"Make me you Pyro!"

"Those two never learn do they," Lucy sweat dropped as Natsu and Gray fought each other from on top of the ladders they were on.

"Well as long as they get the job done then it should be ok," Juvia smiled happily.

It was Christmas Eve, and the guild was decorating for the holiday. Tonight, the town was holding its annual tree lighting ceremony in front of Kardia Cathedral. Once the Christmas tree is lit the rest of the town will be all bright and beautiful for Christmas.

Everyone was excited for the event, and you couldn't blame them.

"Real men fight and decorate!"

"Decorate better you Salamander!"

"I'll show you how to decorate with style!"

"Are you sure about that Juvia?" Lucy sweat dropped as she watched the entire guild now fight as decorations flew everywhere.

Soon enough, magic got involved and flew everywhere and eventually hit the lacrima lights.

Multiple spells blasted the lacrima making it explode which caused the one next to it to explode and then the one after it and in a chain reaction, half the towns lacrima lights were out.

The guild froze at the damage as they sweat dropped fearfully.


Mira sighed as she came in from the back.

"Well?" Levy asked worriedly.

"I'm afraid they won't be able to get us any new lights until tomorrow afternoon," Mira said sadly.

The guild groaned sadly.

"Now what do we do?" Happy asked.

"Are we not going to have any lights for Santa?" Asuka asked sadly.

"Well, if you guys wouldn't have fought then we wouldn't be in this mess!" Lucy exclaimed.

"Lucy, they feel guilty as it is. Besides, isn't this the season to be nice?" Juvia commented.

Lucy sighed, "Yeah, you're right sorry."

"So what are we gonna do? We're not going to go without lights, are we?" Wendy asked.

"Can't we fix them?" Gajeel asked.

"There's no way. Those lacrima are beyond repair," Bickslow commented.

"Oh! I have an idea!" Natsu exclaimed gaining the guilds attention.

"And it's perfect!" Natsu grinned.

***Elsewhere***     ***Rachel's p.o.v***

I hummed happily as I cleaned up the kitchen waiting for the oven to finish as Prism placed another bag of cookies neatly into the cart.

Prism and I were currently making cookies to give to the children before the tree lighting ceremony.

We just finished making our last batch and was waiting for it to finish baking in the oven.

The oven beeped making me stop what I was doing as I grabbed the oven mitts to take them out.

Right as I took out the cookies however, Natsu burst through the door.

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